Section B: Roman


Section 1 Number Authors Author 2 Author 3 Author 4 Title Series/source Keywords Place Pub#date Edition Acquired Society
B 699 Abascal, J M

La Circulacion Monetaria del Portus Ilicitanus Estudis Numismatics Valencians, No. 4 Roman, Portus Ilicitanus Valencia 1989

B 387 Adelson, H L

Light Weight Solidi and Byzantine Trade during the Sixth and Seventh Centuries American Numismatic Society Notes and Monographs, No. 138 Byzantine, Solidi, Trade, Sixth and Seventh Centuries New York 1957

B 388 Adelson, H L; Kustas, G L Kustas, G L

A Bronze Hoard of the Period of Zeno I American Numismatic Society Notes and Monographs, No. 148 Byzantine, Bronze, Hoard New York 1962

B 4 Agostini, D A

Le Medaglie Iscrittioni et Altre Antichita Romane
Roman Rome 1650

B 1 Ailly, Le Baron d'

Recherches sur la Monnaie Romaine Volume II,2
Roman Lyon 1868

B 2 Akerman, J Y

A Descriptive Catalogue of Rare and Unedited Roman Coins, Volume 2
Roman, catalogue London 1834

B 3 Akerman, J Y

Coins of the Romans Relating to Britain
Roman, Britain London 1844

B 420 Akerman, J Y

A Descriptive Catalogue of Rare and Unedited Roman Coins, Vol. I
Roman London 1834

B 470 Albert, R

Das Bild des Augustus auf den Fruhen Reichspragungen Schriftenrcihe der Numismatischen Gesellschaft Speyer, Bd. 21 Roman, Augustus Speyer 1981

B 296 Alfoldi, A

A Festival of Isis in Rome Under the Christian Emperors of the IVth Century
Roman, Festival of Isis Leipzig 1937

B 6 Alfoldi, A

Die Kontorniaten
Roman Leipzig 1943

B 7 Alfoldi, A

Studien Uber Caesars Monarchie
Roman, Caesar Lund 1955

B 8 Alfoldi, A

Die Zwei Lorbeerbaume des Augustus, Band 14 Antiquitas 3 Roman, Augustus Bonn 1973

B 5 Alfoldi, A

Der Untergang der Romerherrschaft in Pannonien, Volume 1
Roman Berlin 1924

B 353 Alfoldi, A; Alfoldi, E Alfoldi, E

Die Kontorniat - Medaillons , Volume 1 (plates) Antike Munzen und Geschnittene Steine, Volume 6 Roman, Medals, catalogue Berlin 1976

B 729 Alfoldi, A; Alfoldi, E Alfoldi, E

Die Kontorniat-Medallions, Teil 2 Antike Munzen und Geschnittene Steine VI/2 Roman, Contorniates Berlin 1990
18/09/1990 R
B 352 Alfoldi, A; Alfoldi, E Alfoldi, E

Die Kontorniat - Medaillons , Volume 1 (text) Antike Munzen und Geschnittene Steine, Volume 6 Roman, Medals, catalogue Berlin 1976

B 598 Alfoldi, M R

Studien zu Fundmunzen der Antike, Band 2: Aufsatze Studien zu Fundmunzen der Antike Roman Berlin 1984

B 98 Alfoldi, M R

Stadt Trier (3001-3002), Band 3/1 Die Fundmunzen der Romischen Zeit in Deutschland, Abteilung 4,Band 3/1 Roman, Catalogue Berlin 1970

B 9 Alfoldi, M R

Die Constantinische Goldpragung Untersuchungen zu ihrer Bedeutung fur Kaiserpolitik und Hofkunst
Roman, Constantine Mainz 1963

B 829 Allen, D. (ed.) Mays, M. (ed.)

Catalogue of the Celtic coins in the British Museum Vol. III. Bronze coins of Gaul

London 1995
17/04/1997 R
B 730 Alram, M

Moneta Imperii Romani, Band 27: Die Munzpragung des Kaisers Maximinus I Thrax (235/238) Osterreichische Akademie, Numismatischen Veroffentlichungen Band 24 Roman, Maximinus Vienna 1989

B 561 Alram, M; Denk, R; Dick, W S; Dick, F Denk, R Dick, W S Dick, F Die Munzsammlungen der Benediktinerstifte Kremsmunster und St.Paul im Lavanttal Thesaurus Nummorum Romanorum et Byzantinorum, Band 4; Numismatik 10 Roman, St.Paul Wien 1983

B 713 Alram, M; Denk, R; Szaivert, W Denk, R Szaivert, W
Die Munzsammlung des Augustiner-Chorherrenstiftes Klosterneuburg Thesaurus Nummorum Romanorum et Byzantinorum Band 6 Roman, Collections, Klosterneuburg Wien 1989
01/03/1990 R
B 742 Alteri, G.

Tipologia delle monete della republica


B 779 Alteri, G.

Tipologia delle monete della reppublica di Roma (con particolare riferimento al denario)

Rome 1990
15/06/1995 R
B 883 Amandry, M. Castellvi, G. Richard, J.-C. Marichal, R. Les monnaies de la Republique et la Via Domitia
Roman, Republican Perpignan 1998
24/07/2001 R
B 884 Amandry, M. Remy, B.

Comana du Pont sous l'Empire romain. Etude historique et corpus monetaire. Glaux 14 Roman, Roman Provincial, Pontus Milan 1999
24/07/2001 R
B 852 Amandry, M. Remy, B.

Pontica II les monnaies de l'atelier de Sebastopolis du Pont Varia Anatolica X
Paris 1998
23/03/1999 R
B 744 anon.

Catalogue of Coins. Ossolinski Lib

B 684 Antikenmuseum Berlin

Kaier Augustus und die Verlorene Republik
Roman, Augustus Berlin 1988

B 349 Apolloni, G

L'Aes Grave cioe le Monete Primitive del Museo Kircheriano disegnate in Pietra
Italic, Aes Grave, Collection Rome 1838

B 348 Arneth, J

Synopsis Nummorum Romanorum qui in Museo Caesareo Vindobonensi adservantur
Roman, Collection Vienna 1842

B 579 Arslan, E A

Le Monete di Ostrogoti Longobardi e Vandali. Catalogo delle Civiche Raccolte Numismatiche di Milano
Ostrogoths, Vandals, Collection Milan 1978

B 784 Arslan, E.A.

Ermanno A Arslan studia dicata. Part II Monetazione romana repubblicana ed imperiale

Milan 1991
20/09/1995 R
B 816 Arslan, E.A.

Il ripostiglio di Biassono (Milano) 1975. Parte 1. Octavianus Augustus - Faustina II Ripostigli monetali in Italia
Milan 1995
11/11/1996 R
B 810 Arslan, E.A.

Il ripostiglio di Rivolta d'Adda (Cremona) 1975

Milan 1995
09/10/1996 R
B 10 Artaud, F

Discours sur les Medailles D'Auguste et de Tibere, au Revers de L'Autel de Lyon
Roman, Medals, Augustus Lyon 1818

B 769 Asolati, M. Crisafulli, C.

Ritrovamenti monetali di eta romana nel veneto RMR Ve VI/2
Padova 1994
04/01/1994 R
B 863 Asolati, M. Crisafulli, C.

Ritrovamenti monetali di eta romana nel Veneto provincia di Venezia Altino I Regione del Veneto Giunta Regionale
Padova 1999
08/11/1999 R
B 839 Asolati, M.

Ritrovamenti monetali di eta romana nel Veneto. Provincia VI: Venezia Ritrovamenti monetali di eta Romana nel Veneto
Padova 1993
06/10/1997 R
B 762 Asolati, M. Crisafulli, C.

Ritrovamenti monetali di eta romana nel veneto

Padova 1993
28/04/1994 R
B 13 Aulock, H Von

Die Munzpragung des Gordian III und der Traquillina in Lykien Istanbuler Mitteilungen, Beiheft 11 Roman Tubingen 1974

B 12 Babelon, E

Monnaies de la Republique Romaine, Volume 2
Roman, Republic London 1886

B 11 Babelon, E

Monnaies de la Republique Romaine, Volume 1
Roman, Republic London 1885

B 14 Bahrfeldt, M

Nachtrage und Berichtigungen zur Munzkunde der Romischen Republik
Roman, Republic Wien 1897

B 15 Baldus, H R

Uranius Antoninus Munzpragung und Geschichte, Band 11 Antiquitas 3 Roman, Antoninus Bonn 1971

B 391 Baldwin, A

Five Roman Gold Medallions or Multiple Solidi of the Late Empire American Numismatic Society Notes and Monographs, No. 6 Roman, Gold, Medallions New York 1921

B 390 Baldwin, A

Six Roman Bronze Medallions American Numismatic Society Notes and Monographs, No. 17 Roman, Bronze New York 1923

B 389 Baldwin, A

Four Medallions from the Arras Hoard American Numismatic Society Notes and Monographs, No. 28 Roman, Arras Hoard New York 1926

B 448 Banti, A

Corpus Nummorum Romanorum Monetazione Repubblicana, Papia - Quinctillia
Roman, Republic Florence 1982

B 418 Banti, A

Corpus Nummorum Romanorum Monetazione Repubblicana, Gargilia - Mamilia
Roman, Republic Florence 1981

B 458 Banti, A

Corpus Nummorum Romanorum Monetazione Repubblicana, Valeria - Volteia
Roman, Republic Florence 1982

B 422 Banti, A

Corpus Nummorum Romanorum Monetazione Repubblicana, Manlia - Oppia
Roman, Republic Florence 1981

B 564 Banti, A

I Grandi Bronzi Imperiali, Volume 2,1, Nerva - Traianus
Roman, Imperial Florence 1983

B 417 Banti, A

Corpus Nummorum Romanorum Monetazione Repubblicana, Cornuficia - Gallia
Roman, Republic Florence 1981

B 624 Banti, A

I Grandi Bronzi Imperiali, Volume 3,2, Faustina 2 - Lucius Verus Lucilla E Crispina
Roman, Imperial Florence 1985

B 371 Banti, A

Corpus Nummorum Romanorum Monetazione Repubblicana, Canidia - Cornelia
Roman, Republic Florence 1981

B 363 Banti, A

Corpus Nummorum Romanorum Monetazione Repubblicana, Aufidia - Calpurnia
Roman, Republic Florence 1980

B 457 Banti, A

Corpus Nummorum Romanorum Monetazione Repubblicana, Renia - Tullia
Roman, Republic Florence 1982

B 362 Banti, A

Corpus Nummorum Romanorum Monetazione Repubblicana, Aburia - Atilia
Roman, Republic Florence 1980

B 576 Banti, A

I Grandi Bronzi Imperiali, Volume 2,2, Hadrianus - Sabina
Roman, Imperial Florence 1984

B 618 Banti, A

I Grandi Bronzi Imperiali, Volume 3,1, Faustina 1 - Marcus Aurelius
Roman, Imperial Florence 1985

B 428 Banti, A; Simonetti, L Simonetti, L

Corpus Nummorum Romanorum, Volume 6, Augustus 4
Roman Florence 1974

B 423 Banti, A; Simonetti, L Simonetti, L

Corpus Nummorum Romanorum, Volume 1, da Cneo Pompeo a Marco Antonio
Roman Florence 1972

B 424 Banti, A; Simonetti, L Simonetti, L

Corpus Nummorum Romanorum, Volume 2, da Marco Antonio allla Famiglia Licinia
Roman Florence 1973

B 425 Banti, A; Simonetti, L Simonetti, L

Corpus Nummorum Romanorum, Volume 3, Augustus 1
Roman Florence 1973

B 426 Banti, A; Simonetti, L Simonetti, L

Corpus Nummorum Romanorum, Volume 4, Augustus 2
Roman Florence 1974

B 427 Banti, A; Simonetti, L Simonetti, L

Corpus Nummorum Romanorum, Volume 5, Augustus 3
Roman Florence 1974

B 429 Banti, A; Simonetti, L Simonetti, L

Corpus Nummorum Romanorum, Volume 7, Augustus 5
Roman Florence 1975

B 430 Banti, A; Simonetti, L Simonetti, L

Corpus Nummorum Romanorum, Volume 8, Augustus - Tiberius
Roman Florence 1975

B 431 Banti, A; Simonetti, L Simonetti, L

Corpus Nummorum Romanorum, Volume 9, Tiberius
Roman Florence 1976

B 432 Banti, A; Simonetti, L Simonetti, L

Corpus Nummorum Romanorum, Volume 10, Tiberius - Drusus
Roman Florence 1976

B 549 Barnea, I; Iliescu, O Iliescu, O

Constantin Cel Mare
Roman, Constantine Bucharest 1982

B 824 Barrandon, J.N. Aubin, G. Benusiglio, J. Hiernard, J. L'or gaulois. Le tresor de Chevanceaux et les monnayes de la façade atlantique Cashiers Ernest Babelon 6
Paris 1994
17/04/1997 R
B 16 Bastien, P

Le Monnayage de Magnence (350-353)
Roman Wetteren 1964

B 19 Bastien, P

Le Monnayage de Bronze de Postume
Roman Wetteren 1967

B 719 Bastien, P

Monnaie et donativa au Bas-Empire Numismatique Romaine XVII Roman, Late, General, Donatives Wetteren 1988
22/05/1990 R
B 654 Bastien, P

Le Monnyage de L'Atelier de Lyon (274-285) Numismatique Romaine, Essais, Recherches et Documents, 9 Roman, L'Atelier de Lyon Wetteren 1976

B 444 Bastien, P

Le Monnyage de L'Atelier de Lyon (294-316) Numismatique Romaine, Essais, Recherches et Documents, 11 Roman, L'Atelier de Lyon Wetteren 1980

B 544 Bastien, P

Le Monnyage de L'Atelier de Lyon (318-337) Numismatique Romaine, Essais, Recherches et Documents, 13 Roman, L'Atelier de Lyon Wetteren 1982

B 655 Bastien, P

Le Monnyage de L'Atelier de Lyon (337-363) Numismatique Romaine, Essais, Recherches et Documents, 15 Roman, L'Atelier de Lyon Wetteren 1985

B 656 Bastien, P

Le Monnyage de L'Atelier de Lyon (363-413) Numismatique Romaine, Essais, Recherches et Documents, 16 Roman, L'Atelier de Lyon Wetteren 1987

B 820 Bastien, P.

Le buste monetaire des empereus romains III

Wetteren 1994
18/11/1996 R
B 777 Bastien, P.

Le buste monetaire des empereures romains

Wetteren 1992
15/06/1995 R
B 819 Bastien, P.

Le buste monetaire des empereus romains II

Wetteren 1993
18/11/1996 R
B 294 Bastien, P; Cothenet, A Cothenet, A

Tresors Monetaires du Cher
Roman, Cher Wetteren 1974

B 293 Bastien, P; Huvelin, H Huvelin, H

Trouvaille de Folles de la Periode Constantinienne (307-317)
Roman, Constantine Wetteren 1969

B 17 Bastien, P; Metzger, C Metzger, C

Le Tresor de Beaurains
Roman, Beaurains Wetteren 1977

B 292 Bastien, P; Vasselle, F Vasselle, F

Le Tresor Monetaire de Domqueur
Roman, Domqueur Wetteren 1965

B 18 Bastien, P; Vasselle, F Vasselle, F

Les Tresors Monetaires de Fresnoy-Les-Roye
Roman, Fresnoy-Les-Roye Amiens 1971

B 326 Bates, G E

Archaeological Exploration of Sardis: Byzantine Coins Archaeological Exploration of Sardis, Monograph 1 Byzantine, Coin-finds, Sardis Cambridge, Ma 1971

B 609 Bateson, J D

Further Finds of Roman Material From Ireland Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy Roman, Ireland Belfast 1976

B 395 Bellinger, A R

The Sixth, Seventh and Tenth Dura Hoards American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs, No. 69 Roman, Dura, Hoards New York 1935

B 297 Bellinger, A R

The Coins from Dura-Europos The Excavations at Dura-Europos: Final Report 6 Roman, Dura London 1949

B 133 Bellinger, A R

Catalogue of Byzantine Coins in the Dumbarton Oaks and Whittemore Collections, Volume I, Anastasius I to Maurice (491-602)
Byzantine, Collection Dumbarton Oaks 1966

B 392 Bellinger, A R

The Anonymous Byzantine Bronze Coinage American Numismatic Society Notes and Monographs, No. 35 Byzantine, Anonymous, Bronze New York 1928

B 393 Bellinger, A R

Two Roman Hoards from Dura-Europos American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs, No. 49 Roman, Dura-Europos, Hoards New York 1931

B 394 Bellinger, A R

The Third and Fourth Dura Hoards American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs, No. 55 Roman, Dura, Hoards New York 1932

B 396 Bellinger, A R

Coins from Jerash, 1928-1934 American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs, No. 81 Roman, Jerash New York 1938

B 397 Bellinger, A R

The Eighth and Ninth Dura Hoard American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs, No. 85 Roman, Dura Hoards New York 1939

B 400 Bellinger, A R; Berlincourt, M A

Victory as a Coin Type American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs, No. 149 Roman, Victory New York 1962

B 877 Bellinger, A.R. (Ed.) Grierson, P. (Ed.)

Catalogue of the Byzantine Coins in the Dumbarton Oaks Collection and in the Whittemore Collection Vol 4, prt 1 Dumbarton Oaks Catalogues Roman, Byzantine, Collection Washington D.C. 1999
24/07/2001 R
B 879 Bellinger, A.R. (Ed.) Grierson, P. (Ed.)

Catalogue of the Byzantine Coins in the Dumbarton Oaks Collection and in the Whittemore Collection Vol 5, prt 1 Dumbarton Oaks Catalogues Roman, Byzantine, Collection Washington D.C. 1999
24/07/2001 R
B 880 Bellinger, A.R. (Ed.) Grierson, P. (Ed.)

Catalogue of the Byzantine Coins in the Dumbarton Oaks Collection and in the Whittemore Collection Vol 5, prt 2 Dumbarton Oaks Catalogues Roman, Byzantine, Collection Washington D.C. 1999
24/07/2001 R
B 878 Bellinger, A.R. (Ed.) Grierson, P. (Ed.)

Catalogue of the Byzantine Coins in the Dumbarton Oaks Collection and in the Whittemore Collection Vol 4, prt 2 Dumbarton Oaks Catalogues Roman, Byzantine, Collection Washington D.C. 1999
24/07/2001 R
B 21 Belloni, G G

Le Monete Romane dell'Eta Repubblicana: Catalogo delle Raccolte Numismatiche
Roman, Republic, catalogue Milan 1960

B 472 Beltran, A

Las Monedas Latinas de Cartagena
Roman, Cartagena Murcia 1949

B 554 Bendall, S; Donald, P J Donald, P J

The Billon Trachea of Michael VIII Palaeologos 1258-1282
Byzantine, Palaeologan, Billon Bristol 1974

B 22 Bendall, S; Donald, P J Donald, P J

The Later Palaeologan Coinage 1282-1453
Byzantine, Palaeologan Bristol 1979

B 708 Berger, F

Die Fundmunzen der Romischen Zeit in Deutschland, Abteilung 7, Band 4-9: Hannover-Luneburg-Braunschweig-Hildesheim-Stade-Bremen
Roman, Germany Berlin 1988
07/02/1990 R
B 702 Berger, F

Die Munzen der Romischen Republik im Kestner-Museum Hannover
Roman, Republic, catalogue Hannover 1989

B 763 Berger, F.

Untersuchungen zu romerzeitlichen Munzfunded in Nordwestdeutschland Studien zu Fundmunzen der Antike Band 9
Berlin 1992
13/07/1994 R
B 707 Berger, F; Stoess, C Stoess, C

Die Fundmunzen der Romischen Zeit in Deutschland, Abteilung 7, Band 1-3: Osnabruck-Aurich-Oldenburg
Roman, Germany Berlin 1988
07/02/1990 R
B 691 Berger, F; Stoess, C Stoess, C

Die Fundmunzen der Romischen Zeit in Deutschland, Abteilung 7, Band 1-3: Osnabruck-Aurich-Oldenburg
Roman, Catalogue Berlin 1988

B 692 Berger, F; Stoess, C Stoess, C

Die Fundmunzen der Romischen Zeit in Deutschland, Abteilung 7, Band 4-9: Hannover-Luneburg-Braunschweig-Hildesheim-Stade-Bremen
Roman, Catalogue Berlin 1988

B 25 Berghaus, P; Schneider, K Schneider, K

Anglo-friesische Runensolidi im Lichte des Neufundes von Schweindorf (Ostfriesland) Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Forschung von Nordrhein-Westfalen, Paper 134 Angles, Friesland, Merovingians, Coin-find Cologne 1967

B 676 Berk, H J

Roman Gold Coins of the Mediaeval World 383-1453 AD
Roman, Byzantine Joliet 1986

B 866 Bernadelli, A.

Ritrovamenti monetali di eta romana nel Veneto Regione del Veneto Giunta Regionale
Padova 1995
10/06/2000 R
B 780 Bernadelli, A. Bruno, C. Gorini, G. Saccocci, A. Ritrovamenti Monetali de eta Romana nel Veneto. Treviso Ritrovamenti Monetali de eta Romana nel Veneto
Padova 1995
20/09/1995 R
B 850 Bernadelli, A. Gorini, G. Saccocci, A.
La Monete Romane Imperiali da Augusto a Vitello Musei Civici di Vincenza
Padova 1998
23/03/1999 R
B 845 Bernadelli, A. Gorini, G. Saccocci, A.
La Monete Romane Imperiali da Augusto a Vitello Catalogue of coins from the Museum of Civici di Vicenza
Padova 1998
05/01/1999 R
B 796 Bernadelli, A.

Ritrovamenti Monetali de eta Romana nel Veneto. Vicenza Ritrovamenti Monetali de eta Romana nel Veneto
Padova 1995
16/02/1996 R
B 26 Bernareggi, E

Eventi e Personaggi Sul Denario della Repubblica Romana
Roman, Republic Milan 1963

B 473 Bernareggi, E

L'Imitazione della Moneta d'Oro di Bisanzio nell'Europa Barbarica Atti del Convegno di Studi Longobardi Byzantine, Lombards

B 474 Bertele, T

Monete dell'Imperatore Giovanni VI Cantacuzeno Recueil des Travaux de l'Institut d'Etudes Byzantines, No.VIII 1 Byzantine, Cantacuzeni Belgrade 1963

B 27 Bertele, T

L'Imperatore Alato nella Numismatica Bizantina Collana di Studi Numismatici I Byzantine Rome 1951

B 361 Bertele, T

Moneta Veneziana e Moneta Bizantina
Byzantine, Venice Florence 1973

B 215 Bertele, T; Morrisson, C Morrisson, C

Numismatique Byzantine. Suivie de Deux Etudes Inedites sur les Monnaies des Paleologues. Edition Francaises
Byzantine Wetteren 1978

B 563 Besly, E; Bland, R F Bland, R F

The Cunetio Treasure
Roman, Britian, Hoard, Radiates, Gallic Empire London 1983

B 23 Betham, W

Etruria Celtica: Etruscan Literature and Antiquities Investigated, Vol 1
Etruscan, Celtic Dublin 1842

B 24 Betham, W

Etruria Celtica: Etruscan Literature and Antiquities Investigated, Vol 2
Etruscan, Celtic Dublin 1842

B 28 Bie, I

Imperatorum Romanorum: Numismata Aurea
Roman, Imperial

B 29 Biro-Sey, K

Coins From Identified Sites of Brigetio and the Question of Local Currency Regeszeti Fuzetek, Ser.2, No. 18 Roman, Brigetio Magyar 1977

B 30 Blanchet, A

Les Tresors de Monnaies Romaines et les Invasions Germaniques es Gaule
Roman, Gaul Paris 1900

B 475 Blanchet, M A

Thurinus: Surnom de L'Empereur Auguste Academie des Inscriptions & Belles-Lettres 1919 Roman, Augustus Paris 1919

B 575 Bland, R F

Coin Hoards from Roman Britain, Volume 3, The Blackmoor Hoard
Roman, Britian, Hoards London 1982

B 687 Bland, R F (Ed.); Burnett, A M (Ed.) Burnett, A M (Ed.)

The Normanby Hoard and Other Roman Coin Hoards Coin Hoards from Roman Britain 8 Roman, Normanby hoard London 1988

B 765 Bland, R. (ed.)

The Chalfont hoard and other Roman coin hoards Coin Hoards from Roman Britain Vo. IX
London 1992
13/07/1994 R
B 32 Boehringer, E

Der Caesar Von Acireale
Roman, Caesar Stuttgart 1933

B 853 Bohm, S.

Die Munzen der Romischen Republik u. ihre Bildquellen Deutsche Archaologisches Institut
Mainz am Rhein 1997
05/11/1999 R
B 271 Bolin, S

State and Currency in the Roman Empire to 300 A D
Roman Stockholm 1958

B 756 Bolletino di Numismatica

Bolletino di Numismatica, Catalogo delle medaglie II secolo XVI

Milan 1989
28/04/1994 R
B 31 Bompois, H F

Les Types Monetaires de la Guerre Sociale
Roman Paris 1873

B 586 Boon, G; Hassall, M Hassall, M

Usk: The Coins, Inscriptions and Graffiti Report on the Excavations at Usk 1965-1976 Roman, Usk Cardiff 1982

B 794 Bourgey, S. Depeyrot, G.

L'empire Romain. Tome 1. D'Auguste a Domitien

Paris 1994
16/02/1996 R
B 760 Bourgey, S. Hollard, D.

L'empire romain Tome 3 (235-3376 apres J C)

Paris 1991
28/04/1994 R
B 795 Bourgey, S. Desnier, J.-L.

L'empire Romain. Tome 2. De Nerva a Severe Alexandre

Paris 1994
16/02/1996 R
B 587 Boutin, S

Collection N.K. Monnaies des Empires de Byzance. Texte
Byzantine, Collection Maastricht 1983

B 588 Boutin, S

Collection N.K. Monnaies des Empires de Byzance. Planches
Byzantine, Collection Maastricht 1983

B 33 Boutkowski, A

Dictionnaire Numismatique, Vol. I: Medailles Romaines Imperiales & Grecques Coloniales
Roman, dictionary Leipzig 1881

B 34 Boyce, A

Festal and Dated Coins of the Roman Empire: Four Papers American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs No.153 Roman, Festal New York 1965

B 37 Boyce, A A

The Twelfth Imperatorial Acclamation of Septimius Severus American Journal of Archaeology, Volume 53, No. 4 Roman, Septimius Severus

B 36 Boyce, A A

Roman and Byzantine Coins acquired by the American Numismatic Society in 1947 American Numismatic Society Museum Notes III (1948) Byzantine, Roman, Collection New York 1948

B 398 Boyce, A A

Coins of Tingi With Latin Legends American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs No.109 Roman, Tingi New York 1947

B 35 Boyne, W

A Manual of Roman Coins: The Earliest Period to the Extinction of the Empire
Roman London 1865

B 401 Breckenridge, J D

The Numismatic Iconography of Justinian II (685-695, 705-711 AD) American Numismatic Society Notes and Monographs, No. 144 Byzantine, Iconography New York 1959

B 270 Breglia, L

Roman Imperial Coins: Their Art and Technique
Roman, Imperial London 1968

B 476 Breglia, L

Circolazione Monetale ed Aspetti di Vita Economica a Pompei Pompeiana Roman, Pompei Naples 1950

B 38 Breglia, L

La Priman Fase Della Coniazione Romana Dell'Argento Collana di Studi Numismatici 3 Roman Rome 1952

B 480 Brenot, C

Les Monnaies Romaines 4 Corsica 25,26 Roman Corsica 1973

B 479 Brenot, C

Les Monnaies Romaines des Fouilles D'Alet Les Dossiers du Centre Regional Archeologique D'Alet, No. 2, 1974 Roman, D'Alet

B 478 Brenot, C

Un Petit Tresor du III Siecle ap. J.C. Trouve A Bordeaux (rive droite) Bulletin et Memoires de la Societe Archeologique de Bordeaux, Vol. 67 Roman, Bordeaux Bordeaux 1973

B 477 Brenot, C

Monnaies D'Alet (St-Servan) 1965-1966
Roman, D'Alet

B 832 Brenot, C. Scheers, S.

Catalogue des monnaies massalietes et monnaies celtiques du musee de beaux-arts de Lyon

Leuven 1996
18/04/1997 R
B 822 Brenot, C. Loriot, X.

L'or monnaye. Trouvailles de monnaies d'or dans l'occident romain Cashiers Ernest Babelon 4
Paris 1992
17/04/1997 R
B 467 Brenot, C; Baratte, F; Vasic, M; Popovic, V Baratte, F Vasic, M Popovic, V Etudes de Numismatique Danubienne: Tresors, Lingots, Imitations, Monnaies de Fouilles 4-12 Centuries Sirmium 8 Roman, Danube Rome-Belgrade 1978

B 63 Brinkerhoff, D M

A Collection of Sculpture in Classical and Early Christian Antioch
Roman, Antioch New York 1970

B 40 British Museum

A Guide to the Exhibition of Roman Coins in the British Museum
Roman, Exhibition London 1952

B 399 Brown, D F

Temples of Rome as Coin Types American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs, No. 90 Roman, Temples New York 1940

B 59 Bruce, J C

Thorngrafton Find
Roman, Thorngrafton Newcastle 1871

B 151 Bruck, G

Die Spatromische Kupferpragung: Ein Bestimmungsbuch fur schlecht erhaltene Munzen
Roman Graz 1961

B 452 Brummer, J A

Antiquarii Creuzeriani
Roman Heidelberg 1840

B 481 Brunetti, L

Battute di Chiusa Sulla Datazione del Primo Denario Repubblicano
Roman, Republican Trieste 1966

B 591 Bruun, P

The Constantinian Coinage of Arelate
Roman, Constantine Helsinki 1953

B 402 Bruun, P

Studies in Constantinian Chronology American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs, No. 146 Roman, Constantine New York 1961

B 667 Bruun, P M

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B 786 Bruun, P.

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B 568 Burger, A S

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B 450 Burnett, A M

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B 647 Burnett, A M

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Roman London 1987

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B 642 Burnett, A M (Ed.); Bland, R F (Ed.) Bland, R F (Ed.)

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B 871 Burnett, A. Amandry, M. Carradice, I.
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B 870 Burnett, A. Amandry, M. Carradice, I.
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B 888 Bursche, A.

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B 562 Bushe-Fox, J P

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B 261 Bushe-Fox, J P; Stebbing, W P D (Coins) Stebbing, W P D (Coins)

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B 447 Buttrey, T V

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B 460 Buttrey, T V

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B 875 Callegher, B.

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B 295 Callu, J -P

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B 62 Carney, T F

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B 570 Carradice, I A; King, C E King, C E

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B 56 Carrara, F

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B 57 Carrara, F

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B 434 Carson, R A G

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B 433 Carson, R A G

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Roman, Republic London 1978

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B 403 Castelin, K O

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B 772 Cavada Nieto, M.

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Trento 1998
22/03/1999 R
B 696 Centeno, R M S

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B 453 Centre National de Recherche

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B 60 Cesano, S L

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Roman, Catalogue Forli 1957

B 542 Chantraine, H

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B 64 Chantraine, H

Die Antiken Fundmunzen der Ausgrabungen in Neuss, Novaesium III Limesforschungen, Band 8 Roman Berlin 1968

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Sceaux Byzantins de la Collection Henri Seyrig, Biblioteque Nationale, Paris Biblioteque Nationale
Paris 1991
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B 755 Chiaravalle, M.

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Milan 1992
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Il ripostiglio di Besano (Varese) 1916 Ripostigli monetali in Italia
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B 825 Chiaravalle, M.

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Berlin 1964
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B 768 Christ, K.

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B 659 Christiansen, E

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B 71 Cohen, H

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B 333 Cohen, H

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B 482 Cope, L H

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B 77 Cornaggia, G

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B 404 Cox, D H

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B 78 Craster, H H E

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B 379 Crawford, M

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B 483 Crawford, M H

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B 682 Crawford, M H

A Catalogue of Roman Republican Coins in the Collections of the Royal Scottish Museum, Edinburgh
Roman, Catalogue Edinburgh 1984

B 327 Crawford, M H

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Roman, Hoards London 1969

B 378 Crawford, M H

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B 622 Crawford, M H

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Roman, Republic London 1985

B 648 Crummy, N (Ed.)

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Roman, Bath Oxford 1988

B 381 Curtis, J W

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B 382 Dairval, Baudelot de

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B 484 Dattari, G

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B 787 de Rouge, J. Feuardent, F.

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B 79 Demougeot, E

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B 82 Dennison, W

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B 594 Depeyrot, G

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Zilil I - Study of the Coin Finds at Colonia Julia Constantina Collection de l'Ecole Francaise de Rome 250 Roman, Finds/Hoards Rome 1999
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B 372 Dick, F

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B 83 Dick, F

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B 84 Dick, F

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B 625 Doyen, J-M

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B 86 Dressel, H

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Roman, Catalogue Dublin/Zurich 1973

B 87 Dressel, H

Die Romischen Medaillone des Munzkabinetts der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin (plates)
Roman, Catalogue Dublin/Zurich 1972

B 88 Dressel, H

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B 750 Duncan, G.L.

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B 370 Ecole Francaise de Rome

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B 89 Ecole Francaise de Rome

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B 90 Eddy, S K

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B 91 Elmer, G

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B 92 Erim, K

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B 550 Es, W A van

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B 683 Estiot, S

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Roman Bordeaux 1984

B 94 Fabretti, A

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Roman, Catalogue Torino 1876

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B 93 Fagerlie, J M

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B 95 Ficorini, F

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Roman, Greek, Lead Coins Rome 1750

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Roman, General London 1990
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B 571 Fox, J

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B 551 Franke, P R; Paar, I Paar, I

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B 788 FRZD

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B 100 Gabrici, E

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B 101 Gabrici, E

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B 485 Gardner, W

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B 102 Geddes, W

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Roman, Law Liverpool 1952

B 436 Geissen , A

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B 556 Gentric, G

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B 791 Giard, J.-B.

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B 694 Giard, J-B

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Roman, Catalogue, Julio-Claudian Paris 1988

B 712 Giard, J-B

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B 300 Giesecke, W

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B 108 Gnecchi, F

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B 111 Gnecchi, F

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B 110 Gnecchi, F

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B 105 Gnecchi, F

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B 113 Gobl, R

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B 115 Goodacre, H

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B 116 Gorini, G

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B 119 Grant, M

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B 122 Grant, M

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B 118 Grant, M

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B 120 Grant, M

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B 121 Grant, M

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B 125 Grant, M

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B 126 Grant, M

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Roman, Army London 1974

B 127 Grant, M

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Roman, History London 1975

B 129 Grant, M

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B 117 Grant, M

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B 124 Grant, M

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B 128 Gray, H St. G; Mattingly, H Mattingly, H

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B 130 Gren, E

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B 131 Gricourt, J; Fabre, G; Mainjonet, M; Lafaurie, J Fabre, G Mainjonet, M Lafaurie, J Tresors Monetires et Plaques-Boucles de la Gaule Romaine: Bavai, Montbouy, Checy Gallia, Supplement 12 Roman, Gaul Paris 1958

B 137 Grierson, P

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B 487 Grierson, P

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B 134 Grierson, P

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B 135 Grierson, P

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B 136 Grierson, P

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B 543 Grierson, P

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B 138 Grotefent, G F

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B 44 Grueber, H A

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B 45 Grueber, H A

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B 552 Guery, R; Morrison, C; Slim, H Morrison, C Slim, H
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B 416 Gupta, P L

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B 633 Hackens, T

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B 449 Hahn, W

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B 140 Hahn, W

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B 141 Hahn, W

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B 689 Hahn, W

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B 695 Hahn, W; Metcalf, W E Metcalf, W E

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B 488 Hart, St. J

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B 212 Harzen, E

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B 144 Hendy, M F

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B 650 Hendy, M F

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B 662 Herbert, K; Candiotti, K Candiotti, K

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B 146 Hill, G F

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B 147 Hill, P V

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B 704 Hill, P V

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B 148 Hill, P V

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B 607 Hill, P V

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B 461 Hill, P V

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B 406 Hill, P V

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B 149 Hobler, F

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B 150 Hobler, F

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B 159 Hogg, J

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B 365 Hohlfelder, R L

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B 775 Holloway, R.R.

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B 491 Horvat, B

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B 489 Horvat, B

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B 490 Horvat, B

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B 492 Hudson, R

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B 466 Humphrey, J H (Ed.)

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B 857 Humphrey, J.H.

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B 860 Humphrey, J.H.

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B 858 Humphrey, J.H.

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B 861 Humphrey, J.H.

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B 856 Humphrey, J.H.

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B 855 Humphrey, J.H.

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B 859 Humphrey, J.H.

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B 495 Iliescu, O

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B 494 Iliescu, O

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B 493 Iliescu, O

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B 869 Ireland, S.

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B 602 Irmgard-Maull, von

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B 439 Jelocnik, A

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B 356 Johnson, A C

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Roman, Egypt Ann Arbor, Mich. 1951

B 567 Johnson, A C; West, L C West, L C

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Roman, Byzantine, Egypt Amsterdam 1967

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B 152 Jongkees, J H

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B 496 Jungfleisch, M

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B 497 Jungfleisch, M

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B 635 Kaenel, H-M von

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B 462 Kaiser-Raiss, M R

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B 605 Kapossy, B

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B 817 Karola, M. Nolle, J.

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B 96 Kellner, H-J

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B 454 Kellner, H-J; Overbeck, M Overbeck, M

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B 630 Kent, J P C

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Byzantine, Collection Birmingham 1985

B 498 Kent, J P C

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Roman London 1978

B 639 King, C E

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Roman, Silver London 1987

B 445 King, C E (Ed.)

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Berlin 1996
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B 155 Koblitz, H F von

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B 455 Korzus, B

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B 456 Korzus, B

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B 99 Korzus, B

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B 709 Kos, P

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Roman, Slowenien Berlin 1988
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B 710 Kos, P

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Roman, Slowenien Berlin 1988
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B 698 Kos, P (Ed.); Demo, Z (Ed.) Demo, Z (Ed.)

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B 733 Kos, P.

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B 731 Kos, P; Semrov, A Semrov, A

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B 407 Kraay, C M

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B 468 Kraft, K

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B 469 Kraft, K

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B 771 Krishnamurthy, R.

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Madras 1994
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Madras 1994
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B 674 Kropotkin, V V

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Roman, Russia Moscow 1961

B 156 Krzyzanowska, A

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B 337 Kubiak, S

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B 351 Kubitschek, W

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B 463 Kuhoff, W

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B 631 Kunisz, A

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B 157 Kunisz, A

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B 592 Lacam, G

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B 160 Lacey, R H

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Roman, Hadrian, Trajan Princeton 1917

B 511 Laffranchi, L

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B 505 Laffranchi, L

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B 166 Laffranchi, L

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B 502 Laffranchi, L

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B 506 Laffranchi, L

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B 510 Laffranchi, L

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B 504 Laffranchi, L

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B 503 Laffranchi, L

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B 603 Laffranchi, L

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B 170 Laffranchi, L

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B 168 Laffranchi, L

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B 508 Laffranchi, L

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B 171 Laffranchi, L

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B 507 Laffranchi, L

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B 615 Laffranchi, L

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B 169 Laffranchi, L

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B 512 Laffranchi, L

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B 509 Laffranchi, L

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B 164 Laffranchi, L

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B 161 Laffranchi, L

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B 610 Laffranchi, L

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B 172 Laffranchi, L

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B 301 Laffranchi, L

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B 163 Laffranchi, L

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B 165 Laffranchi, L

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Namur 1989

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B 752 Lallemand, J.

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B 173 Lallemand, J; Thirion, M Thirion, M

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B 174 Landus, C

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B 373 Laurent, V

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B 175 Lawrence, R H

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B 180 Le Gentilhomme, P

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B 176 Leeds, E T

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B 177 Leeds, E T

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B 178 Lefroy

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B 181 Lenormant, C

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B 182 Lenzi, F

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B 408 Levi, A C

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B 409 Lewis, N; Lewis, D Lewis, D

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B 187 Lichocka, B

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B 739 Lightfoot, C.S. (ed.)

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B 718 Lind, L

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B 643 Lindgren, H C; Kovacs, F L

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B 183 Longperier, H De

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B 184 Longuet, H

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Corpus des Tresors Monetaires Antiques de la France, Tome 3: Pays de la Loire Corpus des Tresors Monetaires Antiques de la France Roman, France Paris 1984

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Corpus des Tresors Monetaires Antiques de la France, Tome 2: Nord Pas-de-Calais Corpus des Tresors Monetaires Antiques de la France Roman, France Paris 1983

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B 670 Loye, G de

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B 737 Lukanc, I.

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B 743 MacDonald, D.

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B 186 Macdonald, G

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B 185 Macdonald, G

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B 446 Macdowall, D W

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B 514 Macdowall, D W

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B 764 MacDowall, D.W. Hubrecht, A.V.M. de Jong, W.J.A.
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B 573 Madden, F W

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Roman London 1861

B 188 Malet, J A

A Catalogue of Roman Silver Coins, in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin
Roman, Catalogue Dublin 1839

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B 734 Malmer, B.

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B 189 Malter, J L

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B 190 Marchi, G; Tessieri, P Tessieri, P

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B 191 Margaritis, P

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B 864 Marot, T.

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B 867 Marot, T.

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B 515 Martin, C

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B 666 Martini, R

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B 725 Martini, R

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B 724 Martini, R

Sylloge Nummorum Romanorum Italia. Milano, Civiche Raccolte Numismatiche. Volume I. Giulio - Claudii. 2. Caius - Claudius. Sylloge Nummorum Romanorum Italia Roman, Julio-Claudian period, Catalogue, Milan Milan 1990
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B 761 Martini, R.

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B 793 Martini, R.

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B 802 Martini, R.

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B 803 Martini, R.

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B 811 Martini, R.

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B 815 Martini, R.

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B 759 Martini, R.

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B 757 Martini, R.

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B 612 Mateu y Llopis, F

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B 611 Mateu y Llopis, F

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B 52 Mattingly, H

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B 194 Mattingly, H

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B 47 Mattingly, H

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B 200 Mattingly, H

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B 197 Mattingly, H

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B 51 Mattingly, H

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B 50 Mattingly, H

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B 49 Mattingly, H

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B 298 Mattingly, H

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B 198 Mattingly, H

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B 192 Mattingly, H

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B 199 Mattingly, H

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B 517 Mattingly, H

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B 516 Mattingly, H

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B 196 Mattingly, H

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B 195 Mattingly, H

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B 518 Mattingly, H

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B 193 Mattingly, H

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B 48 Mattingly, H

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B 519 Mattingly, H

A Hoard of 'Barbarous Radiates' from Goring-On-Sea Sussex Archaeological Society, Vol. 105, 1967 Roman, Britain, Hoard Sussex 1967

B 581 Mattingly, H (Ed.); Sydenham, E A (Ed.); Sutherland, C H V Sydenham, E A (Ed.) Sutherland, C H V
Roman Imperial Coinage, Volume 6: From Diocletian's Reform (AD 294) to the Death of Maximinus (AD 313) Roman Imperial Coinage Roman, Imperial London 1967

B 376 Mattingly, H (Ed.); Sydenham, E A (Ed.); Webb, P H Sydenham, E A (Ed.) Webb, P H
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B 53 Mattingly, H; Carson, R A G (2nd Ed.) Carson, R A G(2nd Ed.)

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B 54 Mattingly, H; Carson, R A G (2nd Ed.); Hill, P V (2nd Ed.) Carson, R A G (2nd Ed.) Hill, P V (2nd Ed.)
Coins of the Roman Empire in the British Museum, Volume 5, Pertinax to Elagabalus (text) Catalogue of the Roman Coins in the British Museum Roman, Catalogue, Empire London 1975 2nd Edn.
B 55 Mattingly, H; Carson, R A G (2nd Ed.); Hill, P V (2nd Ed.) Carson, R A G (2nd Ed.) Hill, P V (2nd Ed.)
Coins of the Roman Empire in the British Museum, Volume 5, Pertinax to Elagabalus (plates) Catalogue of the Roman Coins in the British Museum Roman, Catalogue, Empire London 1975 2nd Edn.
B 410 Mattingly, H; Stebbing, W P D

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B 228 Mattingly, H; Sydenham, E A Sydenham, E A

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B 227 Mattingly, H; Sydenham, E A Sydenham, E A

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B 229 Mattingly, H; Sydenham, E A Sydenham, E A

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B 230 Mattingly, H; Sydenham, E A Sydenham, E A

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B 330 Mattingly, H; Sydenham, E A Sydenham, E A

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B 231 Mattingly, H; Sydenham, E A; Sutherland, C H V Sydenham, E A Sutherland, C H V
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B 201 Maurice, J

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B 557 Maurice, J

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B 204 Mazzini, I G

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B 520 Meissonnier, J

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B 357 Metcalf, D M

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B 207 Metcalf, D M

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B 208 Metcalf, D M

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B 606 Metcalf, D M

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B 442 Metcalf, W E

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B 209 Mickwitz, G

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B 613 Milne, J G

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B 527 Milne, J G

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B 530 Milne, J G

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B 521 Milne, J G

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B 522 Milne, J G

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B 525 Milne, J G

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B 529 Milne, J G

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B 528 Milne, J G

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B 523 Milne, J G

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B 524 Milne, J G

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B 526 Milne, J G

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B 210 Milne, J G

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B 211 Mommsen, Th

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B 748 Moorhead, T.S.N.

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B 555 Morawiecki, L

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Roman, Republic Wroclaw 1983

B 626 Morawiecki, L

The Coins of the Roman Republic The National Museum in Cracow, Catalogues of the Collection, Vol. 2 Roman, Collection Cracow 1982

B 770 Morrison, C.

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Paris 1985
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B 213 Morrisson, C

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Byzantine, Collection Paris 1970

B 214 Morrisson, C

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B 411 Mosser, S McA

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B 216 Munsterberg, R

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B 412 Newell, E T

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B 368 Nicolas, E P

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B 617 Nuber, E

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B 217 Occo, A

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B 218 Occonem, A

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B 604 O'Hara, M D

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B 632 O'Hara, M D

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B 219 Ondrouch, V

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B 233 Pearce, J W E

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B 344 Pedrusi, P

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B 342 Pedrusi, P

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B 338 Pedrusi, P

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B 339 Pedrusi, P

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B 340 Pedrusi, P

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B 341 Pedrusi, P

Cesari in Argento da Macrino sino a Eraclio, Raccolti nel Farnese Museo, e pubblicati colle loro congrue Interpretazione. Tomo Quarto
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B 347 Pedrusi, P

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B 345 Pedrusi, P

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B 343 Pedrusi, P

Cesari in Metallo Grande da Giulio Cesare sino a L. Elio, Raccolti nel Farnese Museo, e pubblicati colle loro congrue Interpretazione. Tomo Sesto
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B 346 Pedrusi, P

Cesari in Metallo Mezzano e Piccolo Raccolti nel Farnese Museo, e pubblicati colle loro congrue Interpretazione. Tomo Nono
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B 840 Pefroni, L.

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B 222 Pekary, T von

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B 386 Pereira, I; Bost, J-P; Hiernard, J Bost, J-P Hiernard, J
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B 619 Peruzzi, E

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B 745 Peter, M.

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B 223 Piccione, A

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B 224 Pichler, F

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B 225 Picozzi, V

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B 226 Pink, K

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B 717 Postel, R

Katalog der Antiken Munzen in der Hamburger Kunsthalle, II. Tafeln
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B 593 Pottier, H

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B 868 Prieur, M Prieur, K

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B 675 Raiss, G; Mirnik, I; Weiller, R; Boon, G C Mirnik, I Weiller, R Boon, G C Schatzfunde Romischer Munzen im Gallisch-Germanischen Raum Studien zu Fundmunzen der Antike, Volume 5 Roman Berlin 1988

B 565 Ratto, R

Monnaies Byzantines et d'Autres Pays Contemporaines a l'Epoques Byzantine
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B 657 Reece, R

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B 358 Reece, R

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Roman London 1970

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B 533 Regling, K

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B 590 Retowski, O

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B 580 Ricotti Prina, D

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Padova 1976
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B 560 Robertson, A S

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B 237 Robertson, A S

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B 236 Robertson, A S

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B 234 Robertson, A S

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B 235 Robertson, A S

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B 359 Rodewald, C

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B 553 Rogers, G B

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B 419 Roman y Calvet, J

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B 364 Romisch-Germanische Kommission des Deutschen Archaeologischen Instituts zu Frankfurt A.M.

Studien zu Fundmunzen der Antike, Band 1: Ergebnisse des FMRD-Colloquiums vom 8-13 Feb. 1976 in Frankfurt und Bad Homburg Studien zu Fundmunzen der Antike Roman, Colloquium, Fundmunzen der Romischen Zeit in Deutschland Berlin 1979

B 367 Rosati, P

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B 535 Rossi, M S de

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B 238 Rostovtzeff, M

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Roman, Emprire Oxford 1926

B 239 Ruzicka, L

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B 679 Ryan, N S

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B 242 Sabatier, J

Description Generale de Monnaies Byzantines frappees sous les Empereurs d'Orient, Part Illustree
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B 240 Sabatier, J L

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B 243 Salisbury, F S

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B 244 Sambon, L

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B 245 Saulcy, F de

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B 536 Schaeffer, F A

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B 336 Scheers, S

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B 375 Schlumberger, G

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B 690 Schmidt-Dick, F

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B 778 Schmidt-Dick, F. Hahn, W. Szaivert, W.
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B 706 Schubert, H

Die Fundmunzen der Romischen Zeit in Deutschland, Abteilung 5, Darmstadt: Band 5, 2, Frankfurt am Main Die Fundmunzen der Romischen Zeit in Deutschland Roman, Germany Berlin 1989
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B 705 Schubert, H

Die Fundmunzen der Romischen Zeit in Deutschland, Abteilung 5, Darmstadt: Band 2,1 Die Fundmunzen der Romischen Zeit in Deutschland Roman, Germany Berlin 1989
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B 547 Schulte, B

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B 585 Schulten, P N

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B 464 Schulten, P N

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B 248 Seaby, H A

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B 246 Seaby, H A

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B 249 Seaby, H A

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B 584 Sear, D R

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B 665 Sear, D R

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Roman London 1988 4th Edn.
B 360 Sear, D R

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B 881 Sear, D.R.

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B 838 Serra Ridgway, F.R.

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B 259 Severeanu, G

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B 299 Shiel, N

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B 252 Simpson, G

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B 876 Skowronek, S.

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B 566 Smith, E A

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B 253 Smith, H R W

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B 258 Sordini, G

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B 260 Spijkerman, A

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B 616 Stribrny, K

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B 851 von Dietrich, M. Matzke, M.

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B 414 Weber, S H

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B 317 Weiller, R

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B 415 West, L C

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