Section A: Greek


Section 1 Number Authors Author 2 Author 3 Author 4 Title Series/source Keywords Place Pub#date Edition Acquired Society
A 1 Abramishvili, T A

Katalog Parfyanskikh Monet Gosudarstvennggo Muze Gruzii
Greek 1927 1974

A 616 Acquaro, E

Le Monete Puniche del Museo Nazionale di Cagliari Collezione di Studi Fenici, 4 Greek Rome 1974

A 762 Akademiya Naouk Ukrainskoi SSR Institut Archeologii

Olviya i ee Okruga (Olbia and its Environs)
Greek, Black Sea, Olbia Kiev 1986

A 3 Akerman, J Y

Ancient Coins of Cities and Princes - Hispania, Gallia, Britannia
Ancient London 1846

A 720 Akerman, J Y

Numismatic Illustrations of the Narrative Portions of the New Testament
Jewish Chicago 1966

A 849 Alfaro Asins, C

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Espana. Vo. 1. Hispania. Ciudades Feno-punicas. Prt.1: Gadir y Ebusus Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Espana
Madrid 1994
29/05/1996 R
A 595 Allen, D

An Introduction to Celtic Coins
Celtic London 1978

A 726 Allen, D F

A Catalogue of Celtic Coins in the British Museum, Vol. I: Silver Coins of the East Celts and Balkan Peoples
Celtic London 1987

A 636 Allen, D F

Belgic Coins as Illustrations of Life in the Late Pre-Roman Iron Age of Britain Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society for 1958, Vol. 24 Celtic, Belgic London 1958

A 640 Allen, D F

British Potin Coins: A Review
Celtic, British Potin

A 638 Allen, D F

The Coins of the Iceni Britannia, Vol. 1, 1970 Celtic, Iceni London 1970

A 639 Allen, D F

The Ship on Gaulish Coins The Antiquaries Journal, Vol. 41, Part 1, 1971 Gaulish London 1971

A 637 Allen, D F

The Early Coins of the Treveri Sonderdruck aus Germania 49, 1971, 1-2. Halbband Celtic, Treveri

A 634 Allen, D F

An Icenian Legend Britannia, Vol. 7, 1976 Celtic, Iceni London 1976

A 641 Allen, D F

Did Adminius Strike Coins? Britannia, Vol. 7, 1976 Celtic London 1976

A 635 Allen, D F

Celtic Coins in the National Museum, Helsinki Nordisk Numismatisk Arsskrift 1975-76 Celtic

A 700 Allen, D F

The Coins of the Ancient Celts
Celtic Endinburgh 1980

A 769 Amandry, M

Le Monnayage des Duovirs Corinthiens Bulletin de Correspondance Hellenique, Supp. 15, 1988 Greek, Corinthian Paris 1988

A 873 Amandry, M. Le Rider, G.

Tresors et circulation monetaire en Anatolie antique

Paris 1994
21/04/1998 R
A 5 Ambrosoli, S

Manuali Hoepli Monete Greche
Greek Milan 1899

A 4 Ambrosoli, S

Manuali Hoepli Atene
Greek Milan 1901

A 774 Anokhin, V A

Coins of the Ancient Cities of the Black Sea Area (In Russian)
Greek, Black Sea

A 721 Anokhin, V A

Monetnoe Delo Bospora
Greek, Bosporous

A 2 Anokhin, V A

Monetnoe Delo Chersonesa
Greek Ukraine 1977

A 620 Anokhin, V A; Wells, H B (trans.) Wells, H B (trans.)

The Coinage of Chersonesus IV Century BC - XII Century AD BAR International Series 69 Greek, Tauric Chersonese, Late Antiquity, Mediaeval Oxford 1980

A 896 Anokhin, V.A.

Istoria Bospora Kimmeriskovo
Greek, Bosphorous Kiev 1999
06/07/2001 R
A 811 anon.

Iliria - Riviste Arckeolojike Iliria - Riviste Arckeolojike


A 874 anon.

Le Origini della Monetazione di Bronzo in Sicilia e in Magna Grecia Centre for international Numismatic Studies, Napoli 17-22 April 1977
Napoli 1977
18/01/1999 R
A 876 anon.

Gallia: Archaeologie de la France antique

Paris 1996
19/01/1999 R
A 890 anon.

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Greece II - The Alpha Bank Collection: Macedonia I, Alexander I - Perseus Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Greek, Macedonia Athens 2000
06/07/2001 R
A 886 anon.

The Aegean of the coins
Greek, Aegean Athens 1999
06/07/2001 R
A 6 Anson, L

Numismata Graeca. Greek coin types classified for immediate identification. Text of Part I: Industry: Vases, Recipients, Tripods, etc.
Greek London 1911

A 8 Anson, L

Numismata Graeca. Greek coin types classified for immediate identification. Summary and Plates of Part I: Industry: Vases, Recipients, Tripods, etc.
Greek London 1911

A 7 Anson, L

Numismata Graeca. Greek coin types classified for immediate identification. Text of Part IV: Religion: Altars, Attributes of Deities, Sacrifices, etc.
Greek London 1913

A 809 Arnold-Biucchi,

Randazzo hoard 1980 American Numismatic Society

06/10/1992 R
A 792 Arslan, E A

Monetazione aurea ed argentea dei Brettii Glaux 4 Italy, Brettii, Corpus Milan 1989
18/05/1990 R
A 836 Arslan, E.A.

Ermanno A Arslan studia dicaata. Parte 1. Monetazione greca e greco-imperiale

Milan 1991
20/09/1995 R
A 872 Arslan, E.A.

La Moneta Della Sicilia Antica

Milan 1976
16/01/1998 R
A 9 Ashmole, B

Late Archaic and Early Classical Greek Sculpture in Sicily and South Italy Proceedings of the British Academy, Vol. 20, 1934 Greek, Sculpture London 1934

A 10 Atlan, S

Untersuchungen Uber die Sidetischen Munzen des V. und IV. Jahrhunderts V. Chr. Untersuchungen in der Gegend von Antalya, Nr. 7 Greek Ankara 1967

A 622 Aulock, H Von

Munzen und Stadte Lykaoniens Istanbuler Mitteilungen, Beiheft 16 Greek Tubingen 1976

A 767 Aulock, H Von

Munzen und Stadte Phrygiens Istanbuler Mitteilungen, Beiheft 27 Greek, Phrygians Tubingen 1987

A 13 Babelon, E

Catalogue des Monnaies Grecques de la Bibliotheque Nationale: Les Rois de Syrie D'Armenie et de Commagene
Greek Paris 1890

A 676 Babelon, E

Traite des Monnaies Grecques et Romaines, vol. I: Theorie et Doctrine
Greek Paris 1901

A 12 Babelon, E

Les Monnaies Grecques: Apercu Historique
Greek Paris 1921

A 11 Babelon, J

Le Portrait dans L'Antiquite D'Apres les Monnaies
Greek Paris 1950

A 14 Babington, C

Catalogue of a Selection from Colonel Leake's Greek Coins, Exhibited in the Fitzwilliam Museum
Greek, Catalogue Cambridge 1867

A 483 Baierus, J

Gemmarum Affabre Sculptarum Thesaurus quem collegit Io. Mart. Ab Ebermeyer, Norimbergensis
Greek, Gems, Collection Nuremburg 1720

A 15 Baldwin, A

Les Monnaies de Bronze Dites Incertaines du Pont ou du Royaume de Mithridate Eupator Revue Numismatique, 1913 Greek, Bronze Paris 1913

A 18 Baldwin, A

Symbolism on Greek Coins
Greek New York 1916

A 17 Baldwin, A

Lampsakos: The Gold Staters, Silver and Bronze Coinage American Journal of Numismatics, Vol. 53, 3rd Part Greek, Lampsikos New York 1924

A 19 Baramki, D C

The Coin Collection of the American University of Beirut Museum: Palestine and Phoenicia
Greek, Collection Beirut 1974

A 847 Barrandon, J.-N. Aubin, G. Benusiglio, J. Hiernard, J. L'or gaulouis. Le tresor de Chevanceaux et les monnayages de la façade atlantique Cahiers Ernest Babelon 6
Paris 1994
28/05/1996 R
A 20 Barron, J P

The Silver Coins of Samos
Greek, Samos London 1966

A 21 Bartholomaei, J de

Reponse a Mr Droysen sur Ses Conjectures Concernant Les Premiers Rois de la Bactriane Journal Numismatique, Vol. 6, 1846 Greek St. Petersburg 1847

A 898 Baumann, H.

Pflanzenbilder auf griechischen Munzen Hirmer Greek, Plant-images Munich 2000 1st Edn. 11/09/2001 R
A 754 Bedoukian, P Z

Coinage of the Artaxiads of Armenia R N S Special Publication, No. 10 Greek London 1978

A 24 Bellinger, A R

Catalogue of the Coins Found at Corinth, 1925
Greek, Corinth, Catalogue London 1930

A 25 Bellinger, A R

Catalogue of the Coins Found at Corinth, 1925
Greek, Corinth, Catalogue London 1930

A 434 Bellinger, A R

Two Hoards of Attic Bronze Coins American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs, No. 42 Greek, Attic, Bronze New York 1930

A 23 Bellinger, A R

Essays on the Coinage of Alexander the Great American Numismatic Society Studies, No. 11 Greek, Alexander New York 1963

A 26 Bellinger, A R

An Alexander Hoard from Byblos Berytus 10, 1950-51 Greek, Alexander Copenhagen 1951

A 22 Bellinger, A R

The Coins Troy, Supplementary Monograph 2 Greek, Troy Princeton 1961

A 27 Ben-Eli, A L (Ed.)

Ships and Parts of Ships on Ancient Coins I
Greek, Ships Haifa 1975

A 28 Benson, F S

Ancient Greek Coins, Vol. I. Part 1: Introduction. Parts 2-4: Magna Graecia
Greek, Magna Graecia

A 30 Benson, F S

Ancient Greek Coins, Vol. III. Parts 11-14: Sicily
Greek, Sicily

A 29 Benson, F S

Ancient Greek Coins, Vol. II. Parts 5-10: Syracuse
Greek, Syracuse

A 776 Berend, D

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Collection of the American Numismatic Society, Part 5: Sicily III: Syracuse-Siceliotes Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Magna Graecia New York 1988

A 32 Bernareggi, E

Istituzioni di Numismatica Antica
Greek Milan

A 31 Bernareggi, E

Istituzioni di Numismatica Antica
Greek Milan

A 642 Bernhard, O

Asklepios und Sein Geschlecht auf Griechischen und Romischen Munzen Ciba Zeitschrift, No. 30, 1936 Greek Basel 1936

A 33 Berry, B Y

A Numismatic Biography
Greek, Biography Lucerne 1970

A 34 Beule, E

Les Monnaies D'Athenes
Greek, Athens Paris 1858

A 35 Bivar, A D H

The Bactra Coinage of Euthydemus and Demetrius Numismatic Chronicle, 6th Series, Vol. 11, 1951 Greek, Bactra Oxford 1951

A 596 Blanchet, A

Monnaies Gauloises Inedites ou Peu Connues La Revue Numismatique, 1922 Gaulish Paris 1922

A 757 Bloesch, H-J

Griechische Munzen in Winterthur, Textband I
Collection, Greek Winterthur 1987

A 756 Bloesch, H-J

Griechische Munzen in Winterthur, Tafelband I
Collection, Greek Winterthur 1987

A 36 Bodenstedt, F

Phokaisches Elektron-Geld von 600-326 v. Chr.
Greek, Phocian Mainz 1976

A 878 Bodzek, J.

Coins from the Greek cities on the Northern Coast of the Baltic Sea in the collection of the National Museum in Cracow Studies in Ancient Art and Civilisation
Cracow 1997
05/11/1999 R
A 37 Boehringer, C

Zur Chronologie Mittelhellenistischer Munzserien 220-160 v. Chr. (Text) Antike Munzen und Geschnittene Steine, Band V Greek Berlin 1972

A 38 Boehringer, C

Zur Chronologie Mittelhellenistischer Munzserien 220-160 v. Chr. (Plates) Antike Munzen und Geschnittene Steine, Band V Greek Berlin 1972

A 624 Boehringer, E

Die Munzen Von Syrakus (Plates)
Greek, Syracuse Berlin 1929

A 623 Boehringer, E

Die Munzen Von Syrakus (Text)
Greek, Syracuse Berlin 1929

A 39 Boissevain, U P

Beschreibung der Griechischen Autonomen Munzen im Besitze der Kon. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Amsterdam
Greek Amsterdam 1912

A 40 Bonomi, J

Observations Numismatiques Dediees a Thorwaldson
Greek Rome 1833

A 846 Bopearachchi, O.

Monnaies greco-bactriennes et indo grecques. Catalogue raisonne

Paris 1991
28/05/1996 R
A 41 Borrell, H P

Notice sur Quelques Medailles Grecques des Rois de Chyre
Greek, Cyprus Paris 1836

A 42 Bosch, C

Die Kleinasiatischen Munzen der Romischen Kaiserzeit, Teil 2: Einzeluntersuchungen
Greek Stuttgart 1935

A 693 Boudeau, E

Monnaies Gauloises

A 697 Boutin, S

Catalogue des Monnaies Grecques Antiques de L'Ancienne Collection Pozzi: Monnaies Frappees en Europe (Plates)
Greek, Catalogue Pays Bas 1979

A 696 Boutin, S

Catalogue des Monnaies Grecques Antiques de L'Ancienne Collection Pozzi: Monnaies Frappees en Europe (Text)
Greek, Catalogue Pays Bas 1979

A 44 Breglia, L

Arte e Moneta, Magna Graecia
Greek Rome 1951

A 43 Breglia, L

Le "Campano-Tarentine" e la Presunta Lega Monetale fra Taranto e Napoli Rendiconti dell'Accademia di Archeologia di Napoli, vol. XXIII Greek, Magna Graecia, Tarentum, Naples, Campano-Tarentine Naples 1949

A 521 Breitenstein, N

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, Danish National Museum. Ionia, Part II Erythrae-Priene Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Asia Minor Copenhagen 1946

A 528 Breitenstein, N

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, Danish National Museum. Phrygia, Part II Grimenothyrae-Trajanopolis Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Asia Minor Copenhagen 1948

A 527 Breitenstein, N

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, Danish National Museum. Phrygia, Part I Abbaitis-Eumeneia Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Asia Minor Copenhagen 1948

A 526 Breitenstein, N

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, Danish National Museum. Lydia Part II, Sala-Tripolis Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Asia Minor Copenhagen 1947

A 525 Breitenstein, N

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, Danish National Museum. Lydia Part I, Acrasus-Saitta Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Asia Minor Copenhagen 1947

A 524 Breitenstein, N

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, Danish National Museum. Caria, Part II Sebastopolis-Trapezopolis Satraps-Islands Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Asia Minor Copenhagen 1947

A 523 Breitenstein, N

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, Danish National Museum. Ionia, Part III Caria Part I, Alabanda-Orthosia Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Asia Minor Copenhagen 1947

A 520 Breitenstein, N

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, Danish National Museum. Ionia, Part I Clazomenae-Ephesus Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Asia Minor Copenhagen 1946

A 518 Breitenstein, N

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, Danish National Museum. Troas Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Asia Minor Copenhagen 1945

A 519 Breitenstein, N

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, Danish National Museum. Aeolis-Lesbos Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Aeolis, Lesbos Copenhagen 1945

A 522 Breitenstein, N

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, Danish National Museum. Ionia, Part III Smyrna-Teos Islands Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Asia Minor Copenhagen 1946

A 531 Breitenstein, N; Morkholm, O Morkholm, O

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, Danish National Museum. Lycaonia-Cilicia Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Asia Minor Copenhagen 1956

A 529 Breitenstein, N; Morkholm, O Morkholm, O

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, Danish National Museum. Lycia-Pamphylia Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Asia Minor Copenhagen 1955

A 530 Breitenstein, N; Morkholm, O Morkholm, O

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, Danish National Museum. Pisidia Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Asia Minor Copenhagen 1956

A 507 Breitenstein, N; Schwabacher, W Schwabacher, W

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, Danish National Museum. Macedonia Part I Acanthus-Uranopolis, Dynasts Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Macedonia Copenhagen 1943

A 516 Breitenstein, N; Schwabacher, W Schwabacher, W

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, Danish National Museum. Bosporus-Bithynia Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Cimmerian Bosporus, Bithynia Copenhagen 1944

A 515 Breitenstein, N; Schwabacher, W Schwabacher, W

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, Danish National Museum. Argolis-Aegean Islands Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Argolid, Aegean Copenhagen 1944

A 514 Breitenstein, N; Schwabacher, W Schwabacher, W

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, Danish National Museum. Phliasia-Laconia Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Peloponnese Copenhagen 1944

A 513 Breitenstein, N; Schwabacher, W Schwabacher, W

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, Danish National Museum. Corinth Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Corinth Copenhagen 1944

A 512 Breitenstein, N; Schwabacher, W Schwabacher, W

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, Danish National Museum. Attica-Aegina Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Attica, Aegina Copenhagen 1944

A 511 Breitenstein, N; Schwabacher, W Schwabacher, W

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, Danish National Museum. Aetolia-Euboea Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Aetolia, Euboea Copenhagen 1944

A 510 Breitenstein, N; Schwabacher, W Schwabacher, W

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, Danish National Museum. Epirus-Acarnania Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Epirus, Acarnania Copenhagen 1943

A 499 Breitenstein, N; Schwabacher, W Schwabacher, W

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, Danish National Museum. Italy, Part I Etruria-Campania Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Magna Graecia Copenhagen 1942

A 508 Breitenstein, N; Schwabacher, W Schwabacher, W

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, Danish National Museum. Macedonia Pt II Philip III-Philip V; Roman Rule; Paeonia Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Macedonia Copenhagen 1943

A 506 Breitenstein, N; Schwabacher, W Schwabacher, W

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, Danish National Museum. Thrace, Pt. II Odessus-Sestus Islands, Kings and Dynasts Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Thrace Copenhagen 1943

A 505 Breitenstein, N; Schwabacher, W Schwabacher, W

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, Danish National Museum. Thrace, Part I The Tauric Chersonese-Thrace: Mesembria Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Thrace Copenhagen 1942

A 504 Breitenstein, N; Schwabacher, W Schwabacher, W

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, Danish National Museum. Thrace, Part I The Tauric Chersonese-Thrace: Mesembria Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Thrace Copenhagen 1942

A 503 Breitenstein, N; Schwabacher, W Schwabacher, W

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, Danish National Museum. Sicily, Part II Segesta-Sardinia Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Magna Graecia Copenhagen 1942

A 502 Breitenstein, N; Schwabacher, W Schwabacher, W

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, Danish National Museum. Sicily, Part I Abacaenum-Petra Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Magna Graecia Copenhagen 1942

A 501 Breitenstein, N; Schwabacher, W Schwabacher, W

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, Danish National Museum. Italy, Part III Lucania: Poseidonia-Bruttium Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Magna Graecia Copenhagen 1942

A 500 Breitenstein, N; Schwabacher, W Schwabacher, W

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, Danish National Museum. Italy, Part II Apulia-Lucania: Metapontum Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Magna Graecia Copenhagen 1942

A 517 Breitenstein, N; Schwabacher, W Schwabacher, W

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, Danish National Museum. Mysia Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Asia Minor Copenhagen 1944

A 509 Breitenstein, N; Schwabacher, W Schwabacher, W

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, Danish National Museum. Thessaly-Illyricum Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Thessaly, Illyricum Copenhagen 1943

A 711 Brenot, C

Le Dauphin Catalogue de l'Exposition Le Bestiaire des Monnaies Greek, Dolphin Paris 1974

A 45 Brerewood, E

De Ponderibus et Pretiis Veterum Nummorum eorumque; cum recentioribus collatione, Liber Unus
Greek, Jewish London 1614

A 433 Brett, A B

Victory Issues of Syracuse After 413 BC American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs, No. 75 Greek, Syracuse New York 1936

A 16 Brett, A B

Catalogue of Greek Coins
Greek, Catalogue Boston 1955

A 848 Brown, B.R.

Royal portraits in sculpture and coins. Pyrrhos and the sucessors of Alexander the Great

New York 1995
28/05/1996 R
A 795 Brunaux, J-L; Gruel, K (Eds.) Gruel, K (Ed.)

Monnaies gauloises decouvertes en fouilles Dossier de Protohistoire No. 1 Celtic, Continental, Finds Paris 1987
22/05/1990 R
A 83 Brunetti, L

Zecche Greche della Sicilia
Greek, Sicily Trieste 1966

A 84 Brunetti, L

Zecche Greche della Sicilia
Greek, Sicily Trieste 1966

A 760 Brunsmid, J

Die Inschriften und Munzen der Griechischen Stadte Dalmatiens Abhandlungen des Arch.-Epigraphischen Seminares, Univ. Wien,Heft 13 Greek Wien 1898

A 746 Burnett, A M; Crawford, M H (Eds.) Crawford, M H

The Coinage of the Roman World in the Late Republic B A R Series 326, 1987 Roman, Republic Oxford 1987

A 85 Burns, A R

Money and Monetary Policy in Early Times
Greek London 1927

A 868 Burrer, F.

Munzpragung u. Geschichte des thessalischen bundes in der romischen kaiserzeit bis auf Hadrian Saarbrucker studien zur archaologie u. alten geschichte, vol. 7
Saarbrucken 1993
06/10/1997 R
A 86 Bury, J B; Cook, S A; Adcock, F E (Eds.) Cook, S A (Ed.) Adcock, F E (Ed.)
Cambridge Ancient History, vol. IV: The Persian Empire and the West The Cambridge Ancient History Greek, Persian Cambridge 1926

A 765 Butcher, K

Roman Provincial Coins: An Introduction to the Greek Imperials
Roman, Provincial London 1988

A 793 Buttrey, T V; Erim, K T; Groves, T D; Holloway, R R Erim, K T Groves, T D Holloway, R R Morgantina Studies, Volume II: The Coins
Sicily, Morgantina, Finds, Corpus Princeton 1989
18/05/1990 R
A 822 Buttrey, T.V. Erim, K.T. Groves, T.D. Holloway, R.R. Morgantina - the coins

Princeton 1989
01/12/1993 R
A 829 Caccamo Caltabiano, B.

La monetazione di Messana. Con le emissioni di rhegion dell'eta' della tirannide

Berlin 1993
30/06/1994 R
A 883 Caccamo Caltabiano, M. Carroccio, B. Oteri, E.
Siracusa ellenistica. Le monete 'regali' di Ierone II, della sua famiglia e dei Siracusani Pelorias 2 Greek, Sicily, Syracuse Messina 1997
11/11/1998 R
A 87 Cadalvene, E de

Recueil de Medailles Grecques
Greek Paris 1828

A 88 Cahn, H A

Die Munzen der Sizilischen Stadt Naxos Basler Studien zur Kunstgeschichte, Band 2 Greek, Naxos Basel 1944

A 89 Cahn, H A

Knidos: Die Munzen des Sechsten und des Funften Jahrhunderts v. Chr. Antike Munzen und Geschnittene Steine, Band IV Greek, Cnidos Berlin 1970

A 90 Cahn, H A

Kleine Schriften zur Munzkunde und Archaologie
Greek Mainz 1975

A 768 Cahn, H A; Mildenberg, L; Russo, R; Voegtli, H Mildenberg, L Russo, R Voegtli, H Griechische Munzen aus Grossgriechenland und Sizilien
Greek Basel 1988

A 734 Calciati, R

Corpus Nummorum Siculorum: The Bronze Coinage, Vol. 1 Corpus Nummorum Siculorum Greek Maggio 1983

A 735 Calciati, R

Corpus Nummorum Siculorum: The Bronze Coinage, Vol. 2 Corpus Nummorum Siculorum Greek Mortara 1986

A 736 Calciati, R

Corpus Nummorum Siculorum: The Bronze Coinage, Vol. 3 Corpus Nummorum Siculorum Greek Mortara 1987

A 438 Caley, E R

Chemical Composition of Parthian Coins American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs, No. 129 Greek New York 1955

A 91 Caltabiano, M

Una Citta des Sud Tra Roma e Annibale: La Monetazione di Petelia
Greek Palermo 1977

A 837 Campo, M. Mora, B.

Las Monedas de Malaca

Madrid 1995
17/11/1995 R
A 705 Carradice, I

Ancient Greek Portrait Coins
Greek, Portraits London 1978

A 728 Carradice, I

Coinage and Administration in the Athenian and Persian Empires B A R International Series 343, 1987 Greek Oxford 1987

A 764 Carradice, I; Price, M Price, M

Coinage in the Greek World
Greek London 1988

A 643 Casagrandi, V

La Pistrice: Sui Primi Tetradrammi di Catana e sull'Aureo della Collezione Pennisi, con Osservazioni sull'Antica Monetazione di Catana-Aetna
Greek Catania 1914

A 117 Casson, S (Ed.)

Essays in Aegean Archaeology: Presented to Sir Arthur Evans in Honour of His 75th Birthday
Greek, Agean Oxford 1927

A 597 Castelin, K

Keltishce Munzen: Katalog der Sammlung des Schweizerischen Landesmuseums Zurich Keltische Munzen, Vol. 1 Celtic Zurich 1978

A 708 Castelin, K

Die Kreuzmunzen bei den Ratern und den Alaunen Schweizerischen Numismatischen Rundschau, Band 50, 1971 Greek

A 92 Cavedoni, D C

Biblische Numismatik oder Erklarung der in der Heil.Schrift Erwahnten Alten Munzen
Greek Hannover 1855

A 93 Ceka, H

Questions de Numismatique Illyrienne: Avec un Catalogue des Monnaies d'Apollonie et de Durrhachium
Greek, Illyrian Tirana 1972

A 707 Chirila, E; Lucacel,V Lucacel, V

Ein Dakischer Munzhort aus Nordwestsiebenburgen
Greek Arta Zalau 1970

A 685 Chirila, E; Mihaescu, G Mihaescu, G

Der Munzhort Von Caprioru


A 97 Ciccio, G de

Di un Tetradrammo Siracusano di Eucleida Circolo Numismatico Napoletano, 1921 Greek, Syracuse Naples 1921

A 98 Ciccio, G de

Di un Didramma Segestano Inedito e di un Altro con la Leggenda Punica "Ziz" Gia' Attribuito a Motya Rivista Numismatica, No. 1-6, 1949 Greek, Segesta Perugia 1949

A 95 Ciccio, G de

Gli Aurei Siracusani di Cimone e di Eveneto Circolo Numismatico Napoletano, 1922 Greek, Cimon Naples 1922

A 96 Ciccio, G de

Note ed Appunti di Numismatica Siceliota Circolo Numismatico Napoletano, No. 1, 1924 Greek Naples 1924

A 99 Clerk, M G

Catalogue of the Coins of the Achaean League
Greek, Achaean League London 1895

A 875 Colbert de Beaulieu, J.-B. Fischer, B.

Recueil des Inscriptions Gauloises [RIG] Vol. IV Les Legedes Monetaires XLV supplement a Gallia
Paris 1998
19/01/1999 R
A 598 Colbert de Beaulieu, J-B

Traite de Numismatique Celtique: 1. Methodologie des Ensembles Centre De Recherches D'Histoire Ancienne, Vol. 5 Celtic Paris 1973

A 100 Combe, C

Nummorum Veterum Populorum et Urbium, Qui in Museo Gulielmi Hunter sunt
Greek London 1782

A 436 Cox, D H

A Tarsus Coin Collection in the Adana Museum American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs, No. 92 Greek, Tarsus, Collection New York 1941

A 437 Crosby, M; Grace, E Grace, E

An Achaean League Hoard American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs, No. 74 Greek, Achaean, Hoard New York 1936

A 739 Cunliffe, B (Ed.)

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A 698 Cunliffe, B (Ed.); Miles, D (Ed.) Miles, D (Ed.)

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British, Iron Age Oxford 1984

A 108 Daremberg, C; Saglio, E Saglio, E

Dictionnaire des Antiquites Grecques et Romaines. R-S, Vol. 4, Part 2
Greek, Dictionary Paris

A 109 Daremberg, C; Saglio, E Saglio, E

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Greek, Dictionary Paris 1912

A 106 Daremberg, C; Saglio, E Saglio, E

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A 105 Daremberg, C; Saglio, E Saglio, E

Dictionnaire des Antiquites Grecques et Romaines. H-J, Vol. 3, Part 1
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A 104 Daremberg, C; Saglio, E Saglio, E

Dictionnaire des Antiquites Grecques et Romaines. F-G, Vol. 2, Part 2
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A 103 Daremberg, C; Saglio, E Saglio, E

Dictionnaire des Antiquites Grecques et Romaines. D-E, Vol. 2, Part 1
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A 102 Daremberg, C; Saglio, E Saglio, E

Dictionnaire des Antiquites Grecques et Romaines. C, Vol. 1, Part 2
Greek, Dictionary Paris 1877

A 110 Daremberg, C; Saglio, E Saglio, E

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A 107 Daremberg, C; Saglio, E Saglio, E

Dictionnaire des Antiquites Grecques et Romaines. N-Q, Vol. 4, Part 1
Greek, Dictionary Paris

A 101 Daremberg, C; Saglio, E Saglio, E

Dictionnaire des Antiquites Grecques et Romaines. A-B, Vol. 1, Part 1
Greek, Dictionary Paris 1877

A 593 Dattari, G

Numi Augg. Alexandrini: Catalogo della Collezione G. Dattari, Vol. 2 Numi Augg. Alexandrini, Vol. 2 Greek, Alexandria Cairo 1901

A 111 Dattari, G

Numi Augg. Alexandrini: Catalogo della Collezione G. Dattari, Vol. 1 Numi Augg. Alexandrini, Vol. 1 Greek, Alexandria Cairo 1901

A 112 Davis, N

Greek Coins and Cities
Greek London 1967

A 113 Davis, N; Kraay, C M Kraay, C M

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Greek London 1973

A 880 De Callatay, F.

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Wetteren 1997
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A 864 de Callatay, F. Depeyrot, G. Villaronga, L.
L'argent monnaye d'Alexandre le grand a auguste Cercle d'Etudes Numismatiques Travaux 12
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A 719 Delestree, L P

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A 644 Demole, E

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Greek Geneva 1911

A 706 Deppert, K; Regler, H Regler, H

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A 717 Deppert-Lippitz, B

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Aarau 1984

A 689 Deroc, A

Les Monnaies Gauloises D'Argent de la Vallee du Rhone Etudes de Numismatique Celtique, No. 2 Gaulish Paris 1983

A 798 Descat, R (Ed.) Descat, R (Ed.)

L'or perse et l'histoire grecque. Table ronde CNRS, Bordeaux, 20-22 Mars, 1989. Revue d'Etudes Anciennes 91, 1989 Conference, Greek, Persia, Coinage, History Bordeaux 1990
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A 645 Detroit Institute of Arts

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Greek Detroit 1964

A 621 Devreker, J; Waelkens, M Waelkens, M

Les Fouilles de la Rijksuniversiteit te Gent a Pessinonte, 1967-1973 - I Dissertationes Archaeologicae Gandenses, Vol. 22 Greek Brugge 1984

A 740 Doyen, J -M

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Greek Brussels 1987

A 818 Draganov, D.

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Jambol 1993
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A 773 Duval, P-M

Monnaies Gauloises et Mythes Celtiques
Celtic, Gaulish Paris 1987

A 114 Eddy, S K

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Greek, Near East Lincoln, Neb. 1961

A 115 Enschede, A J; Six, J P Six, J P

Catalogue du Cabinet de Monnaies et Medailles de L'Academie Royale des Sciences, a Amsterdam
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A 713 Erim, K

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A 116 Evans, A J

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Greek, Syracuse London 1892

A 119 Evans, J

The Forgery of Antiquities Longman's Magazine, December, 1893 Greek London 1893

A 118 Evans, J

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Greek, Evans London 1943

A 120 Evans, M M

Chapters on Greek Dress
Greek, Dress London 1893

A 121 Feuardent, F

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A 881 Figueira, T.

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Philadelphia 1998
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A 122 Fischer, B

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A 611 Fisher, J E

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Collection of the American Numismatic Society, Part I: Etruria-Calabria Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Magna Graecia New York 1969

A 124 Forrer, L

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A 650 Forrer, L

Le Monument Funebre de Themistocle a Magnesie Figure sur une Monnaie Unique de L'Ancienne Collection Rhousopoulos Bollettino di Numismatica e di Arte della Medaglia, No. 8, 1905 Greek Milan 1905

A 126 Forrer, L

The Weber Collection - Greek Coins - Italy and Sicily, Vol. 1 (Plates)
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A 649 Forrer, L

Die Darstellung der Aphrodite des Praxiteles auf den Munzen von Knidos Frankfurter Munzzeitung, Jahrgang 1904 Greek, Cnidos Frankfurt 1904

A 648 Forrer, L

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A 647 Forrer, L

Les Portraits de Sappho sur les Monnaies Revue Belge de Numismatique, 1901 Greek, Portraits

A 123 Forrer, L

Les Portraits de Sappho sur les Monnaies Revue Belge de Numismatique, 1901 Greek, Portraits

A 646 Forrer, L

Les Monnaies de Cleopatre VII Philopator, Reine D'Egypt (52-30 av. J -C)
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A 127 Forrer, L

The Weber Collection - Greek Coins - Macedon, Thrace, Thessaly, North Western, Central and Southern Greece, Vol. 2 (Text)
Greek, Mainland Greece London 1924

A 128 Forrer, L

The Weber Collection - Greek Coins - Macedon, Thrace, Thessaly, North Western, Central and Southern Greece, Vol. 2 (Plates)
Greek, Mainland Greece London 1924

A 129 Forrer, L

The Weber Collection - Greek Coins - Asia, Vol. 3, Part 1 (Text)
Greek, Asia London 1926

A 131 Forrer, L

The Weber Collection - Greek Coins - Asia, Vol. 3 (Plates)
Greek, Asia London 1926

A 130 Forrer, L

The Weber Collection - Greek Coins - Asia, Africa, Vol. 3, Part 2 (Text)
Greek, Asia, Africa London 1929

A 125 Forrer, L

The Weber Collection - Greek Coins - Italy and Sicily, Vol. 1 (Text)
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A 599 Forrer, R

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A 600 Forrer, R

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Celtic Graz 1968

A 601 Forrer, R

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A 743 Forschner, G

Die Munzen der Romischen Kaiser in Alexandrien: Die Bestande des Munzkabinetts Kleine Schriften des Historischen Museums Frankfurt a. M., Band 35 Roman, Alexandria Frankfurt

A 730 Forschner, G

Die Munzen der Griechen in Italien und Sizilien: Die Bestande des Munzkabinetts Kleine Schriften des Historischen Museums Frankfurt a. M., Band 27 Greek, Italy, Sicily Frankfurt 1986

A 690 Forschner, G

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A 132 Forteleoni, L

Le Emissioni Monetali della Sardegna Punica
Greek, Sardinia Sardinia 1961

A 133 Fox, C R

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Greek, Asia, Africa London 1862

A 134 Franke, P R

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A 584 Franke, P R; Kuthmann, H Kuthmann, H

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Deutschland. Staatliche Munzsammlung Munchen 3.Heft. Bruttium nr.1238-1759. Karthager in Italien nr.1760-1766. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Magna Graecia, Carthage Berlin 1974

A 583 Franke, P R; Kuthmann, H Kuthmann, H

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Deutschland. Staatliche Munzsammlung Munchen 3.Heft Nr.552-1237. Kalabrien-Lukanien Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Magna Graecia Berlin 1973

A 582 Franke, P R; Kuthmann, H Kuthmann, H

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Deutschland. Staatliche Munzsammlung Munchen 2.Heft Nr.1-551 Etruria-Umbria-Picenum-Latium-Samnium-Frentani-Campania-Apulia Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Magna Graecia Berlin 1970

A 581 Franke, P R; Kuthmann, H Kuthmann, H

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Deutschland. Staatliche Munzsammlung Munchen. 1.Heft Nr.1-432. Hispania-Gallia Narbonensis Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Western Mediterranean Berlin 1968

A 628 Franke, P R; Leschhorn, W; Stylow, A U Leschhorn, W Stylow, A U
Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Deutschland. Sammlung von Aulock. Index Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Asia Minor Berlin 1981

A 761 Fraser, P M; Matthews, E (Eds.) Matthews, E (Ed.)

A Lexicon of Greek Personal Names - Vol. 1. The Aegean Islands, Cyprus, Cyrenaica
Greek, Names Oxford 1987

A 884 Fraser, P.M. (Eds.) Matthews, E. (Ed.)

A Lexicon of Greek Personal Names -Vol.III.B. Central Greece: from the Megarid to Thessaly
Greek, Names Oxford 2000
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A 136 Freeman, K

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A 137 Frolich, E

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Greek Vienna 1758

A 138 Fuchs, G

Antike Munzen und Geschnittene Steine, Band 1. Architekturdarstellungen auf Romischen Munzen der Republik und der Fruhen Kaiserzeit Antike Munzen und Geschnittene Steine Roman, Iconography Berlin 1969

A 135 Fuchs, G

Antike Munzen und Geschnittene Steine, Band 1. Architekturdarstellungen auf Romischen Munzen der Republik und der Fruhen Kaiserzeit Antike Munzen und Geschnittene Steine Roman, Republic Berlin 1969

A 695 Furger-Gunti, A; Gutzwiller, P; Hanggi, R; Holstein, D; Maglin, T; Mathis, F Schucany, C Gutzwiller, P Hanggi, R Holstein, D Die Keltischen Munzen der Sammlung R.Forrer/H.herold im Ratischen Museum Chur Schriftenreihe des Ratischen Museums. Nr. 25, Chur 1982 Celtic Chur 1982

A 139 Furtwangler, A E

Monnaies Grecques en Gaule: Le Tresor D'Auriol et la Monnayage de Massalia, 525/520-460 av. J -C Typos, Band 3 Greek, Gaul Fribourg 1978

A 140 Fuye, A de la

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A 141 Fuye, A de la

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A 142 Fuye, A de la

Monnaies de L'Elymaide
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A 147 Gabier, H

Falschungen Makedonischer Munzen, V Sitzungsberichten de Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften XXIX Macedonian, Forgeries Berlin 1938

A 143 Gabrici, E

Topografia e Numismatica dell' Antica Imera e di Terme
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A 145 Gabrici, E

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A 144 Gabrici, E

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A 148 Gaebler, H

Die Antiken Munzen Nord-Griechenlands, Band 3: die Antiken Munzen von Makedonia und Paionia
Greek, Macedonia Berlin 1906

A 149 Gaebler, H

Die Antiken Munzen Nord-Griechenlands, Band 3: die Antiken Munzen von Makedonia und Paionia
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A 146 Gaebler, H

Falschungen Makedonischer Munzen III Sonderausgabe aus den Sitzungsberichten, Vol. 31, 1936 Greek, Macedonia Berlin 1936

A 839 Gale, W.L.

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New South Wales 1995
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A 150 Gallatin, A

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Greek, Syracuse Cambridge, Mass. 1930

A 151 Gansiniec, Z

Geneza Tropaionu Biblioteka Archeologiczna, Tom 5 Greek Warsaw 1955

A 614 Gardner, P

A Catalogue of Greek Coins in the British Museum, Vol. VII: Thessaly to Aetolia
Greek, Thessaly, Aetolia London 1883

A 484 Gardner, P

The Types of Greek Coins. An Archaeological Essay
Greek Cambridge 1883

A 627 Gardner, P

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A 49 Gardner, P

A Catalogue of Greek Coins in the British Museum, Vol. IV: The Seleucid Kings of Syria
Greek, Syria London 1878

A 786 Garraffo, S

Le Riconiazioni in Magna Grecia e in Sicilia: Emissioni Argentee dal VI al IV Secolo a.C. Studi e Materiali di Archeologia Greca 2 Greek, Sicily Catania 1984
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A 152 Garriga, L V

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Greek Barcelona 1967

A 485 Garucci, P R

Le Monete dell'Italia Antica Raccolta Generale. Parte Prima: Monete Fuse
Greek, Magna Graecia, Aes Rude, Italic, Sabellic Rome 1885

A 778 Generalitat Valenciana (Ed.)

Homenatge A. Chabret, 1888-1988
Festschrift Valencia 1988

A 763 Georgieva, S; Velkov, V Velkov, V

Bibliographie de L'Archeologie Bulgare (1879-1966) - (In Russian)
Greek, Bibliography Sofia 1974

A 153 Gesenius, G

Scripturae Linguaeque Phoneniciae: Monumenta Quotquot Supersunt
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A 486 Gessner, J J

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Macedonia Zurich 1738

A 156 Giesecke, W

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A 154 Giesecke, W

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A 159 Giesecke, W

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A 155 Giesecke, W

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A 157 Gobl, R

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A 602 Gobl, R

Typologie und Chronologie der Keltischen Munzpragung in Noricum Numismatik, Vol. 2 Celtic Wien 1973

A 887 Gobl, R.

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Greek, Austria, Celtic Vienna 1992
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A 158 Goltzio, H

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A 678 Golubcova, E C

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A 853 Gorini, G. Bernardelli, A.

Musei civici di Vicenza. La monete celtiche, Greche, Romane repubblicane

Padova 1994
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A 160 Grande, C Del (Ed.)

Enciclopedia Classica, Vol. 3. Antichita Greche
Greek Torino 1959

A 161 Green, B R

A Lecture on the Study of Ancient Coins, in Connection with History
Greek London 1829

A 162 Greppo, J G H

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Greek Belley 1837

A 163 Grose, S W

Catalogue of the McLean Collection of Greek Coins, Vol. I: Western Europe, Magna Graecia, Sicily
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A 164 Grose, S W

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A 165 Grose, S W

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A 166 Grotefend, C L

Die Munzen der Griechischen, Parthischen und Indoskythischen Konige von Baktrien und den Landern am Indus
Greek, Bactria Hannover 1839

A 791 Gruel, K

La Monnaie chez les Gaulois Collection des Hesperides Celtic, Gaul Paris 1989
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A 785 Grunauer-von Hoerschelmann, S

Griechische Munzen, Kestner-Museum, Hannover
Greek, Collection Hanover 1988

A 167 Guadan, A M de

Las Leyendas Ibericas en las Dracmas de Imitacion Emporitana: Estudio de Epigrafia Numismatica Iberica
Greek Madrid 1956

A 169 Guadan, A M de

Numismatica Iberica e Ibero-Romana Bibliotheca Archaeologica, Vol. 6 Greek Madrid 1969

A 651 Guadan, A M de

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A 168 Guadan, A M de

Las Monedas de Gades Monografias Sobre Numismatica Antigua, No. 2 Greek

A 863 Guido, F.

Sassari. Muso Archeologico 'G A Sanna' Vol. 1. Sicilia, Numidia Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Italia
Milan 1994
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A 170 Haatvedt, R A; Peterson, E E; Husselman, E M Peterson, E E Husselman, E M
Coins from Karanis: The University of Michigan Excavations, 1924-1935
Greek, Karanis Ann Arbor, Mich. 1964

A 580 Hackens, T

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A 579 Hackens, T

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. Grece. Collection Rena H Evelpidis, Athenes. Premiere Partie: Italie-Sicilie-Thrace.Nos. 1 a 1126. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Magna Graecia, Thrace Louvain 1970

A 179 Hands, A W

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Greek, S. Italy London 1909

A 174 Hands, A W

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Greek, S. Italy London 1912

A 172 Hands, A W

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Greek, S. Italy London 1912

A 178 Hands, A W

Coins of Magna Graecia: The Coinage of the Greek Colonies of Southern Italy
Greek, S. Italy London 1909

A 176 Hands, A W

Common Greek Coins, Vol. 1 - The Coinage of Athens, Corinth, Aegina, Boeotian League. Alexander the Great, Achaean League, and Lycian League
Greek London 1907

A 175 Hands, A W

Common Greek Coins, Vol. 1 - The Coinage of Athens, Corinth, Aegina, Boeotian League. Alexander the Great, Achaean League, and Lycian League
Greek London 1907

A 173 Hands, A W

Italo-Greek Coins of Southern Italy
Greek, S. Italy London 1912

A 181 Harduinus

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A 770 Harl, K W

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Roman London 1987

A 723 Hartman, J E; Macdonald, G Macdonald, G

Greek Numismatic Epigraphy
Greek Chicago 1969

A 741 Haselgrove, C

Iron Age Coinage in South-East England: The Archaeological Context, Part 1 B A R British Series 174(i), 1987 British, Iron Age Oxford 1987

A 742 Haselgrove, C

Iron Age Coinage in South-East England: The Archaeological Context, Part 2 B A R British Series 174(ii), 1987 British, Iron Age Oxford 1987

A 182 Haym, N F

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London 1719

A 59 Head, B V

A Catalogue of Greek Coins in the British Museum, Vol. XIV: Ionia
Greek, Ionia London 1892

A 79 Head, B V

A Guide to the Select Greek and Roman Coins in the British Museum
Greek, Collection London 1880

A 75 Head, B V

A Guide to the Principal Gold and Silver Coins of the Ancients, From c.700 BC to AD 1 (2nd Ed.)
Greek London 1881

A 76 Head, B V

A Guide to the Principal Gold and Silver Coins of the Ancients, From c.700 BC to AD 1 (2nd Ed.)
Greek London 1881

A 77 Head, B V

A Guide to the Principal Gold and Silver Coins of the Ancients, From c.700 BC to AD 1 (2nd Ed.)
Greek London 1881

A 188 Head, B V

The Coinage of Lydia and Persia, From the Earliest Times to the Fall of the Dynasty of the Achmaemenidae The International Numismata Orientalia Greek, Lydia, Persia London 1877

A 80 Head, B V

A Guide to the Principal Gold and Silver Coins of the Ancients, From c.700 BC to AD 1 (2nd Ed.)
Greek London 1881

A 187 Head, B V

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Greek, Syracuse London 1874

A 63 Head, B V

A Catalogue of Greek Coins in the British Museum, Vol. XVIII: Caria, Cos, Rhodes, etc.
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A 189 Head, B V

Historia Numorum, Vol. 1 - Translated into Greek
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A 190 Head, B V

Historia Numorum, Vol. 2 - Translated into Greek
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A 191 Head, B V

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Greek Athens 1898

A 67 Head, B V

A Catalogue of Greek Coins in the British Museum, Vol. XXII: Lydia
Greek, Lydia London 1901

A 70 Head, B V

A Catalogue of Greek Coins in the British Museum, Vol. XXV: Phrygia
Greek, Phrygia London 1906

A 78 Head, B V

A Guide to the Principal Gold and Silver Coins of the Ancients, From c.700 BC to AD 1 (2nd Ed.)
Greek London 1881

A 186 Head, B V

Historia Numorum: A Manual of Greek Numismatics
Greek Oxford 1911

A 82 Head, B V

A Guide to the Principal Coins of the Greeks from c.700 BC to AD 270
Greek London 1959

A 81 Head, B V

A Guide to the Principal Coins of the Greeks from c.700 BC to AD 270
Greek London 1932

A 50 Head, B V

A Catalogue of Greek Coins in the British Museum, Vol. V: Macedonia, etc.
Greek, Macedonia London 1879

A 185 Head, B V

Historia Numorum: A Manual of Greek Numismatics
Greek Oxford 1911

A 184 Head, B V (In Honour of)

Corolla Numismatica: Numismatic Essays in Honour of Barclay V. Head
Greek London 1906

A 53 Head, B V; Poole, R S (Ed.) Poole, R S (Ed.)

A Catalogue of Greek Coins in the British Museum, Vol. VIII: Central Greece (Locris, Phocis, Boeotia and Euboea)
Greek, Catalogue London 1884

A 55 Head, B V; Poole, R S (Ed.) Poole, R S (Ed.)

A Catalogue of Greek Coins in the British Museum, Vol. X: Peloponnesus
Greek, Catalogue London 1887

A 56 Head, B V; Poole, R S (Ed.) Poole, R S (Ed.)

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A 57 Head, B V; Poole, R S (Ed.) Poole, R S (Ed.)

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Greek, Catalogue London 1889

A 895 Head, B.V.

Synopsis of the Contents of the British Museum, Department of Coins and Medals. A guide to the principal gold and silver coins of the ancients
Catalogue, British Museum London 1881 2nd Edn. 06/07/2001 R
A 727 Healy, J F

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A 562 Heichelheim, F

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Volume IV. Fitzwilliam Museum: Leake and General Collections Part V; Sicyon - Thera Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Peloponnese London 1958

A 561 Heichelheim, F

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Volume IV. Fitzwilliam Museum: Leake and General Collections Part IV; Acarnania - Phliasia Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, North West Greece London 1956

A 560 Heichelheim, F

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Volume IV. Fitzwilliam Museum: Leake and General Collections Part I; Spain (Emporiae, Rhoda); Italy Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Magna Graecia, Spain London 1940

A 563 Heichelheim, F

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Volume IV. Fitzwilliam Museum: Leake and General Collections Part VI; Asia Minor - Phrygia Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Asia Minor London 1965

A 609 Heichelheim, F

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Volume IV. Fitzwilliam Museum: Leake and General Collections Part II; Sicily - Thrace Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Magna Graecia, Thrace London 1947

A 487 Heiss, A

Description Generale des Monnaies Antiques de l'Espagne
Spain, Greek, Celitiberian Paris 1870

A 865 Herrero Albinana, C.

Introduccion a la numismatica antigua Grecia y Roma

Madrid 1994
18/04/1997 R
A 858 Herrero, J.A.

Anexo corpus nummum hispaniae ante augusti aetatem

Madrid 1994
18/11/1996 R
A 888 Herzog, H.

Untersuchungen zur Darstellung von Statuen auf Athener Silbermuenzen des Neuen Stils
Greek, Athens Hamburg 1996
06/07/2001 R
A 488 Heyden, A A M van der; Scullard, H H Scullard, H H

Atlas of the Classical World
Antiquity, Atlas London 1959

A 489 Hill, G F

Select Greek Coins. A Series of Enlargements illustrated and described
Greek, General Paris & Brussels 1927

A 71 Hill, G F

A Catalogue of Greek Coins in the British Museum, Vol. XXVI: Phoenicia
Greek, Phoenicia, Catalogue London 1910

A 193 Hill, G F

Historical Greek Coins
Greek London 1906

A 196 Hill, G F

The Thirty Pieces of Silver Archaeologia, vol. LIX Greek London 1905

A 69 Hill, G F

A Catalogue of Greek Coins in the British Museum, Vol. XXIV: Cyprus
Greek, Cyprus London 1904

A 195 Hill, G F

Coins of Ancient Sicily
Greek, Sicily London 1903

A 66 Hill, G F

A Catalogue of Greek Coins in the British Museum, Vol. XXI: Lycaonia, Isauria, and Cilicia
Greek, Lycaonia, Isauria, Cilicia, Catalogue London 1900

A 192 Hill, G F

A Handbook of Greek and Roman Coins
Greek London 1899

A 64 Hill, G F

A Catalogue of Greek Coins in the British Museum, Vol. XIX: Lycia, Pamphylia, and Pisidia
Greek, Lycia, Pamphylia, Pisidia London 1897

A 72 Hill, G F

A Catalogue of Greek Coins in the British Museum, Vol. XXVII: Palestine
Greek, Palestine London 1914

A 73 Hill, G F

A Catalogue of Greek Coins in the British Museum, Vol. XXVIII: Arabia, Mesopotamia and Persia
Greek, Arabia, Mesopotamia, Persia London 1922

A 439 Hill, G F

On the Coins of Narbonensis with Iberian Inscriptions American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs, No. 44 Greek, Narbonensis New York 1930

A 440 Hill, G F

Notes on the Ancient Coinage of Hispania Citerior American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs, No. 50 Greek, Hispania Citerior New York 1931

A 197 Hill, G F

The Ancient Coinage of Southern Arabia Proceedings of the British Academy, Vol. 7 Greek, Arabia London 1915

A 198 Holloway, R R

The Thirteen-Months Coinage of Hieronymos of Syracuse A M U G S, Vol. 3 Greek, Syracuse Berlin 1969

A 801 Holloway, R Ross

Ripostigli del Museo Archeologico di Siracusa Centro Internazionale di Studi Numismatici, Biblioteca 2 Greek, Sicily, Syracuse, Hoards Rome 1989
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A 199 Holm, A

Geschichte Siciliens im Alterthum, Vol. 1
Greek, Sicily Leipzig 1870

A 201 Holm, A

Geschichte Siciliens im Alterthum, Vol. 3
Greek, Sicily Leipzig 1898

A 202 Holm, A

Storia della Moneta Siciliana
Greek, Sicily Bologna 1965

A 200 Holm, A

Geschichte Siciliens im Alterthum, Vol. 2
Greek, Sicily Leipzig 1874

A 731 Houghton, A

Coins of the Seleucid Empire From the Collection of Arthur Houghton Ancient Coins in North American Collections Greek, Seleucid, Collection New York 1983

A 432 Howardries, C de la

Syracuse: Ses Monnaies D'Argent et D'Or
Greek, Syracuse London 1898

A 714 Howgego, C J

Greek Imperial Countermarks: Studies in the Provincial Coinage of the the Roman Empire RNS Special Publication No. 17 Greek, Countermarks London 1985

A 862 Howgego, C.

Ancient History from Coins Approaching the Ancient World
London 1995
17/04/1997 R
A 870 Icard, S.

Identification des Monnaies par la nouvelle methode des lettres-jalons et des legendes fragmentees: Application de la methode aux monnaies Greques

Paris 1910
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A 209 Imhoof-Blumer, F

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Greek Wien 1887

A 206 Imhoof-Blumer, F

Apollon Karneios von Kyrene und Numismatische Miszellen Schweiz. Numism. Rundschau, Vol. 21 Greek, Kyrene Genf 1917

A 207 Imhoof-Blumer, F

Kleinasiatische Munzen, Band 1 Sonderschriften des Osterreichischen Archaologischen, Band 1 Greek Wien 1901

A 205 Imhoof-Blumer, F

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Greek Leipzig 1885

A 204 Imhoof-Blumer, F

Monnaies Grecques
Greek Leipzig 1883

A 210 Imhoof-Blumer, F

Zur Munzkunde und Palaeographie Boeotiens
Greek, Boeotia Wien 1873

A 490 Imhoof-Blumer, F

Choix des Monnaies Grecques du Cabinet de F Imhoof-Blumer
Greek, Collection Winterthur 1871

A 208 Imhoof-Blumer, F

Kleinasiatische Munzen, Band 2 Sonderschriften des Osterreichischen Archaologischen, Band 3 Greek Wien 1902

A 211 Imhoof-Blumer, F; Gardner, P Gardner, P

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Greek Chicago 1964

A 203 Imhoof-Blumer,F; Keller, O Keller, O

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Greek Leipzig 1889

A 339 Israel Numismatic Society

Recent Studies and Discoveries on Ancient Jewish and Syrian Coins
Jewish, Syrian Jerusalem 1954

A 536 Jacobsen, A; Morkholm, O Morkholm, O

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, Danish National Museum. Parthia-India Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Parthia, India Copenhagen 1965

A 589 Jaunzems, E

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Collection of the American Numismatic Society, Part 4: Sicily II, Galaria-Styella Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Magna Graecia New York 1977

A 590 Jaunzems, E

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Collection of the American Numismatic Society, Part 4: Sicily II, Galaria-Styella Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Magna Graecia New York 1977

A 559 Jenkins, G J

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, Danish National Museum. North Africa: Syrtica-Mauretania Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, North Africa, Syrtica, Mauretania Copenhagen 1969

A 802 Jenkins, G K

Ancient Greek Coins
Greek, General London 1990
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A 216 Jenkins, G K

Coins of Greek Sicily
Greek, Sicily London 1976 2nd Edn.
A 788 Jenkins, G K

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Greek London 1972

A 214 Jenkins, G K

The Coinage of Gela (Text) A M U G S, Vol. 2 Greek, Gela Berlin 1970

A 213 Jenkins, G K

The Coinage of Gela (Plates) A M U G S, Vol. 2 Greek, Gela Berlin 1970

A 212 Jenkins, G K

Notes on Seleucid Coins Numismatic Chronicle, Sixth Series, Vol. 11, 1951 Greek, Seleucid London 1951

A 652 Jenkins, G K

Some Camarinean Questions Numismatiska Studier Tillagnade Willy Schwabacher, 1967 Greek, Camarina

A 215 Jenkins, G K; Lewis, R B Lewis, R B

Carthaginian Gold and Electrum Coins RNS Special Publication No. 2 Greek, Carthage London 1963

A 832 Jenkins, G.K. Castro Hipolito, M.

A catalogue of Calouste Gulbenkian collection of Greek coins (2 vols.)

Lisbon 1989
13/07/1994 R
A 805 Johnston, A.

The coinage of Metapontum American Numismatic Society


A 826 Johnston, A.

The coinage of Mesapontum, part 3 Numismatic Notes & Monographs 64
New York 1990
28/05/1994 R
A 745 Jones, J M

A Dictionary of Ancient Greek Coins
Greek, Dictionary London 1986

A 218 Jones, J R

Analytical Index to the Journal International d'Archeologie Numismatique Numismatic Literature Supplement, No. 1 Analytical Index New York 1967

A 217 Jones, J R

A Numismatic Index to American Journal of Archaeology and Hesperia, 1885-1932-1970
Index Cambridge 1972

A 221 Jongkees, J H

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A 219 Jongkees, J H

Type en Vorm Bij de Grieksche Munt Bulletin van de Vereeniging tot Bevordering der Kennis van de Antieke Greek

A 222 Jongkees, J H

The Kimonian Dekadrachms: A Contribution to Sicilian Numismatics
Greek, Sicily Utrecht 1941

A 220 Jongkees, J H

Zur Chronologie der Munzen von Olympia Jahrbuch des Deutschen Archaologischen Instituts, Band 54, 1939 Greek, Olympia Berlin 1939

A 680 Jurukova, J

Griechisches Munzwerk: Die Munzpragung von Bizye (Text) Schriften Zur Geschichte und Kultur der Antike, No. 18 Greek Berlin 1981

A 681 Jurukova, J

Griechisches Munzwerk: Die Munzpragung von Bizye (Plates) Schriften Zur Geschichte und Kultur der Antike, No. 18 Greek Berlin 1981

A 225 Kadman, L

The Coins of the Jewish War of 66-73 CE Corpus Nummorum Palaestinensium, Second Series, Vol. 3 Jewish Jerusalem 1960

A 226 Kadman, L

The Coins of Akko Ptolemais Corpus Nummorum Palaestinensium, First Series, Vol. 4 Jewish Jerusalem 1961

A 224 Kadman, L

The Coins of Caesarea Maritima Corpus Nummorum Palaestinensium, Vol. 2 Jewish Jerusalem 1957

A 223 Kadman, L

The Coins of Aelia Capitolina Corpus Nummorum Palaestinensium, Vol. 1 Jewish Jerusalem 1956

A 653 Kanael, B

Ancient Jewish Coins and Their Historical Importance The Biblical Archaeologist, Vol. 26, 1963 Jewish New Haven, Conn. 1963

A 744 Kapossy, B

Griechische Munzen - Romisches Reich
Greek Bern 1987

A 227 Kent, R G

The Baffled Hercules From Sparta Proceedings of the Numismatic and Antiquarian Soc. of Phil., Vol. 29 Greek Lancaster, PA 1923

A 722 Kindler, A

Coins of the Land of Israel: Collection of the Bank of Israel - A Catalogue
Jewish, Israel Jerusalem 1974

A 228 Kindler, A (Ed.)

The Patterns of Monetary Development in Phoenicia and Palestine in Antiquity International Numismatic Convention, Jerusalem, 1963 Jewish Jerusalem 1963

A 703 Kleiner, F

Greek and Roman Coins in the Athenian Agora Excavations of the Athenian Agora, Picture Book No. 15 Greek, Roman, Athenian Agora Princeton 1975

A 546 Kleiner, G

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Deutschland. Sammlung von Aulock. Phrygien. 9.Heft, Nr.3329-4040 Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Asia Minor Berlin 1964

A 552 Kleiner, G

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Deutschland. Sammlung von Aulock. Nachtrage I Pontus, Paphlagonien, Bithynien. 15.Heft, Nr.6674-7190 Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Asia Minor Berlin 1967

A 553 Kleiner, G

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Deutschland. Sammlung von Aulock. Nachtrage II Mysien, Troas, Aeolis, Lesbos. 16.Heft, Nr.7191-7758 Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Asia Minor Berlin 1967

A 551 Kleiner, G

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Deutschland. Sammlung von Aulock. Galatien, Kappadokien, Kaiserz. Kistophoren, Lysim./Alex. Tetradr. 14.Heft, Nr.6099-6673 Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Asia Minor Berlin 1968

A 554 Kleiner, G

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Deutschland. Sammlung von Aulock. Nachtrage III Ionien, Karien, Lydien. 17.Heft, Nr.7759-8298 Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Asia Minor Berlin 1968

A 543 Kleiner, G

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Deutschland. Sammlung von Aulock. Ionien. 6.Heft, Nr.1768-2333 Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Asia Minor Berlin 1960

A 547 Kleiner, G

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Deutschland. Sammlung von Aulock. Lykien.10.Heft, Nr.4041-4476 Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Asia Minor Berlin 1964

A 545 Kleiner, G

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Deutschland. Sammlung von Aulock. Lydien. 8.Heft, Nr.2868-3328 Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Asia Minor Berlin 1963

A 544 Kleiner, G

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Deutschland. Sammlung von Aulock. Karien. 7.Heft, Nr.2334-2867 Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Asia Minor Berlin 1962

A 548 Kleiner, G

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Deutschland. Sammlung von Aulock. Pamphylien. 11.Heft, Nr.4477-4893 Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Asia Minor Berlin 1965

A 541 Kleiner, G

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Deutschland. Sammlung von Aulock. Mysien. 4.Heft, Nr.1050-1438 Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Asia Minor Berlin 1957

A 540 Kleiner, G

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Deutschland. Sammlung von Aulock. Pontus, Paphlagonien, Bithynien, 1-1049. 3.Heft, Nr.677-1049 Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Asia Minor Berlin 1957

A 539 Kleiner, G

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Deutschland. Sammlung von Aulock. Pontus, Paphlagonien, Bithynien, 1-1049. 2.Heft, Nr.333-676 Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Asia Minor Berlin 1957

A 538 Kleiner, G

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Deutschland. Sammlung von Aulock. Pontus, Paphlagonien, Bithynien, 1-1049. 1.Heft, Nr.1-332 Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Asia Minor Berlin 1957

A 550 Kleiner, G

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Deutschland. Sammlung von Aulock. Kilikien. 13.Heft, Nr.5413-6098 Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Asia Minor Berlin 1966

A 549 Kleiner, G

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Deutschland. Sammlung von Aulock. Pisidien, Lykaonien, Isaurien. 12.Heft, Nr.4894-5412 Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Asia Minor Berlin 1964

A 542 Kleiner, G

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Deutschland. Sammlung von Aulock. Troas, Aeolis, Lesbos. 5.Heft, Nr.1439-1767 Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Asia Minor Berlin 1959

A 555 Kleiner, G

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Deutschland. Sammlung von Aulock. Nachtrage IV Phrygien-Lykien-Pamphylien-Kilikien-Galatien etc. 18.Heft, Nr.8299-8739 Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Asia Minor Berlin 1968

A 229 Klimowsky, E W

On Ancient Palestinian and Other Coins, Their Symbolism and Metrology Numismatic Studies and Researches, Vol. 7 Jewish Jerusalem 1974

A 737 Klose, D O A

Die Munzpragung von Smyrna in der Romischen Kaiserzeit A M U G S, Band 10 Roman, Smyrna Berlin 1987

A 230 Knight, R P

Nummi Veteres: Civitatum, Regum, Gentium, et Provinciarum, Londini in Museo Richardi Payne Knight Asservati
Greek, Collection London 1830

A 817 Koch, H.

A hoard of coins from East Parthia American Numismatic Society

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A 810 Koch, H.

A hoard of coins from East Parthia American Numismatic Society

06/10/1992 R
A 492 Koehne, B de

Description du Musee de Feu le Prince Basile Kotschoubey, et Recherches sur l'histoire et la Numismatique des Colonies Grecques en Russie, Vol. II
Greek, Collection, Pontic Regions, Cimmerian Bosporus St. Petersburg 1857

A 491 Koehne, B de

Description du Musee de Feu le Prince Basile Kotschoubey, et Recherches sur l'histoire et la Numismatique des Colonies Grecques en Russie, Vol. I
Greek, Collection, Pontic Regions, Cimmerian Bosporus St. Petersburg 1857

A 603 Kolnikova, E

Keltske Mince Na Slovensku Davnoveke Umenie Slovenska Ars Slovaca Antiqua, Zvazok 2 Celtic Naklad 1978

A 694 Konig, M E P

Das Ratsel der Keltischen Munzen Festschrift zur 9. Arbeitstagung, 1975 Celtic Maschen 1975

A 233 Kraay, C M

Coins of Ancient Athens Minerva Numismatic Handbooks, No. 2 Greek, Athens Newcastle 1968

A 702 Kraay, C M

Coins of Ancient Athens Minerva Numismatic Handbooks, No. 2 Greek, Athens Newcastle 1968

A 753 Kraay, C M

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Volume V. Ashmolean Museum: Evans Collection Part I (A); Italy; Etruria-Lucania (Thurium) Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Magna Graecia London 1962

A 234 Kraay, C M

Greek Coins and History: Some Current Problems
Greek London 1969

A 610 Kraay, C M

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Volume V. Ashmolean Museum: Evans Collection Part II; Italy; Lucania (Thurium) - Bruttium; Sicily; Carthage Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Magna Graecia London 1969

A 232 Kraay, C M

Archaic and Classical Greek Coins
Greek London 1976

A 236 Kraay, C M

The Composition of Greek Silver Coins: Analysis by Neutron Activation
Greek, Silver Analysis Oxford 1962

A 577 Kraay, C M

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Volume V. Ashmolean Museum: Evans Collection Part III; Macedonia Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Macedonia London 1976

A 235 Kraay, C M; Jenkins, G K Jenkins, G K

Essays in Greek Coinage Presented to Stanley Robinson
Greek Oxford 1968

A 578 Kraay, C M; King, C E King, C E

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Volume V. Ashmolean Museum Oxford, Part IV; Paeonia - Thessaly Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Northern Greece London 1981

A 851 Kumpikevicius, G.C. Tooth, M.E.

A bibliograohy of classical numismatics in Canada

Toronto 1994
09/10/1996 R
A 237 Lacroix, L

Monnaies et Colonisation dans L'Occident Grec Verhandelingen, Boek 58 Greek Brussels 1965

A 239 Lacroix, L

Etudes D'Archeologie Numismatique Publications de la Bibliotheque Salomon Reinach, No. 3 Greek Paris 1974

A 238 Lacroix, L

Les Reproductions de Statues sur les Monnaies Grecques: La Statuaire Archaique et Classique Bibliotheque de la Faculte de Phil. et Lettres de Univ. de Liege, 116 Greek Liege 1949

A 240 Laffranchi, L

Bronzi Rari Della Cirenaica nel Medagliere Milanese Atti e Memorie, Vol. 8, 1934 Greek, Cyrenaica Rome 1934

A 241 Lamproy, I P

Coins of the Peloponnesus
Greek, Peloponnese Athens 1891

A 242 Lange, K

Herrscherkopfe des Altertums im Munzbild Ihrer Zeit
Greek Berlin 1938

A 243 Langher, S C

Contributo alla Storia della Antica Moneta Bronzea in Sicilia
Greek, Bronze, Sicily Milan 1964

A 244 Larizza, P

Rhigium Chalcidense: La Storia e la Numismatica
Greek, Rhegium Rome 1905

A 253 Le Rider, G

Deux Tresors de Monnaies Grecques de la Propontide (IV Siecle Avant J.-C.) Bibliotheque Arch. et Hist. de L'Inst. Francais D'Arch. D'Istanbul, 18 Greek Paris 1963

A 893 le Rider, G.

Seleucie du Tigre les Monnaies Seleucides et Parthes
Greek, Seleucides, Parthian Florence 1998
06/07/2001 R
A 877 Le Ridier, G.

Monnayage et Finance de Philippe II un etat de la question Centre de recherchers de l'Antiquite Grecque et Romaine
Athens 1996
05/11/1999 R
A 246 Leake, W M

Numismata Hellenica: A Catalogue of Greek Coins
Greek, Catalogue London 1856

A 245 Leake, W M

Coins of Syracuse (Plates)
Greek, Syracuse

A 247 Lederer, P

Die Staterpragung der Stadt Nagidos
Greek Berlin 1932

A 248 Lehmann, C F

Das Altbabylonische Maass- und Gewichtssystem als Grundlage der Antiken Gewichts-, Munz- und Maassysteme
Greek Leiden 1893

A 249 Lelewel, J

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Greek Paris 1836

A 482 Lengyel, L

Chefs-d'Oeuvres des Monnaies Grecques Collection: Maitres et Oeuvres Greek Montrouge 1952

A 493 Lenormant, C (Ed.)

Tresor de Numismatique. Numismatique des Rois Grecs. Pt. I, Europe
Greek, Kings, Europe Paris 1849

A 250 Lenormant, F

Essai sur le Classement des Monnaies D'Argent des Lagides
Greek Blois 1855

A 251 Lenormant, F

Description des Medailles et Antiquites Composant le Cabinet de M. le Baron Behr
Greek, Collection Paris 1857

A 835 Lentini, M.C. Garraffo, S.

Il tesoretto di Naxos (1985)

Rome 1995
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A 854 Leschhorn, W.

Antike Aren. Zeitrechnung, Politik u. Geschichte im Schwarzmeeraum u. in Kleinasien nordlich des Tauros Historica Einzelschriften 81
Stuttgart 1993
11/11/1996 R
A 725 Levante, E; Weiss, P; Vecchi, I Weiss, P Vecchi, I
Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Switzerland I; Levante, Cilicia Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Levant, Cilicia Berne 1986

A 494 Liebe, G J

Gotha Numaria, sistens Thesauri Fridericiani Numismata Antiqua Aurea, Argentea, Aerea
Greek, Scythic, Collection Fridenstein 1730

A 255 Lindberg, J C

Commentatio de Numis Punicies Sextorum
Greek Hauniae 1824

A 782 Lindgren, H C

Ancient Greek Bronze Coins from the Lindgren Collection: European Mints
Collection, Greek, Bronze California 1989

A 256 Lindsay, J

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Greek, Parthians Cork 1852

A 780 Llorens Forcada, M del Mar

La Ceca de Ilici Estudis Numismatics Valencians No. 1 Spanish Valencia 1987

A 257 Longperier, A de

Description des Medailles du Cabinet de M de Magnoncour
Greek, Collection Paris 1940

A 808 Lorber, C.C.

Amphipolis. The civic coinage in silver and gold

Los Angeles 1990
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A 258 Ludovicus, B C T

Recensio Numismatum Praestantissimorum, Graecorum, Romanorumque et Recentiorum Omnis Aeui Aeris et Moduli
Greek, Roman

A 891 Lukanc, I.

Les Imitations des Monnaies D'Alexandre le Grand et de Thasos
Greek, Imitative coinage Wetteren 1996
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A 259 MacDonald, D J

Greek and Roman Coins from Aphrodisias B A R Supplementary Series 9, 1976 Greek, Aphrodisias Oxford 1976

A 261 Macdonald, G

Catalogue of Greek Coins in the Hunterian Collection, Vol. II: North Western Greece, Central Greece, Southern Greece, and Asia Minor
Greek, Mainland Greece, Asia Minor Glasgow 1901

A 263 Macdonald, G

The Silver Coinage of Crete: A Metrological Note Proceedings of the British Academy, Vol. 9 Greek, Crete London 1919

A 262 Macdonald, G

Coin Types: Their Origin and Development
Greek Glasgow 1905

A 615 Macdonald, G

Catalogue of Greek Coins in the Hunterian Collection, Vol. III: Further Asia, Northern Africa, Western Europe
Greek, Asia, Africa, Europe Glasgow 1905

A 264 Mackay, J A

Greek and Roman Coins
Greek, Roman London 1971

A 266 Madden, F W

History of Jewish Coinage and of Money in the Old and New Testament
Jewish London 1864

A 265 Madden, F W

Coins of the Jews
Jewish London 1881

A 679 Maksimoua, M I

Anticnye Goroda Jugo-Vostocnogo Pricernomorja - Sinopa, Amis, Trapezunt (In Russian)
Greek Moscow 1956

A 585 Malmer, B

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. Sweden II. The Collection of the Royal Coin Cabinet National Museum of Monetary History Stockholm. Part 1 Gallia-Sicily Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Magna Graecia Stockholm 1976

A 586 Malmer, B

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. Sweden I. The Collection of His Late Majesty King Gustaf VI Adolf. The Fred Forbat Collection. Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek Stockholm 1974

A 783 Martini, R

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Italia. Milano, Civiche Raccolte Numismatiche. Volume XIV Cyrenaica - Mauretania Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Greek, Collection, Milan, Cyrenaica, Mauretania Milan 1989

A 790 Martini, R

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Italia. Milano, Civiche Raccolte Numismatiche. Volume XIII. Aegyptus. 1. Ptolemaei Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Greek, Collection, Milan, Egypt, Ptolemies Milan 1990
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A 894 Martini, R

Sylloge Nummorum Romanorum Italia - SNR Milano - Res Publica prt 5 Sylloge Nummorum Romanorum Italia Roman, Italy Milan 1997
06/07/2001 R
A 781 Martini, R; Fischer, B; Vismara, N Fischer, B Vismara, N
Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Italia. Milano, Civiche Raccolte Numismatiche Volume I; Hispania - Gallia anellenica Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Spain, France Milan 1988

A 752 Mathiesen, H E

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. Aarhus University, Denmark Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek Copenhagen 1986

A 755 Mathiesen, H E

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Fabricius Collection, Aarhus University, Denmark, and the Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, Copenhagen Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek Copenhagen 1987

A 871 Mattingly, H.B.

The Athenian Empire Restored: Epigraphic and Historical Studies

Michigan 1996
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A 267 May, J M F

The Coinage of Damastion and the Lesser Coinages of the Illyro-Paeonian Region
Greek, Damastion London 1939

A 269 May, J M F

The Coinage of Abdera (540-345 BC) R N S Special Publication No. 3, 1966 Greek, Abdera London 1966

A 268 May, J M F

Ainos: Its History and Coinage, 474-341 BC
Greek, Ainos London 1950

A 270 Mazard, J

Corpus Nummorum Numidiae Mauretaniaeque
Greek Paris 1955

A 271 McDowell, R H

Coins from Seleucia on the Tigris Humanistic Series, Vol. 37 Greek, Seleucia Ann Arbor, Mich. 1935

A 833 Melville Jones, J.R.

Testimonia Numaria. Greek and Latin texts concerning ancient Greek coinage

London 1994
13/07/1994 R
A 800 Mensitieri, M T

La monetazione di Valentia Centro Internazionale di Studi Numismatici, Biblioteca 3 Greek, Italy, Valentia, Corpus Rome 1989
18/09/1990 R
A 626 Meshorer, Y

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Collection of the American Numismatic Society, Part 6: Palestine, South Arabia Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Levant New York 1981

A 272 Meshorer, Y; Levine, I H (trans.) Levine, I H (trans.)

Jewish Coins of the Second Temple Period
Jewish Tel-Aviv 1967

A 859 Metcalf, W.E.

The silver coinage of Cappadocia, Vespasian - Commodus Numismatic Notes and Monographs 166
New York 1996
17/04/1997 R
A 831 Metcalf, W.E. (ed.)

Menmata: Papers in memory of Nancy M. Waggoner

New York 1991
13/07/1994 R
A 273 Meyshan, J

Essays in Jewish Numismatics Numismatic Studies and Researches, Vol. 6 Jewish Jerusalem 1968

A 889 Mielczarek, M.

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Poland I - The Archaeological and Ethnographical Museum in Lodz part 4: Galatia - Zeugitana Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Greek, Krakow 1998
06/07/2001 R
A 804 Mielczarek, M.

Ancient Greek coins found in Central, Eastern and Northern Europe Polish Academy of Science
Poland 1989
06/10/1992 R
A 441 Milbank, S R

The Coinage of Aegina American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs, No. 24 Greek, Aegina New York 1925

A 275 Mildenberg, L

The Eleazar Coins of the Bar Kochba Rebellion Historia Judaica, Vol. 11, No. 1, 1949 Jewish, Eleazar Zurich 1949

A 274 Mildenberg, L

Eine Ueberpragung des 2.Aufstandes der Juden Gegen Rom Schweizerische Numismatische Rundschau, Vol. 33, 1947 Jewish

A 716 Mildenberg, L

The Coinage of the Bar Kokhba War Typos, Band 6 Jewish Aarau 1984

A 747 Mildenberg, L; Hurter, S (Eds.) Hurter, S (Ed.)

The Arthur S. Dewing Collection of Greek Coins (Plates) Ancient Coins in North American Collections, No. 6 Greek, Collection New York 1985

A 748 Mildenberg, L; Hurter, S (Eds.) Hurter, S (Ed.)

The Arthur S. Dewing Collection of Greek Coins (Text) Ancient Coins in North American Collections, No. 6 Greek, Collection New York 1985

A 276 Miller, M

Die Munzen des Altertums: Ein Praktisches Handbuch der Antiken Munzung
Greek Berlin 1933

A 277 Millingen, J

Considerations sur la Numismatique de L'Ancienne Italie
Greek, Italy Florence 1841

A 282 Milne, J G

Greek Coinage
Greek Oxford 1931

A 657 Milne, J G

Leaden Tokens from Memphis
Greek, Memphis

A 280 Milne, J G

The Alexandrian Coinage of the Eighth Year of Gallienus Ancient Egypt, Part 4, 1917 Greek, Alexandria London 1917

A 279 Milne, J G

The Shops of the Roman Mint of Alexandria Journal of Roman Studies, Vol. 8, Part 2, 1918 Roman, Alexandria London 1918

A 654 Milne, J G

The Monetary Reform of Solon Journal of Hellenic Studies, Vol. 50, 1930 Greek, Solon London 1930

A 655 Milne, J G

Greek Monetary Standards Annals of Archaeology and Anthropology, Vol. 17, No. 3-4, 1930 Greek Liverpool 1930

A 283 Milne, J G

Catalogue of Alexandrian Coins - Ashmolean Museum
Greek, Alexandria, Catalogue Oxford 1933

A 576 Milne, J G

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Volume V. Ashmolean Museum: Evans Collection Part I; Italy Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Magna Graecia London 1951

A 712 Milne, J G

Finds of Greek Coins in the British Isles: Evidence Reconsidered in the Light of the Rackett Collection from Dorset
Greek, British Isles London 1948

A 281 Milne, J G

Finds of Greek Coins in the British Isles
Greek, British Isles London 1948

A 278 Milne, J G

The Economic Policy of Solon Hesperia, Vol. 14, No. 3, 1945 Greek, Solon Princeton 1945

A 659 Milne, J G

An Exchange-Currency of Magna Graecia Journal of Roman Studies, Vol. 34, 1944 Greek, Italy London 1944

A 443 Milne, J G

Kolophon and Its Coinage: A Study American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs, No. 96 Greek, Kolophon New York 1941

A 658 Milne, J G

The Coinage of Aradus in the Hellenistic Period Iraq, Vol. 5, Part1, 1938 Greek, Aradus Iraq 1938

A 656 Milne, J G

The Origin of Certain Copies of Athenian Tetradrachms Iraq, Vol. 4, Part 1, 1937 Greek, Athens Iraq 1937

A 442 Milne, J G

The Melos Hoard of 1907 American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs, No. 62 Greek, Melos, Hoard New York 1934

A 284 Mini, A

Monete di Bronzo della Sicilia Antica
Greek, Bronze, Sicily Sicily 1979

A 495 Molinet, R P C de

Le Cabinet de la Bilbliotheque de St. Genevieve
Greek, Collection Paris 1692

A 285 Molthein, L W de

Catalogue de la Collection des Medailles Grecques de M. le Chevalier
Greek, Collection Paris 1895

A 807 Moneda Griega

La collection museo casa de la monda

06/10/1992 R
A 861 Morcom, J.

The John Morcom Collection of Western Greek Bronze Coins Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum X
Oxford 1995
17/04/1997 R
A 537 Morkholm, O

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, Danish National Museum. Alexandria-Cyrenaica Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Alexandria, Cyrenaica Copenhagen

A 287 Morkholm, O

Studies in the Coinage of Antiochus IV of Syria Hist. Filos. Medd. Dan. Vid. Selsk. Bind 40, No. 3, 1963 Greek, Syria Copenhagen 1963

A 532 Morkholm, O

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, Danish National Museum. Syria: Seleucid Kings Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Seleucids Copenhagen 1959

A 535 Morkholm, O

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, Danish National Museum. Palestine-Characene Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Palestine, Characene Copenhagen 1961

A 558 Morkholm, O

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, Danish National Museum. Cyprus-Cappadocia. Uncertain Coins. Imperial Cistophori Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Cyprus, Cappadocia, Imperials Copenhagen 1956

A 533 Morkholm, O

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, Danish National Museum. Syria: Cities Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Syrian Cities Copenhagen 1959

A 660 Morkholm, O

Greek Coins from Failaka
Greek, Failaka Kuwait 1960

A 710 Morkholm, O

Greek Coins from Failaka Jysk Arkaeologisk Selskab, 1960 Greek, Failaka Selskab 1960

A 534 Morkholm, O

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals, Danish National Museum. Phoenicia Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Phoenicia Copenhagen 1961

A 803 Morkholm, O.

Early Hellenistic coinage from the accesion of Alexander to the peace of Apamena (336-186 BC)
Greek Coinage, Hellenistic, General Cambridge 1991
04/06/1991 R
A 286 Morkholm, O; Waggoner, N M (Eds.) Waggoner, N M (Ed.)

Greek Numismatics and Archaeology: Essays in Honor of Margaret Thompson
Greek Wetteren 1979

A 288 Moushegyan, X A

Monetie Kladi Armenii
Greek, Armenia

A 799 Murray, O (Ed.); Price, S (Ed.) Price, S (Ed.)

The Greek City from Homer to Alexander
Greek, History, General Oxford 1990
20/06/1990 R
A 289 Narain, A K

The Indo-Greeks
Greek Oxford 1957

A 291 Naster, P

Catalogue des Monnaies Grecques: La Collection Lucien de Hirsch (Plates)
Greek, Collection Brussels 1959

A 290 Naster, P

Catalogue des Monnaies Grecques: La Collection Lucien de Hirsch (Text)
Greek, Collection Brussels 1959

A 293 Navascues, J M de

Ciclo Andaluz: Grupo Bastulo-Turdetano, Tesoros de Azaila, Salvacanete y Cerro de la Miranda Las Monedas Hispanicas del Museo Arqueologico Nacional de Madrid,Vol.2 Spanish Barcelona 1971

A 292 Navascues, J M de

Las Monedas Hispanicas del Museo Arqueologico Nacional de Madrid, I: Ciclos Grecos e Ibero-Romano
Greek, Iberian, Roman, Collection Barcelona 1969

A 294 Naville, L

Les Monnaies D'Or de la Cyrenaique de 450 a 250 Avant J.-C.
Greek, Cyrenaica Geneva 1951

A 453 Newell, E T

The Fifth Dura Hoard American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs, No. 58 Greek, Dura, Hoard New York 1933

A 682 Newell, E T

The Coinage of the Western Seleucid Mints from Seleucus I to Antiochus III American Numismatic Society, Studies, No. 4 Greek, Seleucid New York 1977

A 625 Newell, E T

Late Seleucid Mints in Ake-Ptolemais and Damascus American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs, No. 84 Greek, Seleucid New York 1939

A 444 Newell, E T

Miscellanea Numismatica: Cyrene to India American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs, No. 82 Greek, Misc. New York 1938

A 300 Newell, E T

The Coinage of the Eastern Seleucid Mints, from Seleucus I to Antiochus III American Numismatic Society, Studies, No. 1 Greek, Seleucid New York 1938

A 301 Newell, E T

Royal Greek Portrait Coins
Greek, Portraits New York 1937

A 446 Newell, E T

The Seleucid Coinages of Tyre: A Supplement American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs, No. 73 Greek, Seleucid, Tyre New York 1936

A 295 Newell, E T

Tyrus Rediviva
Greek New York 1923

A 296 Newell, E T

Some Rare or Unpublished Greek Coins
Greek New York 1915

A 303 Newell, E T

The Dated Alexander Coinage of Sidon and Ake Yale Oriental Series, Vol. 2 Greek, Sidon, Ake New Haven 1916

A 302 Newell, E T

The Seleucid Mint of Antioch American Journal of Numismatics, Vol. 51 Greek, Antioch New York 1918

A 297 Newell, E T

The Alexandrine Coinage of Sinope American Journal of Numismatics, Vol. 52 Greek, Sinope New York 1919

A 298 Newell, E T

Myriandros Alexandria Kat'isson American Journal of Numismatics, Vol. 53 Greek New York 1920

A 450 Newell, E T

Octobols of Histiaea American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs, No. 2 Greek, Histiaea New York 1921

A 456 Newell, E T

The First Seleucid Coinage of Tyre American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs, No. 18 Greek, Seleucid, Tyre New York 1921

A 447 Newell, E T

Five Greek Bronze Coin Hoards American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs, No. 68 Greek, Bronze, Hoards New York 1935

A 459 Newell, E T

Alexander Hoards: Introduction and Kyparissia Hoard American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs, No. 3 Greek, Alexander, Hoards New York 1921

A 445 Newell, E T

The Pergamene Mint Under Philetaerus American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs, No. 76 Greek, Pergamene New York 1936

A 457 Newell, E T

Alexander Hoards: Andritsaena American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs, No. 21 Greek, Alexander, Hoards New York 1923

A 458 Newell, E T

Alexander Hoards: Demanhur, 1905 American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs, No. 60 Greek, Alexander, Hoards New York 1923

A 451 Newell, E T

Mithradates of Parthia and Hyspaosines of Characene: A Numismatic Palimpsest American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs, No. 26 Greek, Parthia New York 1925

A 299 Newell, E T

The Coinages of Demetrius Poliorcetes
Greek London 1927

A 449 Newell, E T

Two Recent Egyptian Hoards American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs, No. 33 Greek, Egypt, Hoards New York 1927

A 455 Newell, E T

Alexander Hoards IV. Olympia American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs, No. 39 Greek, Olympia, Hoard New York 1929

A 454 Newell, E T

The Kuchuk Kohne Hoard American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs, No. 46 Greek, Hoard New York 1931

A 448 Newell, E T

Two Hoards From Minturno American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs, No. 60 Greek, Minturno, Hoards New York 1933

A 452 Newell, E T

A Hoard from Siphnos American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs, No. 64 Greek, Siphnos, Hoard New York 1934

A 828 Nicolaou, I.

Paphos II. The coins from the house of Dionysos

Nicosia 1990
28/04/1994 R
A 304 Nicolaou, I; Morkholm, O Morkholm, O

A Ptolemaic Coin Hoard Paphos, Vol. 1 Greek, Ptolemaic Nicosia 1976

A 751 Nicolet, H

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. France: Bibliotheque Nationale. Collection Jean et Marie Delepierre Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek Paris 1983

A 815 Nilsson, H. (ed.)

Florilegium Numismaticum. Studia in Honorem U. Westermark Edita

Stockholm 1992
06/10/1992 R
A 305 Noe, S P

The Alexander Coinage of Sicyon American Numismatic Society, Studies, No. 6 Greek, Sicyon New York 1950

A 464 Noe, S P

A Bibliography of Greek Coin Hoards American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs, No. 25 Greek, Bibliography New York 1925

A 463 Noe, S P

The Mende (Kaliandra) Hoard American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs, No. 27 Greek, Mende, Hoard New York 1926

A 462 Noe, S P

The Coinage of Metapontum (Part One) American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs, No. 32 Greek, Metapontum New York 1927

A 461 Noe, S P

The Coinage of Metapontum (Part Two) American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs, No. 47 Greek, Metapontum New York 1931

A 460 Noe, S P

The Thurian Di-Staters American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs, No. 71 Greek, Magna Graecia, Thurii, Di-Staters New York 1935

A 465 Noe, S P

Two Hoards of Persian Sigloi American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs, No. 136 Greek, Persian New York 1956

A 306 Noe, S P

The Coinage of Caulonia American Numismatic Society, Studies, No. 9 Greek, Caulonia New York 1958

A 718 Noe, S P

The Coinage of Metapontum, Parts 1 and 2 American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs, Nos. 32 and 47 Greek, Metapontum New York 1984

A 796 Oikonomos, G P; Varoucha-Christodoulopoulos, E Varoucha-Christodoulopoulos, E

Nomismatike Sylloge Anastasiou P Stamouli (The Numismatic Collection of A P Stamouli, in Greek) 2 vols in 1
Greek, Catalogue, Stamouli Collection Athens 1955
22/05/1990 R
A 604 Ondrouch, V

Keltske Mince Typu Biatec
Celtic Bratislavy 1958

A 307 Oreshnikov, A

Katalog Sobraniya Drevnoctei Grafa Aleksya Sergevicha Uvarova. Moneti Vosporskavo Tsarstva i Drevnegrecheskich Gorodov (In Russian)
Greek, Collection, Uvarov, Black Sea Moscow 1887

A 852 Osbourne, M.J. Byrne, S.G.

A lexicon of Greek personal names

Oxford 1994
09/10/1996 R
A 308 Pachomov, E A

Coin Hoards of Azerbayjan (In Russian)
Greek, Azerbayjan Baku 1954

A 309 Paulsen, R

Die Munzpragungen der Boier
Greek Leipzig 1933

A 310 Pautasso, A

Le Monete Preromane dell'Italia Settentrionale Sibrium, Vol. 8, 1966
Varese 1966

A 724 Pautasso, A

Contributi alla Documentazione della Monetazione Padana Sibrium, Vol. 10, 1970
Varese 1970

A 312 Pellerin, M

Recueil de Medailles de Peuples et de Villes. Tome 1er, contenant les Medailles d'Europe
Greek, Europe Paris 1763

A 313 Pellerin, M

Recueil de Medailles de Peuples et de Villes. Tome 2e, contenant les Medailles d'Asie
Greek, Asia Paris 1763

A 314 Pellerin, M

Recueil de Medaiiles de Peuples et de Villes. Tome 3e, contenant les Medailles d'Afrique; des Isles; Medailles Incertaines; avec un supplement
GreekAfrica Paris 1763

A 850 Penn, R.G.

Medicine on Ancient Greek and Roman Coins Aspects of Ancient Classical Coins
London 1994
08/02/1996 R
A 860 Penn, R.G.

Medicine on Greek and Roman Coins Aspects of Ancient Classical Coins
London 1994
17/04/1997 R
A 311 Pennisi, A

La Collezione Numismatica Pennisi di Floristella Siciliae Veteres Nummi Greek, Collection Acireale 1940

A 315 Petrowicz, A von

Arsaciden - Munzen; Katalog
Greek, Catalogue Graz 1968

A 618 Picard, O

Chalcis et la Confederation Eubeenne: Etude de Numismatique et D'Histoire (IV - I Siecle)
Greek, Euboea Athens 1979

A 662 Pick, B

Athenische Statuen auf Munzen Sonder - Abdruck aus der Festgabe fur Hugo Blumner, 1914 Greek, Athens Zurich 1914

A 317 Pick, B

Die Antiken Munzen von Dacien und Moesien Die Antiken Munzen Nord-Griechenlands, Band 1 Greek Berlin 1898

A 316 Pick, B

Die Tempeltragenden Gottheiten und die Darstellung der Neokorie auf den Munzen Jahresheften des Osterreichischen Archaologischen Inst. Band 7, 1904 Greek

A 661 Pick, B

Monnaie du Koinon Armenias Revue des Etudes Anciennes, Tome 16, No. 3, 1914 Greek Bordeaux 1914

A 319 Pick, B

Aufsatze zur Numismatik und Archaologie
Greek Jena 1931

A 663 Pick, B

Die Thronende Gottin des Berliner Museums und die Persephone von Lokroi Jahrbuch des Kaiserlich Deutschen Archaologischen Inst., Band 32, 1917 Greek Berlin 1917

A 318 Pick, B; Regling, K Regling, K

Die Antiken Munzen von Dacien und Moesien Die Antiken Munzen Nord-Griechenlands, Band 1 Greek Berlin 1910

A 320 Pinder, M

Die Beckerschen Falschen Munzen
Greek Berlin 1843

A 607 Pink, K

Einfuhrung in die Keltische Munskunde, mit Besonderer Berucksichtigung Osterreichs Archaeologia Austriaca, Heft 6, 1950 Celtic Wien 1950

A 632 Pink, K

Die Munzpragung der Ostkelten und Ihrer Nachbarn
Celtic Braunschweig 1974

A 605 Pink, K; Gobl, R (Ed.) Gobl, R (Ed.)

Einfuhrung in die Keltische Munzkunde, mit Besonderer Berucksichtigung des Osterreichischen Raumes
Celtic Wien 1974

A 885 Plakidov, B (Ed.)

Antichna Numismatika v Bulgariya
Greek, Bulgaria Sophia

06/07/2001 R
A 321 Plant, R

Greek Coin Types and Their Identification
Greek London 1979

A 322 Pollard, G

A Catalogue of the Greek Coins in the Collection of Sir Stephen Courtauld at the University College of Rhodesia
Greek, Catalogue Salisbury, Rhodesia 1970

A 46 Poole, R S

A Catalogue of Greek Coins in the British Museum, Vol. I: Italy
Greek, Italy, Catalogue London 1873

A 61 Poole, R S

A Catalogue of Greek Coins in the British Museum, Vol. XV: Alexandria and the Nomes
Greek, Alexandria London 1892

A 51 Poole, R S

A Catalogue of Greek Coins in the British Museum, Vol. VI: The Ptolemies, Kings of Egypt
Greek, Ptolemies London 1883

A 47 Poole, R S (Ed.)

A Catalogue of Greek Coins in the British Museum, Vol. II: Sicily
Greek, Sicily London 1876

A 48 Poole, R S (Ed.)

A Catalogue of Greek Coins in the British Museum, Vol. III: The Tauric Chersonese, Sarmatia, Dacia, Moesia, Thrace, etc.
Greek, Thrace, Chersonese London 1877

A 323 Postolacca, A

Synopsis Numorum Veterum
Greek Athens 1878

A 324 Postolakos, A

Catalogue of the Archaic Numismatics (In Greek)
Greek, Archaic Athens

A 326 Preda, C

Monedele Geto-Dacilor Biblioteca de Arheologie 19
Bucharest 1973

A 325 Preda, C; Numbar, H Numbar, H

Histria III: Descoperirile Monetare 1914-1970 de Constantin Preda si H. Nubar Histria III Greek Bucharest 1973

A 565 Price, M

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Volume IV. Fitzwilliam Museum: Leake and General Collections Part VIII; Syria - Nabathaea Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Syria, Levant London 1971

A 613 Price, M

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Volume VI. The Lewis Collection, CCC Cambridge, Part I; Greek and Hellenistic Coins (with Britain and Parthia) Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Parthia, Britain London 1972

A 564 Price, M

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Volume IV. Fitzwilliam Museum: Leake and General Collections Part VII; Asia Minor; Lycia - Cappadocia Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Asia Minor London 1967

A 327 Price, M

Coins of the Macedonians
Greek, Macedonians London 1974

A 664 Price, M J

Recent Acquisitions of Greek Coins by the British Museum Archaeological Reports for 1973-74 Greek London 1974

A 665 Price, M J

Coins from Some Deposits in the South Stoa at Corinth Hesperia, Vol. 36, No. 4, 1967 Greek, Corinth Athens 1967

A 838 Price, M. (eds.) Burnett, A. (eds.) Bland, R. (eds.)
Essays in honour of Robert Carson and Kenneth Jenkins

London 1993
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A 816 Price, M.J.

The coinage in the name of Alexander the Great & Phillip Arrhidaeus (2 vols.) British Museum, Swiss Numismatic Society
London/Zurich 1991
06/10/1992 R
A 328 Price, M; Waggoner, N Waggoner, N

Archaic Greek Coinage: The Asyut Hoard
Greek, Asyut Hoard London 1975

A 750 Price, S R F

Rituals and Power: The Roman Imperial Cult in Asia Minor
Roman, Asia Minor Cambridge 1984

A 666 Prowe, T

Monnaies Inedites ou Rares de ma collection
Greek, Collection, Asia Minor, Syria, Thrace

A 667 Putscher, M

Das Bildnis des Hippokrates iund das Kultbild des Asklepios in Kos Marburger Sitzungsberichte Bd. 87 (1966) Heft 1 Greek, Iconography, Asia Minor, Asclepius

A 329 Ramsay, W M

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Greek, Phrygia Oxford 1895

A 330 Rauch, A de

Numi Antiqui Hispanorum, Gallorum, Graecorum, Aliorumque Antiquitatis Populorum, quos collegit Beatus ab Heidecken
Greek, Iberian, Celtic, Collection, Sale Catalogue Berlin 1845

A 466 Ravel, O

The "Colts" of Ambracia American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs, No. 37 Greek, Ambracia New York 1928

A 467 Ravel, O

Corinthian Hoards (Corinth and Arta) American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs, No. 52 Greek, Corith, Hoards New York 1932

A 334 Ravel, O E

Contribution a L'Etude de la Numismatique Corinthienne Revue Numismatique, 1932 Greek, Corinth Paris 1932

A 333 Ravel, O E

Discriptive Catalogue of the Collection of Tarentine Coins formed by M P Vlasto
Greek, Taras London 1947

A 332 Ravel, O E

Les "Poulains" de Corinthe: Monographie des Stateres Corinthiens, Tome 2
Greek, Corinth London 1948

A 331 Ravel, O E

Les "Poulains" de Corinthe: Monographie des Stateres Corinthiens, Tome 1
Greek, Corinth Basel 1936

A 469 Raymond, D

Macedonian Regal Coinage to 413 BC American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs, No. 126 Greek, Macedonian New York 1953

A 691 Reding, L

Les Monnaies Gauloises du Tetelbierg
Gaulish Luxembourg 1972

A 668 Regling, K

Pelztiere auf Antiken Munzen Reichs-Zentrale fur Pelztier- und Rauchwaren-Forschung, 24 Greek Leipzig 1930

A 336 Regling, K

Die Griechischen Munzen der Sammlung Warren
Greek Berlin 1906

A 337 Regling, K

Terina: Sechsundsechzigstes Programm Zum Winckelmannsfeste der Archaeologischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin
Greek, Terina Berlin 1906

A 335 Regling, K

Die Munzen von Priene
Greek, Priene Berlin 1927

A 338 Reifenberg, A

Ancient Jewish Coins (2nd Ed.)
Jewish Jerusalem 1947

A 341 Reinach, T

Trois Royaumes de L'Asie Mineure: Cappadoce - Bithynie - Pont
Greek, Asia Paris 1888

A 340 Reinach, T

L'Histoire par les Monnaies: Essais de Numismatique Ancienne
Greek Paris 1902

A 342 Reinach, T

Les Monnaies Juives
Greek Paris 1887

A 344 Richter, G M A

Animals in Greek Sculpture: A Survey
Greek, Sculpture London 1930

A 343 Richter, G M A

Catalogue of Engraved Gems: Greek - Etrucscan - and Roman
Greek, Gems Rome 1956

A 779 Ripolles Alegre, P P

La Ceca de Valentia Estudis Numismatics Valencians No. 2 Spanish Valencia 1988

A 346 Robert, L

Villes d'Asie Mineure: Etudes de Geographie Antique Etudes Orientales, 2 Greek Paris 1935

A 345 Robert, L

Etudes de Numismatique Grecque
Greek Paris 1951

A 470 Robinson, D M

A Hoard of Silver Coins from Carystus American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs, No. 124 Greek, Carystus, Hoard New York 1952

A 347 Robinson, D M

The Coins Found at Olynthus in 1928 Excavations at Olynthus, Part 3 Greek, Olynthus London 1931

A 348 Robinson, D M

The Coins Found at Olynthus in 1931 Excavations at Olynthus, Part 6 Greek, Olynthus London 1933

A 349 Robinson, D M, Clement, P A Clement, P A

The Chalcidic Mint and the Excavation Coins Found in 1928-1934 Excavations at Olynthus, Part 9 Greek, Olynthus London 1938

A 570 Robinson, E S G

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Volume III. The Lockett Collection Part I; Spain and Italy (Gold and Silver) Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Magna Graecia, Spain London 1938

A 568 Robinson, E S G

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Volume II. The Lloyd Collection Parts V-VI; Galaria to Selinus Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Magna Graecia London 1935

A 353 Robinson, E S G

Catalogue of Ancient Greek Coins
Greek, Catalogue London 1923

A 572 Robinson, E S G

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Volume III. The Lockett Collection Part III; Macedonia-Aegina (Gold and Silver) Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Macedonia, Aegina London 1942

A 74 Robinson, E S G

A Catalogue of Greek Coins in the British Museum, Vol. XXXI: Cyrenaica
Greek, Cyrenaica London 1927

A 350 Robinson, E S G

Ancient Greek Coins in the Possession of William Harrison Woodward: A Catalogue
Greek, Collection Oxford 1928

A 571 Robinson, E S G

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Volume III. The Lockett Collection Part II; Sicily and Thrace (Gold and Silver) Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Magna Graecia, Thrace London 1939

A 557 Robinson, E S G

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Volume I Part II. The Newnham Davis Coins in the Wilson Collection of Classical and Eastern Antiquities, Marischal College Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek London 1936

A 556 Robinson, E S G

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Volume I Part I. The Collection of Capt E G Spencer-Churchill MC; the Salting Collection in the Victoria and Albert Museum Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek London 1931

A 567 Robinson, E S G

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Volume II. The Lloyd Collection Parts III-IV; Velia to Eryx Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Magna Graecia London 1934

A 569 Robinson, E S G

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Volume II. The Lloyd Collection Parts VII-VIII; Syracuse to Lipara Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Magna Graecia London 1937

A 575 Robinson, E S G

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Volume III. The Lockett Collection Part V; Lesbos, Cyrenaica: Addenda (Gold and Silver) Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Lesbos, Africa London 1949

A 354 Robinson, E S G

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A 351 Robinson, E S G

A Catalogue of the Calouste Gulbenkian Collection of Greek Coins, Part 1 (Text)
Greek, Collection Lisbon 1971

A 352 Robinson, E S G

A Catalogue of the Calouste Gulbenkian Collection of Greek Coins, Part 1 (Plates)
Greek, Collection Lisbon 1971

A 574 Robinson, E S G

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Volume III. The Lockett Collection Part IV; Peloponnese-Aeolis (Gold and Silver) Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Peloponnese, Aeolis London 1945

A 573 Robinson, E S G

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Volume III. The Lockett Collection Part IV; Peloponnese-Aeolis (Gold and Silver) Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Peloponnese, Aeolis London 1945

A 566 Robinson, E S G

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Volume II. The Lloyd Collection Parts I-II; Etruria to Thurium Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Magna Graecia London 1933

A 357 Rogers, E

The Copper Coinage of Thessaly
Greek, Thessaly London 1932

A 468 Rogers, E

The Second and Third Seleucid Coinage of Tyre American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs, No. 34 Greek, Seleucid, Tyre New York 1927

A 356 Rogers, E

A Handy Guide to Jewish Coins
Jewish London 1914

A 358 Romanoff, P

Jewish Symbols on Ancient Jewish Coins
Jewish Philadelphia 1944

A 617 Rutter, N K

Campanian Coinages, 475-380 BC
Greek, Campania Edinburgh 1979

A 630 Rutter, N K

A Catalogue of the Ancient Greek Coins in the Collections of the Royal Scottish Museum, Edinburgh
Greek, Catalogue Edinburgh 1979

A 359 Sallet, A von

Beschreibung der Antiken Munzen, Vol. 1: Taurische Chersonesus, Sarmatien, Dacient, Pannonien, Moesien, Thracien, Thracische Konige Beschreibung der Antiken Munzen Greek Berlin 1888

A 360 Sallet, A von

Beschreibung der Antiken Munzen, Vol. 2: Paeonien, Macedonien, Die Macedonischen Konige Bis Perdiccas III Beschreibung der Antiken Munzen Greek Berlin 1889

A 361 Sallet, A von

Beschreibung der Antiken Munzen, Vol. 3: Italien Beschreibung der Antiken Munzen Greek Berlin 1894

A 362 Sambon, A

Les Monnaies Antiques de L'Italie
Greek Paris 1903

A 364 Saulcy, F de

Memoire sur les Monnaies Datees des Seleucides
Greek, Seleucids Paris 1871

A 363 Saulcy, F de

Essai de Classification des Monnaies Autonomes de L'Espagne
Greek, Spain Metz 1840

A 365 Saulcy, F de

Numismatique de la Terre Sainte: Descriptions des Monnaies Autonomes et Imperiales de la Palestine et de l'Arabie Petree
Greek, Palestine Paris 1874

A 699 Saves, G

Les Monnaies Gauloises "a la Croix" et Assimilees du Sud-Ouest de la Gaule
Gaulish Toulouse 1976

A 608 Scheers, S

Les Monnaies de la Gaule Inspirees de Celles de la Republique Romaine
Gaulish Leuven 1969

A 692 Scheers, S

Les Monnaies Gauloises de la Collection A. Danicourt a Peronne (France, Somme) Cercle D'Etudes Numismatiques, Travaux 7 Gaulish Brussels 1975

A 606 Scheers, S

Monnaies Gauloises de Seine-Maritime
Gaulish Rouen 1978

A 367 Schonert, E

Griechisches Munzwerk: Die Munzpragung von Perinthos (Plates) Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, No. 45 Greek Berlin 1965

A 366 Schonert, E

Griechisches Munzwerk: Die Munzpragung von Perinthos (Text) Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, No. 45 Greek Berlin 1965

A 733 Schonert-Geiss, E

Griechisches Munzwerk: Die Munzpragung von Maroneia (Text) Schriften zur Geschichte und Kultur der Antike, No. 26 Greek, Maroneia Berlin 1987

A 368 Schonert-Geiss, E

Griechisches Munzwerk: Die Munzpragung von Byzantion (Text) Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, No. 2 Greek Berlin 1970

A 370 Schonert-Geiss, E

Griechisches Munzwerk: Die Munzpragung von Bisanthe - Dikaia - Selymbria Schriften zur Geschichte und Kultur der Antike, No. 13 Greek Berlin 1975

A 369 Schonert-Geiss, E

Griechisches Munzwerk: Die Munzpragung von Byzantion (Plates) Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, No. 2 Greek Berlin 1970

A 897 Schonert-Geiss, E.

Bibliographie zur antiken Numismatik Thrakiens Und Mosiens Griechisches Munzwerk Greek, Thracia, Mosia Berlin 1999 1st Edn. 11/09/2001 R
A 827 Schultz, S.

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Berlin 1991
28/04/1994 R
A 825 Schultz, S.

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Berlin 1975
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A 669 Schwabacher, W

Neue Methoden in der Griechischen Munzforschung Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology, Vol. 15 Greek Lund 1964

A 371 Schwabacher, W

Grekiska Mynt: Ur Konung Gustaf VI Adolfs Samling
Greek Malmo 1962

A 704 Schwabacher, W

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A 372 Schwarz, D; Mildenberg, L Mildenberg, L

Aus Einer Sammlung Griechischer Munzen
Greek Zurich 1961

A 374 Scotti, V N

La Rarita delle Medaglie Antiche
Greek Pisa 1803

A 373 Scotti, V N

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Greek Livorno 1821

A 377 Seaby, H A

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Greek London 1966

A 375 Seaby, H A; Kozolubski, J Kozolubski, J

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Greek London 1959

A 471 Seager, R B

A Cretan Coin Hoard American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs, No. 23 Greek, Crete, Hoard New York 1924

A 378 Sear, D R

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A 380 Seldeni, J

Librum de Nummis Merito Confecrat
Greek London 1675

A 381 Sellwood, D

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Greek, Parthia London 1971

A 677 Selov, D B

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Greek, Bosphorus Moscow 1956

A 388 Seltman, C

A Book of Greek Coins
Greek London 1952

A 387 Seltman, C

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A 383 Seltman, C

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Greek, Athens Cambridge 1924

A 385 Seltman, C

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Greek London 1933

A 389 Seltman, C

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Greek London 1948

A 384 Seltman, C

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Greek Oxford 1949

A 382 Seltman, C

The Katoche Hoard of Elean Coins Numismatic Chronicle, Sixth Series, Vol. 11, 1951 Greek, Elean Oxford 1951

A 386 Seltman, C

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Greek London 1955 2nd Edn.
A 472 Seltman, C T

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A 392 Sestini, D

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Greek, Collection Florence 1822

A 391 Sestini, D

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A 390 Sestito, G de S

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Greek, Sicily Palermo 1977

A 393 Severeanu, G

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A 672 Severeanu, G

Monnaie Inedite de Kallatis: Se Rapportant au Culte D'Aphrodite et de Priape Beletinul Societajii Numismatice Romane 20, 1925 Greek, Kallatia Bucarest 1925

A 673 Severeanu, G

Etude sur les Tetradrachmes Type Alexandre le Grande Beletinul Societajii Numismatice Romane 19, 1924 Greek, Alexander Bucarest 1925

A 670 Severeanu, G

Un Nouveau Poids de Kallatia Beletinul Societajii Numismatice Romane 23, 1925 Greek, Kallatia Bucarest 1926

A 671 Severeanu, G

Un Mobilier Funeraire: Trouve a Kallatis et Datant du Second Siecle Apres J.-C. Beletinul Societajii Numismatice Romane 23, 1929 Greek Bucarest 1930

A 473 Seyrig, H

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A 394 Seyrig, H

Tresors Monetaires Seleucides, Vol. II; Tresors du Levant Anciens et Nouveaux
Greek, Levant Paris 1973

A 771 Smith, R R R

Hellenistic Royal Portraits
Greek, Portraits Oxford 1988

A 879 Spanu, M.

Keramos di Caria storia e monumenti Studia Archaeologica 89
Rome 1997
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A 674 Sperber, D

A Note on a Coin of Antigonus Mattathias Jewish Quarterly Review, Vol. 54, 1964 Jewish

A 892 Stancomb, W.M.

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Vol XI: The William Stancomb Collection of Coins of the Black Sea Region Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Greek, Black Sea Oxford 2000
06/07/2001 R
A 395 Starr, C G

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Greek, Athens Oxford 1970

A 777 Sugden, K F

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Volume VIII. The Hart Collection, Blackburn Museum Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek Oxford 1989

A 396 Sukenik, E L

The Oldest Coins of Judaea Paralipomena Palaestinensia, I Greek, Judaea Jerusalem

A 675 Sukenik, E L

The Oldest Coins of Judaea Paralipomena Palaestinensia, I Greek, Judaea Jerusalem

A 797 Sullivan, R D

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A 397 Sundwall, J

Untersuchungen uber die Attischen Munzen des Neueren Stiles Finska Vetenskaps-Societetens Forhandlingar, 49, 1906-7 Greek

A 759 Svoronos, I N

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Byzantine Athens 1914

A 496 Svoronos, J I

Ta Nomismata tou Kratous ton Ptolemaion, Meros Proton Bibliotheke Marasle. Sylloge Ekkriton Epistemonikon Xenon Greek, Ptolemies Athens 1904

A 758 Svoronos, J N

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Greek Athens 1922

A 399 Svoronos, J N

La Tholos d'Athenes
Greek, Athens

A 497 Svoronos, J N

Ta Nomismata tou Kratous ton Ptolemaion, Meros Deuteron Bibliotheke Marasle: Sylloge Ekkriton Epistemonikon Xenon Egypt, Ptolemaic Athens 1904

A 398 Svoronos, J N

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A 400 Svoronos, J N

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Greek, Crete Bonn 1972

A 498 Svoronos, J N

Ta Nomismata tou Kratous ton Ptolemaion, Meros Triton Bibliotheke Marasle: Sylloge Ekkriton Epistemonikon Xenon Egypt, Ptolemaic Athens 1904

A 812 Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum

Munchen Vol. 19 Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum
Munich 1991

A 820 Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum

The Lewis Collection, Cambridge (6 vols.). The Greek Imperial coins Pt. 2 The British Academy
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01/12/1993 R
A 845 Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum

Hungary. Budapest Magyar Nemzeti Muzeum. Vol. II Dacia - Moesia Superior Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Hungary
Milan 1994
16/02/1996 R
A 844 Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum

Deutschland. Staatliche Munzsammlung Munchen. Ionien nr. 1-882 Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Deutschland
Munchen 1995
16/02/1996 R
A 843 Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum

Deutschland. Munzsammlung der Universitat Tubingen. Karien u. Lydien. 3307-3886 Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Deutschland
Munchen 1994
16/02/1996 R
A 842 Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum

Deutschland. Sammlung der Universitatsbibliotek Leipzig. Autonome Griechische Munzen Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Deutschland
Munchen 1993
16/02/1996 R
A 841 Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum

Deutschland. Pfalzer privatsammlungen. Pamphylien Nr. 1-960 Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Deutschland
Munchen 1993
16/02/1996 R
A 830 Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum

Cilicie. Cabinet des Medailles. France 2 Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum
Paris 1993
30/06/1994 R
A 819 Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Italia

Milano civiche raccolte numismatiche Vol. XIII. Aegyptus. 3. Commodus - Galerius Caesar Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Italia
Milan 1992
01/12/1993 R
A 806 Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Italia

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Milan 1991

A 824 Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Italia

Milano civiche raccolte numismatiche Vol. XII. Syria - Bactria et India Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Italia
Milan 1992
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A 834 Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Italia

Milano civiche raccolte numismatiche Vol. XIII. Aegyptus. 3. Commodus - Galerius Caesar Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Italia
Milan 1992
13/07/1994 R
A 855 Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Schweiz II

Munzen der Antike. Katalog der Sammlung Jean-Pierre Righetti in Bernischen Historischen Museum Balazs Kapossy

Stuttgart 1993
11/11/1996 R
A 401 Szemiothowa, A

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Greek Warsaw 1951

A 402 Thompson, M

The New Style Silver Coinage of Athens (Text) American Numismatic Society, Studies No. 10 Greek, Athens New York 1961

A 591 Thompson, M

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Burton Y Berry Collection. Part I: Macedonia to Attica Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Macedonia, Central Greece, Attica New York 1961

A 592 Thompson, M

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Burton Y Berry Collection. Part II: Megaris to Egypt Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Peloponnese, Asia Minor, Egypt New York 1962

A 474 Thompson, M

The Agrinion Hoard American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs, No. 159 Greek, Agrinion Hoard New York 1968

A 683 Thompson, M

Alexander's Drachm Mints, I: Sardes and Miletus American Numismatic Society, Studies no. 16 Greek, Drachms, Asia Minor, Alexander, Mints New York 1983

A 403 Thompson, M

The New Style Silver Coinage of Athens (Plates) American Numismatic Society, Studies No. 10 Greek, Athens New York 1961

A 404 Thompson, M; Morkholm, O; Kraay, C M Morkholm, O Kraay, C M
An Inventory of Greek Coin Hoards
Greek, Hoards New York 1973

A 475 Torrey, C C

Aramaic Graffiti on Coins of Demeter American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs, No. 77 Greek, Demeter, Aramaic New York 1937

A 766 Touratsoglou, I

Die Munzstatte von Thessaloniki in der Romischen Kaiserzeit A M U G S, Band 12 Roman, Thessalonika Berlin 1988

A 821 Touratsoglou, Y.

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Athens 1993
01/12/1993 R
A 476 Trell, B L

The Temple of ARtemis at Ephesos American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs, No. 107 Greek, Ephesos New York 1945

A 612 Troxell, H A

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Collection of the American Numismatic Society, Part II: Lucania Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Magna Graecia New York 1972

A 587 Troxell, H A

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Collection of the American Numismatic Society, Part II: Lucania Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Magna Graecia New York 1972

A 684 Troxell, H A

The Coinage of the Lycian League American Numismatic Society Notes and Monographs, No. 162 Lycia New York 1982

A 588 Troxell, H A

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Collection of the American Numismatic Society, Part 3: Bruttium, Sicily I; Abacaenum-Eryx Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Magna Graecia New York 1975

A 405 Troxell, H A

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A 869 Troxell, H.A.

Studies in the Macedonian Coinage of Alexander the Great Numismatic Studies 21: The American Numismatic Society
New York 1997
20/11/1997 R
A 406 Tudeer, L O Th

Die Tetradrachmenpragung von Syrakus in der Periode der Signierenden Kunstler
Greek, Syracuse Berlin 1913

A 867 Tzamalis, A.P.

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Athens 1996
06/10/1997 R
A 882 Ulrike, P.

Die Muenzen der thrakischen Dynasten (5.-3. Jhr v. Chr.): Hintergruende ihrer Praegung
Greek, Thrace Berlin 1997

A 738 Vacano, O von

Typenkatalog der Antiken Munzen Kleinasiens
Greek, Asia Minor Berlin 1986

A 709 Varoucha-Christodoulopolou

Nomismatikai Endeixeis di Agnoston Mechri Toude Polin tes Kretes
Greek, Crete Athens 1968

A 407 Vermeule, C C

A Bibliography of Applied Numismatics: In the Fields of Greek and Roman Archaeology and Fine Arts
Greek, Bibliography London 1956

A 813 Vicari, F.

Uno Studio….Della Monetazione Etrusca


A 688 Villaronea, L

Les Monedes Iberiques de Tarraco
Iberian, Tarraco Tarragon 1983

A 772 Villaronga, L

Els Denaris Iberics D'Ikalkusken Estudis Numismatics Valencians, No. 3 Greek Valencia 1988

A 408 Villaronga, L

Las Monedas Hispano-Cartaginesas
Greek, Spain Barcelona 1973

A 409 Villaronga, L

Numismatica Antigua de Hispania
Ancient, Spanish Barcelona 1979

A 856 Villaronga, L.

Corpus nummum hispaniae ante augusti aetatem

Madrid 1994
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A 784 Vismara, N

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Italia. Milano, Civiche Raccolte Numismatiche. Volume III Campania-Calabria Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Greek, Collection, Milan, Italy Milan 1989

A 794 Vismara, N

Monetazione arcaica della Lycia. 1, Il dinasta Wekhssere I; 2, La collezione Winsemann Falghera Glaux, 2 and 3 Greek, Lycia, Corpus, Collection Milan 1989
22/05/1990 R
A 789 Vismara, N

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Italia. Milano, Civiche Raccolte Numismatiche. Volume II Gallia ellenica - Guerra Sociale Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Greek, Collection, Milan, Gaul, Italy Milan 1990
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A 866 Vismara, N.

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Italia. Milano. Vol. XII Syria - Batria et India Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Italia
Milan 1992
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A 410 Vives Y Escudero, A

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Spanish Madrid 1926

A 411 Vives Y Escudero, A

La Moneda Hispanica (Plates)
Spanish Madrid 1926

A 686 Vlasto, M P

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A 412 Vlasto, M P

Alexander son of Neoptolemos of Epirus Numismatic Chronicle, Fifth Series, Vol. 6, 1926 Greek, Epirus New York 1926

A 857 Voegtli, H.

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Berlin 1993
18/11/1996 R
A 840 von Reden, S.

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London 1995
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A 477 Waage, F O

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A 413 Waddington, W H

Recueil General des Monnaies Grecques d'Asie Mineure, Vol. 1
Greek, Asia Minor Paris 1904

A 414 Waddington, W H

Recueil General des Monnaies Grecques d'Asie Mineure, Vol. 2
Greek, Asia Minor Paris 1910

A 787 Waddington, W H; Babelon, E; Reinach, T Babelon, E Reinach, T
Recueil Generale des Monnaies Greques d'Asie Mineure, Tome I, 4, Prusa, Prusias, Tius Recueil Generale I, 4 Greek, Asia Minor, Corpus Paris 1912
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A 749 Waggoner, N M

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The Collection of the American Numismatic Society, Part 7: Macedonia I - Cities, Thraco-Macedonian Tribes, Paeonian Kings Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Collection, Greek, Macedonia New York 1987

A 732 Waggoner, N M

Early Greek Coins from the Collection of Jonathan P. Rosin Ancient Coins in North American Collections Greek, Collection New York 1983

A 481 Wallace, W P

The Euboian League and Its Coinage American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs, No. 134 Greek, Euboian League New York 1956

A 415 Ward, J

Greek Coins and Their Parent Cities
Greek London 1902

A 417 Warren, J L

An Essay on Greek Federal Coinage
Greek London 1863

A 631 Waser, C

De Antiquis Numis Hebraeorum Chaldaeorum et Syrorum: quorum Sancta Biblia et Rabbinorum Scripta meminerunt, Libri II
Jewish, Chaldaean, Syria Zurich 1605

A 629 Waters, K H

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Greek, Collection Tasmania 1981

A 418 Weidauer, L

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A 701 Weissbach, F H

Zur Keilinschriftlichen Gewichtkunde Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft, 1911 Greek Leipzig 1912

A 419 Werlhof, A C E von

Handbuch der Griechischen Numismatik
Greek Hannover 1850

A 478 West, A B

Fifth and Fourth Century Gold Coins from the Thracian Coast American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs, No. 40 Greek, Thrace New York 1929

A 420 Westermark, U

Das Bildnis Des Philetairos Von Pergamon
Greek, Pergamon Stockholm 1960

A 421 Westermark, U, Jenkins, K Jenkins, K

The Coinage of Kamarina RNS Special Publication No. 9 Greek, Kamarina London 1980

A 422 Weston, S

Historic Notices of Towns in Greece, and in Other Countries That Have Struck Coins
Greek London 1826

A 423 Wilde, J de

Selecta Numismata Antiqua; Ex Musaeo
Greek Amsterdam 1692

A 480 Williams, R T

The Confederate Coinage of the Arcadians in the Fifth Century BC American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs, No. 155 Greek, Arcadia New York 1965

A 424 Williams, R T

The Silver Coinage of the Phokians RNS Special Publication No. 7 Greek, Phokis London 1972

A 814 Williams, R.T.

The silver coinage of Velia Royal Numismatic Society Special Publication 25
London 1992
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A 435 Wilson, H H; Prinsep, J Prinsep, J

Observations on Lieut. Burnes' Collection of Bactrian and other coins
Bactrian, Collection

A 431 Woloch, M

The McGill University Collection of Greek and Roman Coins
Greek, Roman, Collection Amsterdam 1975

A 426 Woodward, A M L

Apousia Numismatic Chronicle, Sixth Series, Vol. 11, 1951 Greek Oxford 1951

A 479 Work, E

The Earlier Staters of Heraclea Lucaniae American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs, No. 91 Greek, Heraclea Lucaniae New York 1940

A 54 Wroth, W

A Catalogue of Greek Coins in the British Museum, Vol. IX: Crete and the Aegean Islands
Greek, Crete, Aegean London 1886

A 68 Wroth, W

A Catalogue of Greek Coins in the British Museum, Vol. XXIII: Parthia
Greek, Parthia London 1903

A 65 Wroth, W

A Catalogue of Greek Coins in the British Museum, Vol. XX: Galatia, Cappadocia, and Syria
Greek, Galatia, Cappadocia, Syria, Catalogue London 1899

A 62 Wroth, W

A Catalogue of Greek Coins in the British Museum, Vol. XVII: Throas, Aeolis, and Lesbos
Greek, Troas, Aeolis, Lesbos London 1894

A 58 Wroth, W Poole, R S (Ed.)

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Greek, Catalogue London 1889

A 60 Wroth, W

A Catalogue of Greek Coins in the British Museum, Vol. XVI: Mysia
Greek, Mysia London 1892

A 427 Wruck, W

Die Syrische Provinzialpragung von Augustus bis Traian
Syria, Imperials Stuttgart 1931

A 428 Youroukova, Y

Coins of the Ancient Thracians B A R Supplementary Series 4 Greek, Thrace Oxford 1976

A 633 Zagami, L

Le Monete Di Lipara
Greek, Lipara Messina 1959

A 775 Ziegler, R

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Greek Munich 1988

A 430 Zograph, A N

Ancient Coinage - Parts 1 and 2 B A R Supplementary Series 33(i,ii), 1977 Greek Oxford 1977

A 429 Zograph, A N

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Greek Moscow 1951