Section E: Oriental


Section 1 Number Authors Author 2 Author 3 Author 4 Title Series/source Keywords Place Pub#date Edition Acquired Society
E 1 Adernson, E

Die Regenwurmer auf den Feldern der Orientalischen Numismatik
Middle East Leipzig 1836

E 279 Adler, J G C

Collectio Nova Numorum Cuficorum seu Arabicorum Veterum, CXVI continens numos, plerosque ineditos, e Museis Borgiano et Adleriano
Middle East, North Africa, Arabia Hafnia 1792

E 278 Adler, J G C

Nummi et Sigilla Cufica
Middle East Rome 1782

E 280 Airy, W

Arabic Glass Weights
Arabia, Weights London 1920

E 128 Album, S

Marsden's Numismata Orientalia Illustrata
Oriental, General, Collection New York 1977

E 506 Album, S.

A Checklist of Islamic Coins author Islamic, General Santa Rosa 1998 1st Edn. 11/09/2001 R
E 80 al-Hussini, M B

Developments of Arab-Islamic Coins
Arabs, Islam

E 4 Allan, J

Catalogue of the Coins of the Gupta Dynasties and of Sasanka, King of Gauda in the British Museum Catalogue of Indian Coins in the British Museum India, Gupta Empire, Catalogue London 1914

E 3 Allan, J

Catalogue of the Coins of Ancient India in the British Museum Catalogue of Indian Coins in the British Museum India, Antiquity, Catalogue London 1936

E 2 Allan, J (Ed.); Brown, C J; Henderson, J R; Valentine, W H Brown, C J Henderson, J R Valentine, W H Catalogue of the Coins in the Indian Museum Calcutta, including the Cabinet of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, Volume IV
Awadh, Mysore, South India, Bombay, Rajputana, Central India Oxford 1928

E 433 al-Naqshabandi, N M

The Islamic Dirham, Vol. I: the Islamic Dirham of Sassanid type
Islam, Dirham Baghdad 1969

E 470 Al-Qazwini, H.

Islamic coins (in Arabaic)

Safat 1990
18/04/1997 R
E 5 Altekar, A S

Corpus of Indian Coins, Vol. IV. The Coinage of the Gupta Empire and its Imitators Corpus of Indian Coins India, Gupta Empire Banaras 1957

E 6 Altekar, A S

Catalogue of the Gupta Gold Coins in the Bayana Hoard
India, Gupta Empire, Hoard Bombay 1954

E 281 Altheim, F; Stiehl, R Stiehl, R

Finanzgeshichte der Spaetantike
Late Antiquity, Sasanids, Islam, Fiscal studies Frankfurt 1957

E 283 Al-Ush, Muhammad Abu-L-Faraj

Tresor de Monnaies d'argent trove a Umm-Harajah, conserve au Musee National de Damas
Arabs, Dirhams, Hoard Damascus 1972

E 284 Amedroz, H F

A Dihram of Khusru Shah of 361 AH, etc. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, July 1905 Middle East, Arabia London 1905

E 391 American Numismatic Society

A Colloquium in Memory of George Carpenter Mills (1904-1975) Meeting of the American Numismatic Society, 10 April 1976 Islam, Late Antiquity, Byzantium New York 1976

E 84 Anon

A Catalog of Modern Japanese Coins: Korea and Manchukuo
Japan, Manchuria, Korea

E 332 Artuk, I

Denizbaci Definesi Turk Tarih Kurumu Yayinlarindan, VII Seri, Sa.48 Ummayads, Abbasids, Idrisids, Aghlabids, Hoard Ankara 1966

E 405 Artuk, I

Kanuni Sultan Suleyman Adina Basilan Sikkeler Turk Tarih Kurumu Yayinlarindan, VII Seri, Sa.58 Ottoman Empire, Islam, Suleyman Ankara 1972

E 7 Artuk, I; Artuk, C Artuk, C

Istanbul Arkeoloji Muzeleri Teshirdeki Islami Sikkeler Katalogu, Cilt I Eski Eserler ve Muzeler Genel Mudurlugu Yayinlari, Seri III, No 7 Turkey, Islam, Catalogue Istanbul 1970

E 264 Balaguer Prunes, A M

Las Emisiones Transicionales Arabe-Musulmanas de Hispania
Spain, Islam Barcelona 1976

E 347 Balog, P

Poids et Estampilles en Verre Musulmans du Musee d'Art et d'Histoire de Geneve Genaeva, NS Tome XXI Islam, Weights, Catalogue Geneva 1973

E 293 Balog, P

The Coinage of the Ayyubids Royal Numismatic Society, Special Publication No. 12 Egypt, Ayyubids London 1980

E 265 Balog, P

The Coinage of the Mamluk Sultans of Egypt and Syria American Numismatic Society, Studies No. 12 Egypt, Syria, Mameluke New York 1964

E 292 Balog, P

Ummayad, Abbasid and Tulunid Glass Weights and Vessel Stamps American Numismatic Society, Studies No. 13 Arabia, Weights New York 1976

E 442 Bank of Japan

Currency Museum of the Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies of the Bank of Japan
Japan, Catalogue
14/11/1990 R
E 8 Basham, A L (Ed.)

Papers on the Date of Kaniska, submitted to the Conference on the Date of Kaniska, London, 20-22 April 1960 Australian National University, Oriental Monograph Series Vol. IV Kushan Empire, History, Chronology Leiden 1968

E 482 Bautze, J.

Silk Road Art and Archaeology The Institute of Silk Road Studies
Kamakura 1998
20/05/2000 R
E 403 Bedoukian, P Z

Coinage of Cilician Armenia American Numismatic Society Notes and Monographs, No. 147 Oriental, Armenia New York 1962

E 402 Bedoukian, P Z

Coinage of Cilician Armenia
Cilicia, Armenians Connecticut 1979 2nd Ed.
E 485 Bhandarkar, D.R.

Lectures on Ancient Indian Numismatics Asian Educational Services
New Delhi 1990
20/05/2000 R
E 9 Bhattasali, N K

Coins and Chronology of the Early Independant Sultans of Bengal
Bengal, Chronology Cambridge 1922

E 11 Biddulph, C H

Coins of the Cholas Numismatic Society of India, Notes and Monographs no. 13 South India, Cholas, Tamils Banaras 1968

E 10 Biddulph, C H

Coins of the Pandyas Numismatic Society of India, Notes and Monographs no. 11 South India, Pandyas, Tamils Banaras 1966

E 266 Bikhazi, R J

Coins of Al-Yaman, 132-569 AH al-Abhath, Vol. XXXIII Yemen

E 349 Bivar, A D H

A Mongol Invasion Hoard from Eastern Afghanistan Near Eastern Numismatics, Iconography, Epigraphy and History Afghanistan, Mongols, Hoard Beirut 1974

E 348 Bivar, A D H

Mithraic Images of Bactria: Are they related to Roman Mithraism ? Mysteria Mythrae. Atti del Seminario Internazionale, 28-31 Marzo 1978 Sasanids, Kushan Empire, Mithras Rome 1979

E 350 Bivar, A D H

A Hoard of Ingot-currency of the Median Period from Nush-i Jan, near Malayir Iran, Volume IX Media, Ingot-currency, Hoard London 1971

E 288 Bivar, A D H

Corpus Inscriptionum Iranicarum Part III, Pahlavi Inscriptions. Vol. VI: Seals and Coins. Plates. Portfolio I: Plates I-XXX Corpus Inscriptionum Iranicarum Iran, Sassanids, Kushans, Seals London 1968

E 458 Bopearachchi, O. Rahman, A.U.

Pre-Kushana coins in Pakistan

Karachi 1995
15/02/1996 R
E 487 Bose, S.K.

Coins and Tokens of Assam (1715-1937) North-East Hill University Publications
Shillong 1999
20/05/2000 R
E 13 Botham, A W

Catalogue of the Provincial Coin Cabinet of Assam
India, Catalogue Allahabad 1930 2nd Ed.
E 12 Botham, A W; Friel, R Friel, R

Supplement to the Catalogue of the Provincial Cabinet of Coins, Assam
India, Catalogue Allahabad 1919

E 416 Boulnois, L

Poudre d'Or et Monnaies d'Argent au Tibet (pricipalement au XVIIIe Siecle) Cahiers Nepalais du CNRS de Meudon-Bellevue Tibet, Gold and Silver Paris

E 300 Bowker, H F

A Numismatic Bibliography of the Far East: A Check List of Titles in European Languages American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs No.101 Far East, Bibliography New York 1943

E 398 Broome, M

A Handbook of Islamic Coins
Islam, General London 1985

E 444 Brotman, I.F.

A guide to triple tokens of India


E 14 Brown, C J

The Coins of India Heritage of India India, General Calcutta 1922

E 17 Brown, C J

Catalogue of the Coins of the Guptas, Maukharis, etc., in the Provincial Museum, Lucknow Catalogue of Coins in the Provincial Museum, Lucknow India, Guptas, Catalogue Allahabad 1920

E 15 Brown, C J

Coins of the Mughal Emperors, in the Provincial Museum, Lucknow, Volume I: Prefaces and Plates Catalogue of Coins in the Provincial Museum, Lucknow India, Moghuls Oxford 1920

E 16 Brown, C J

Coins of the Mughal Emperors, in the Provincial Museum, Lucknow, Volume II: Catalogue Catalogue of Coins in the Provincial Museum, Lucknow India, Moghuls, Catalogue Oxford 1920

E 345 Bruce, C R; Deyell, J S; Rhodes, N; Spengler, W F Deyell, J S Rhodes,N Spengler, W F The Standard Guide to South Asian Coins and Paper Money since 1556 AD
India, Moghuls, Paper Money, Certificates, Hundis, Cheques Iola

E 19 Bucknill, Sir John

The Coins of the Dutch East Indies. An Introduction to the Study of the Series.
Sumatra, Java, Malaya, Dutch Posessions London 1931

E 18 Bucknill, Sir John

The Coins of the Dutch East Indies. An Introduction to the Study of the Series.
Sumatra, Java, Malaya, Dutch Posessions London 1931

E 285 Bucknill, Sir John A S

A Note on some coins struck for use in Tarim, Southern Arabia Journal of the Malayan Branch, Royal Asiatic Society, Vol. III part I Arabia, Straits Settlements, Tokens Malaya 1925

E 294 Burger, W

Ch'ing Cash until 1735
China, Cash Taiwan 1976

E 286 Burn, R

Some Coins of the Maukharis, and of the Thanesar line Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, October 1906 India, Maukharis, Coin-find London 1906

E 20 Butak, B

Resimli Turk Paralari. XI, XII ve XIII Yuzyillarda.
Turkey Istanbul 1947

E 21 Catrou, Pere F

Histoire Generale de l'Empire du Mogol depuis sa Fondation, sur les Memoires Portugais de M. Manouchi, Venitien
India, Moghuls, History Paris 1705

E 23 Chakrabortty, S K

A Study of Indian Numismatics (Indigenous System) from the Earliest Times to the Rise of the Imperial Guptas (Third Cent. AD)
India, Northern India Mymensingh 1931

E 22 Chakrabortty, S K

A Study of Indian Numismatics (Indigenous System) from the Earliest Times to the Rise of the Imperial Guptas (Third Cent. AD)
India, Northern India Mymensingh 1931

E 268 Chang Ching-i; Lin Yen-Fing; Hsi Hai Lin Yen-Fing Hsi Hai
A New Catalogue of Coins of China
China, Catalogue
1854 2nd Ed.
E 313 Chang, N C

An Inscribed Chinese Ingot of the XII Century AD American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs no. 103 Oriental, Chinese, Ingot New York 1944

E 424 Chatterjee, C D

Bulletin of the U.P. Historical Society, No.2: Some Unique Gold and Brass Coins of the Imperial Guptas Journal of the U.P. Historical Society, Vol. V (NS) Pt II India, Gupta Empire Lucknow 1957

E 24 Chattopadhyaya, B

The Age of the Kushans. A Numismatic Study.
India, Kushan Empire. Calcutta 1967

E 425 Chattopadhyaya, B

Coins and Icons. A Study of Myths and Symbols in Indian Numismatic Art
India, Iconography Calcutta 1977

E 25 Chattopadhyaya, B

Coins and Currency Systems in South India, c. AD 225-1300
India, Currency New Delhi 1977

E 26 Chin Teng Chien Lu

A Catalogue of Chinese Coins, issued by order of the Emperor Chien Zung

E 27 Chittick, N

Kilwa: an Islamic Trading City on the East African Coast. Volume I, History and Archaeology. British Institute in East Africa, Memoir number Five Arabs, East Africa, History Nairobi 1974

E 28 Chittick, N

Kilwa: an Islamic Trading City on the East African Coast. Volume II, the Finds. British Institute in East Africa, Memoir number Five Arabs, East Africa, Archaeology Nairobi 1974

E 351 Chittick, N

A Coin Hoard from near Kilwa Azania, Volume II 1967 Arabs, East Africa

E 423 Choudhury, C R

A Catalogue of Early Indian Coins in the Asutosh Museum, Part I
India, Antiquity, Catalogue Calcutta 1962

E 267 Chun-tsao-tang-Chi

Chinese Tracts on Coins, Parts 1 to 8

E 29 Codera y Zaidin, Don F

Tratado de Numismatica Arabigo-Espanola
Islam, Spain Madrid 1879

E 33 Codrington, H W

Catalogue of Coins in the Colombo Museum. Part I: Muhammadan and European (exclusive of Roman)
India, Ceylon, Islam, European posessions Hertford 1914

E 491 Codrington, H.W.

Ceylon Coins and Currency Asian Educational Services Reprint (1924)
New Delhi 1994
17/08/2000 R
E 32 Codrington, O

The Coinages of Cutch and Kathiawar Numismatic Chronicle, Vol. XV, 3rd Series India, Northern India London 1895

E 34 Codrington, O

A Manual of Musulman Numismatics Asiatic Society Monographs, Vol. VII Islam, General London 1904

E 30 Codrington, O

Further Note on Musulman Coins collected by Mr G P Tate in Seistan Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, July 1905 Islam, Nimruz London 1905

E 31 Codrington, O

Coins collected by Sir A Henry McMahon, KCIE, in Seistan Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, July 1911 Ummayad, Abbasid, Sassanid, Parthian, Samanid London 1911

E 35 Codrington, O

Some Rare and Unedited Arabic and Persian Coins; some in the Collection of Dr J Gerson da Cunha, and some in the Writer's own Cabinet
Arabic, Persian Hertford 1889

E 214 Coin Committee, Eastern Bengal and Assam Secretariat

Catalogue of the Provincial Cabinet of Coins, Eastern Bengal and Assam
India, Catalogue Shillong 1911

E 36 Coole, A B

Coins in China's History
China, General Kansas 1963

E 291 Coole, A B

Pointed Spade Coins of the Chou Dynasty Encyclopaedia of Chinese Coins, Volume 4 China, Antiquity, Spade coins Boston 1975

E 290 Coole, A B

The Early Coins of the Chou Dynasty Encyclopaedia of Chinese Coins, Volume 2 China, Antiquity, Cowry Shells Boston 1973

E 37 Coole, A B

Spade Coin Types of the Chou Dynasty Encyclopaedia of Chinese Coins, Volume 3 China, Antiquity, Spade coins Boston 1972

E 504 Coole, A.B. Kozono, H. Bowker, H.F.
An Encyclopaedia of Chinese Coins. Vol.1: a bibliography on far eastern numismatology and a coin index Inter-collegiate Press China, Bibliography, Coin Index Mission 1967 1st Edn. 11/09/2001 B
E 449 Cribb, J.

A catalogue of sycee in the British Museum. Chinese silver surrency ingots c.1750-1933

London 1992
07/06/1994 R
E 38 Cullimore, -

Oriental Cylinders

E 40 Cunningham, A

Coins of Alexander's Successors in the East (Bactria, Ariana and India)
India, Bactria, Ariana, Hellenistic kingdoms Chicago 1969 Reprint
E 486 Cunningham, A.

Ancient coins of India Asian Educational Services
New Delhi 1990
20/05/2000 R
E 471 Cunningham, A.

Coins of medieval India from the 7th century down to the Muhammadan conquests

London 1894
06/10/1997 R
E 472 Cunningham, A.

Later Indo-Scythians (from the Numismatic Chronicle 1893-94)

Varanasi 1962
06/10/1997 R
E 41 Curiel, R; Fussman, G Fussman, G

Le Tresor Monetaire de Qunduz Memoires de la Delegation Archeologique Francaise en Afghanistan, XX Afghanistan, Hoards Paris 1965

E 42 Curiel, R; Schlumberger, D Schlumberger, D

Tresors Monetaires d'Afghanistan Memoires de la Delegation Archeologique Francaise en Afghanistan, XIV Afghanistan, Hoards Paris 1953

E 269 Czapkiewicz, A; Lewicki, T; Nosek, S; Opozda-Czapkiewicz, M Lewicki, T Nosek, S Opozda-Czapkiewicz, M Skarb Dirhemow Arabskich z Czechowa Polskie Towarzystwo Archaeologiczne, Biblioteka Archeologiczna 10 Poland, Arabs, Dirhams, Hoard Warsaw 1957

E 43 Dames, M L

The Mint of Kuraman, with Special Reference to the Coins of the Quarlughs and Khwarzim-Shahs Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, April 1908 North India, Turks London 1908

E 44 Dasgupta, K K

The Audumbras Calcutta Sanskrit College Research Series no. XLIV. Studies no.26 India, Antiquity Calcutta 1965

E 270 Davidovitch, E A

Kladi Drevnich i Srednevekovich Monet Tadzhikistana
Tadzhikistan Moscow 1979

E 459 de Callatay, F.

Les tetradrachmes d'Ordos II et de Phraate IV. Etude du rythme de leur production monetaire a la lumiere d'une grande trouvaille Studia Iranica Cahier 14
Paris 1994
15/02/1996 R
E 45 Decourdemanche, J-A

Traite des Monnaies, Mesures et Poids Anciens et Modernes de l'Inde et de la Chine
India, China, Weights and Measures Paris 1913

E 46 Desikachari, Sir T

South Indian Coins
South India Trichinopoly 1933

E 439 Deyell, J S

Living without Silver. The Monetary History of Early Medieval North India.
India, Medieval, North, Monetary History Delhi 1990
20/06/1990 R
E 335 Dios de la Rada y Delgado, Don J de

Catalogo de Monedas Arabigas Espanolas qui se conservan en el Museo Arqueologico Nacional
Islam, Spain Madrid 1892

E 48 Dorn, Dr

Ueber einige aus dem Munzcabinette der ehemaligen Wilna'schen Universitat an die St. Wladimir-Universitat zu Kiew ubergangene morgenlandische Munzen Bulletin de l'Academie Imperiale des Sciences de St.Petersbourg II, 13 Collection St. Petersburg 1837

E 49 Elliot, Sir H M; Dowson, J (Ed.) Dowson, J (Ed.)

The History of India, as told by its own Historians. The Muhammadan Period. Volume I The History of India India, Islam, History London 1867

E 50 Elliot, Sir H M; Dowson, J (Ed.) Dowson, J (Ed.)

The History of India, as told by its own Historians. The Muhammadan Period. Volume II The History of India India, Islam, History London 1869

E 51 Elliot, Sir H M; Dowson, J (Ed.) Dowson, J (Ed.)

The History of India, as told by its own Historians. The Muhammadan Period. Volume III The History of India India, Islam, History London 1871

E 336 Elliot, Sir H M; Dowson, J (Ed.) Dowson, J (Ed.)

The History of India, as told by its own Historians. The Muhammadan Period. Volume IV The History of India India, Islam, History London 1872

E 337 Elliot, Sir H M; Dowson, J (Ed.) Dowson, J (Ed.)

The History of India, as told by its own Historians. The Muhammadan Period. Volume V The History of India India, Islam, History London 1873

E 338 Elliot, Sir H M; Dowson, J (Ed.) Dowson, J (Ed.)

The History of India, as told by its own Historians. The Muhammadan Period. Volume VI The History of India India, Islam, History London 1875

E 52 Endlicher, S

Verzeichniss der Chinesischen und Japanischen Munzen des K K Munz- und Antiken-Cabinetes in Wien
China, Japan, Collection Vienna 1837

E 53 Erol, M

Osmanli Imperatorlugunda Kagit Para (Kaime)
Ottoman Empire Ankara 1970

E 455 Errington, E. (ed.) Cribb, J. (ed.)

The crossroads of Asia. Transformation in image and symbol in the art of ancient Afghanistan and Pakistan

Cambridge 1992
13/07/1994 R
E 54 Eustache, D

Corpus des Dirhams Idrisites et Contemporains. Collection de la Banque du Maroc et autres Collections mondiales, publiques et privees Etudes sur la Numismatique et l'Histoire Monetaire du Maroc Morocco, Idrisids, Dirhams Rabat 1971

E 390 Falcke, G; Clarke, R L Clarke, R L

India's 1862 Rupees
British India, Rupees Iola 1971

E 55 Figanier, J

Moedas Arabes. Inventario e Descricao. I Parte: Da Criacao do Emirado Espanol a Conquista de Granada (711-1492)
Islam, Spain, Portugal, Granada Lisbon 1949

E 56 Figanier, J

Moedas Arabes. Inventario e Descricao. II Parte: Da Conquista de Granada aos nossos dias, com um Apendice
Islam, Spain, Portugal, Granada Lisbon 1959

E 277 Fokumo Riosuke

Japanese Coins

E 406 Fomin, A V; Kovacs, L Kovacs, L

The Tenth Century Maramaros County ("Huszt") Dirham Hoard
Hungary, Arabs, Dirhams, Hoard Budapest 1987

E 57 Fonahn, A; Junkelman, E (Ed.) Junkelman, E (Ed.)

Japanische Bildermunzen
Japan Leipzig 1923

E 58 Fraehn, C M

[Articles on Oriental Coins 1836-40]

E 60 Fraehn, C M; Dorn, B (Ed.) Dorn, B (Ed.)

Opusculorum Postumorum Pars Secunda, Adnotationes in Varia Opera Numismatica Continens.
Islam St. Petersburg 1877

E 59 Fraehn, C M; Dorn, B (Ed.) Dorn, B (Ed.)

Opusculorum Postumorum Pars Prima.
Islam St. Petersburg 1855

E 457 Freeman-Grenville, G.S.P.

The Islamic and Christian calenders

Reading 1995
20/09/1995 R
E 301 Frye, R N

Notes on the Early Coinage of Transoxiana American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs No.113 Transoxiana, Pre-Islamic, Islam New York 1949

E 289 Frye, R N (Ed.)

Corpus Inscriptionum Iranicarum Part III, Pahlavi Inscriptions. Vol. VI: Seals and Coins. Plates. Portfolio II: Plates XXXI-LIV Corpus Inscriptionum Iranicarum Iran, Sassanids, Seals, Collection London 1971

E 61 Frye, R N (Ed.)

Sasanian Remains from Qasr-i Abu Nasr. Seals, Sealings and Coins Harvard Iranian Series, Volume One Persia, Sasanids Cambridge, Ma. 1973

E 62 Gardner, C T

The Coinage of Corea Journal of the China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Vol. XXVII Korea

E 63 Gardner, P; Poole, R S (Ed.) Poole, R S (Ed.)

The Coins of the Greek and Scythic Kings of Bactria and India in the British Museum Catalogue of Indian Coins in the British Museum India, Bactria, Hellenistic, Greeks, Scyths, Catalogue London 1886

E 271 Gaube, H

Arabosasanidische Numismatik Handbucher der Mittelasiatischen Numismatik, Band II Arabs, Sasanids Brunswick 1973

E 454 Gear, D. Gear, J.

Earth to Heaven.The royal animal-shaped weights of the Burmese empires

Twinstar 1992
13/07/1994 R
E 39 Gerson da Cunha, J

Contributions to the Study of Indo-Portugese Numismatics
India, Portugese posessions Bombay 1880

E 489 Gerson de Cunha, J.

Contributions to the study of Indo-Portugese Numismatics Asian Educational Services
New Delhi 1995
20/05/2000 R
E 64 Ghiron, I

Monete Arabiche del Gabinetto Numismatico di Milano
Arabs, Collection Milan 1878

E 274 Ghirshman, R; Ghirshman, T Ghirshman, T

Les Chionites-Hephthalites Memoires de l'Institut Francais d'Archeologie Orientale du Caire, LXXX Afghanistan, Iran, Ephthalites, Sacae, History Cairo 1948

E 334 Glover, Mrs

Chinese, Annamese, Japanese, Corean Coins; Coins used as Amulets, and Chinese Govt. and Private Notes, collected by the late G B Glover. Plates.
China, Japan, Annam, Korea, Collection Hong Kong 1895

E 72 Gobl, R

Die Munzen der Sasaniden in Koniglichen Munzkabinett, Haag
Sasanids, Collection 's-Gravenhage 1962

E 381 Gobl, R

System und Chronologie der Munzpragung des Kusanreiches Veroffentlichungen der Numismatischen Kommission: Sonderband Kushans Vienna 1984

E 418 Gobl, R

A Catalogue of Coins from Butkara I (Swat, Pakistan) Instituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Orientale, Reports Vol. IV Kushans, Sassanids, Indo-Greeks, Ummayads, Sacae, Ephthalites Rome 1976

E 321 Gobl, R

A Catalogue of Coins from Butkara I (Swat, Pakistan) Instituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Orientale, Reports Vol. IV Kushans, Sassanids, Indo-Greeks, Ummayads, Sacae, Ephthalites Rome 1976

E 66 Gobl, R

Der Sasanidische Siegelkanon Handbucher der Mittelasiatischen Numismatik, Band IV Sasanids, Seals Brunswick 1973

E 67 Gobl, R

Sasanidische Numismatik Handbucher der Mittelasiatischen Numismatik, Band I Sasanids Brunswick 1968

E 70 Gobl, R

Dokumente zur Geschichte der Iranischen Hunnen in Baktrien und Indien, Band III
India, Bactria, Iranians, Documents Wiesbaden 1967

E 69 Gobl, R

Dokumente zur Geschichte der Iranischen Hunnen in Baktrien und Indien, Band II
India, Bactria, Iranians, Documents Wiesbaden 1967

E 389 Gobl, R

Eine Neuerworbene Sammlung Mittelasiatischer Munzen Jahrbuch des Bernischen Historischen Museums in Bern 45 und 46 Indo-Greek, Sasanids, Sacae, Kushans Bern 1966

E 71 Gobl, R

Aufbau der Munzpragung Ein Asiatischer Staat, by Altheim, F, and Stiehl, R, Chapter II Sasanids Wiesbaden 1954

E 68 Gobl, R

Dokumente zur Geschichte der Iranischen Hunnen in Baktrien und Indien, Band I
India, Bactria, Iranians, Documents Wiesbaden 1967

E 453 Gomez, A.M.

Monedas Hispano-Musulmanas

Toledo 1992
07/06/1994 R
E 73 Goonetileke, H A I

A Bibliography of Ceylon Coins and Currency,: Ancient and Modern
Ceylon, General, Bibliography

E 374 Gozdowski, M; Kmietowicz, A; Kubiak, W; Lewicki, T Kmietowicz, A Kubiak, W Lewicki, T Wczesnosredniowieczny Skarb Srebrny z Maurzyc pod Lowiczem Polskie Towarzystwo Archaeologiczne, Biblioteka Archeologiczna 11 Poland, Arabs, Dirhams, Hoard Warsaw 1959

E 302 Grabar, O

The Coinage of the Tulunids American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs No.139 Oriental, Tulunids New York 1957

E 393 Granberg, B

Myntfyndet fran Lillkyro Corolla Archaeologica in Honorem C A Nordman Scandinavia, Dirhams, Hoard

E 75 Gupta, P L

Punch-marked Coins in the Andhra Pradesh Government Museum Andhra Pradesh Government Museum Series, No.1 India, Punch-marked Coins, Collection Andhra Pradesh 1960

E 272 Gupta, P L

Coins [of India] India - the Land and the People India, General New Delhi 1969

E 74 Gupta, P L; Deyell, J S Deyell, J S

Punch Marked Coins, Volumes I and II
India, Antiquity, Punch-marked Coins Banaras 1959

E 435 Gupta, P L; Hardaker, T R Hardaker, T R

Indian Silver Punchmarked Coins of the Magadha-Maurya Karshaparna Series Indian Institute of Research in Numismatic Studies, Monograph no. 1 India, Punch-marked Coins, Antiquity Maharashtra 1985

E 407 Gupta, P L; Hardaker, T R Hardaker, T R

Indian Silver Punchmarked Coins of the Magadha-Maurya Karshaparna Series Indian Institute of Research in Numismatic Studies, Monograph no. 1 India, Punch-marked Coins, Antiquity Maharashtra 1985

E 446 Gupta, P.L. (ed.) Shastri, A.M. (ed.)

Numismatic Digest Numismatic Digest 14 Digest Maharashtra 1990
16/10/1991 R
E 380 Gyselen, R; Kalus, L Kalus, L

Deux Tresors Monetaires des Premiers Temps de l'Islam
Islam, Arabo-Sasanid, Hoards Paris 1983

E 327 Hager, J

Description des Medailles Chinoises du Cabinet Imperial de France; precedee d'un Essai de Numismatique Chinoise
China, Collection Paris 1805

E 76 Hamidi, H

A Catalog of Modern Coins of Afghanistan
Afghanistan, Catalogue Kabul 1967

E 77 Hanitsch, R

On a Collection of Coins from Malacca Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, no. 39 Straits Settlements, Tin Coins, Portuguese, Malacca, Hoard Singapore 1903

E 78 Hanitsch, R

On a Second Collection of Coins from Malacca Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, no. 44 Straits Settlements, Tin Coins, Portuguese, Malacca, Hoard Singapore 1905

E 79 Hanitsch, R

Tin and Lead Coins from Brunei Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, no. 49 Brunei, Tin coins, Lead coins Singapore 1908

E 377 Hazard, H W

The Numismatic History of late Mediaeval North Africa American Numismatic Society, Studies no. 8 Islam, North Africa New York 1952

E 507 Heidemann, S.

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E 440 Henderson, I R

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E 371 Hennequin, G

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E 419 Herzfeld, E

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E 303 Hill, G F

Attambelos I of Characene American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs No.14 Oriental, Attambelos I New York 1922

E 81 Hoernle, A R R

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E 360 Hsia Nai

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E 299 Hull, D B

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E 82 Hussain, M K; Dikshit, M G (Ed.) Dikshit, M G (Ed.)

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E 352 Iliescu, O

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E 475 Ilisch, L.

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E 456 Jarique

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E 484 Jhundijhunwalla,K.

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E 501 Jhundijhunwalla,K.

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E 353 Jungfleisch, M

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E 86 Kann, E

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History of Chinese Paper Money
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E 85 Kann, E

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E 432 Kapanadze, D G

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E 87 Khan, A Wali

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E 451 Khan, S.A.

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E 88 Khodzhanisov, T

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E 90 Kmietowicz, A

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E 89 Kmietowicz, A; Kubiak, W Kubiak, W

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E 91 Kocaer, R

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E 370 Kosambi, D D

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E 92 Kouymjian, D K

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E 355 Kredi Bankasi

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E 93 Krishon, Bal

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E 447 Kumar, A.

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E 94 Lacouperie, T de; Poole, R S (Ed.) Poole, R S (Ed.)

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China, Catalologue London 1892

E 431 Lahiri, A N

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E 108 Lane-Poole, S

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E 96 Lane-Poole, S

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E 107 Lane-Poole, S

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E 109 Lane-Poole, S; Poole, R S (Ed.) Poole, R S (Ed.)

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E 110 Lane-Poole, S; Poole, R S (Ed.) Poole, R S (Ed.)

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E 434 Lane-Poole, S; Poole, R S (Ed.) Poole, R S (Ed.)

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E 103 Lane-Poole, S; Poole, R S (Ed.) Poole, R S (Ed.)

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E 102 Lane-Poole, S; Poole, R S (Ed.) Poole, R S (Ed.)

The Coins of the Turks in the British Museum. Class XXVI. Catalogue of Oriental Coins in the British Museum, Vol. VIII Turks, Catalogue London 1883

E 298 Lane-Poole, S; Poole, R S (Ed.) Poole, R S (Ed.)

The Coins of Bukhara (Transoxiana) in the British Museum from the time of Timur to the present day. Classes XXII, XXIII. Catalogue of Oriental Coins in the British Museum, Vol. VII Transoxiana, Catalogue London 1882

E 101 Lane-Poole, S; Poole, R S (Ed.) Poole, R S (Ed.)

The Coins of the Mongols in the British Museum. Classes XVIII-XXII. Catalogue of Oriental Coins in the British Museum, Vol. VI Mongols, Catalogue London 1881

E 304 Lang, D M

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E 325 Lavoix, H

Catalogue des Monnaies Musulmanes de la Bibliotheque Nationale
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E 113 Lavoix, H

Catalogue des Monnaies Musulmanes de la Bibliotheque Nationale. Espagne et Afrique
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E 114 Lavoix, H

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E 117 Le May, R

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E 116 Le May, R S

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E 115 Leggett, E

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Islam London 1885

E 118 Lenormant, C

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E 119 Lingen, J; Wiggins, K W Wiggins, K W

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E 120 Lockhart, Sir James H Stewart

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E 326 Longperier, A de

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E 356 Loventhal, E

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E 121 Lowsley, B

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E 339 MacKenzie, K M; Lachman, S Lachman, S

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E 499 Maheshwari, K.K. Wiggins, K.W.

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E 388 Malmer, B

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E 127 Markoff, A

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E 125 Markoff, A de

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E 129 Marsden, W

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E 130 Marsden, W

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E 387 Matsson, G O

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E 134 Miles, G C

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E 310 Miles, G C

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E 137 Miles, G C

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E 308 Miles, G C

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E 307 Miles, G C

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E 306 Miles, G C

Contributions to Arabic Metrology II American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs No.150 Oriental, Arabic, Metrology New York 1963

E 140 Miles, G C

The Coinage of the Arab Amirs of Crete American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs No.160 Oriental, Amirs, Crete New York 1970

E 358 Miles, G C

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E 135 Miles, G C

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E 359 Miles, G C

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E 312 Miles, G C

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E 305 Miles, G C

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E 139 Miles, G C

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E 309 Miles, G C

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E 311 Miles, G C

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E 141 Miles, G C (Ed.)

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E 142 Millies, H C

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E 324 Mitchiner, M

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E 150 Mitchiner, M

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E 146 Mitchiner, M

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E 145 Mitchiner, M

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E 151 Mitchiner, M

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E 144 Mitchiner, M

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E 323 Mitchiner, M

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E 510 Mitchiner, M.

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E 493 Mitchiner, M.

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E 376 Mochiri, M I

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Chapel Hill 1983
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E 372 Morgan, J de

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E 282 Muhammad Abu-l-Farau al-'Ush

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E 156 Mukherjee, B N

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E 287 Office of His Majesty's Secretary of State for India in Council

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E 273 Poole, R S

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E 95 Poole, S L

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E 111 Poole, S L

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E 112 Poole, S L

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E 100 Poole, S L; Poole, R S (Ed.) Poole, R S (Ed.)

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E 98 Poole, S L; Poole, R S (Ed.) Poole, R S (Ed.)

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E 97 Poole, S L; Poole, R S (Ed.) Poole, R S (Ed.)

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E 295 Poole, S L; Poole, R S (Ed.) Poole, R S (Ed.)

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E 171 Prakash, S; Singh, R Singh, R

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E 172 Prasad, D

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E 174 Rabino di Borgomale, H L

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E 176 Rabino di Borgomale, H L

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E 175 Rabino di Borgomale, H L

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Iran, Medals, Seals Oxford 1951

E 177 Ramarao, M

Satavahana Coins in the Andhra Pradesh Government Museum Andhra Pradesh Government Museum Series, No. 2 India, Andhra, Deccan, Collection Hyderabad 1961

E 180 Ramsden, H A

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E 179 Ramsden, H A

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E 178 Ramsden, H A

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E 181 Ramsden, H A

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E 182 Rapson, E J

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E 183 Rapson, E J

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E 184 Rapson, E J

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E 343 Retowski, O

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E 186 Robinson, J

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E 187 Rode, V P

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E 414 Rodgers, C J

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Indo-Greek, Bactria, Parthia, Seleucid, India, Antiquity, Hellenistic Calcutta 1895

E 189 Rodgers, C J

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E 188 Rodgers, C J

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India, General Allahabad 1894

E 190 Rodgers, C J

The Coins of the Mogul Emperors of India, collected by Chas J Rodgers, and purchased by the Panjab Government
India, Moghuls, Collection Calcutta 1893

E 417 Rosenfield, J M

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E 342 Sacy, A I S de

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E 275 Sahni, B

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E 192 Schaendlinger, A C

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E 328 Schjoth, Fr

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E 193 Seipheddini, M A

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E 329 Sharif, K N

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E 209 Smith, V A

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E 232 Stickel, J G; Tiesenhausen, - von Tiesenhausen, - von

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