Section G: General


Section 1 Number Authors Author 2 Author 3 Author 4 Title Series/source Keywords Place Pub#date Edition Acquired Society
G 1 Addison, J

Catalogues upon the Usefulness of Ancient Medals, Especially in Relation to the Latin and Greek Poets
Ancient, Medals

G 199 Adelson, H L

The American Numismatic Society, 1858-1858
General, ANS New York 1958

G 179 Akademie der Wissenschaften

Die Feierliche Sitzung der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 29. Mai 1852
General Wien 1852

G 6 Akerman, J Y

Books and Papers on Numismatics
General, Bibliography

G 3 Akerman, J Y

A Numismatic Manual; or, Guide to the Study of Greek, Roman, and English Coins
General London 1832

G 5 Akerman, J Y

A Numismatic Manual
General London 1840

G 282 Akerman, J Y

Ancient Coins of Cities and Princes: Hispania - Gallia - Britannia
General, Ancient London 1846

G 392 Albert, R. (ed.) Cunz, R. (ed.)

Wissenschaftsgeschichte der Numismatik. Beitrage zum 17 Deutschen numismatikertag 3-5 Marz 1995 in Hannover Schriftenreihe der Numismatischen Gesselschaft Band 36
Speyer 1995
16/02/1996 R
G 359 Alfoldi, M R

Methoden der Antiken Numismatik Wege der Forschung, Band 529 General, Ancient Darmstadt 1989

G 269 Alfoldi, M R

Antike Numismatik, Teil 2, Bibliographie Kulturgeschichte der Antiken Welt, Band 3 General, Ancient Mainz 1978

G 268 Alfoldi, M R

Antike Numismatik, Teil 1, Theoris und Praxis Kulturgeschichte der Antiken Welt, Band 2 General, Ancient Mainz 1978

G 7 Allan, W

The Christian Teaching of Coin Mottoes
General London 1911

G 349 Alram, M; Szaivert, W (Eds.) Szaivert, W (Ed.)

Litterae Numismaticae Vindobonenses, Band 3
General Wien 1987

G 57 Aluminium Laboratories Ltd.

Aluminium Coins, Medals and Tokens Aluminium Deveopment Bulletin, August 1952 Aluminium Bangbury 1952

G 8 Ambrosoli, S

Vocabolarietto pei Numismatici
General, Dictionary Milan 1897

G 10 Ambrosoli, S

Manuale di Numismatica
General Milan 1904

G 11 Ambrosoli, S; Gnecchi, F Gnecchi, F

Manuale Elementare di Numismatica
General Milan 1915

G 162 American Numismatic Association

Selections from the Numismatist - Modern Foreign Currency The Numismatist General Racine, Wis. 1961

G 163 American Numismatic Association

Selections from the Numismatist - United States Coins The Numismatist General Racine, Wis. 1960

G 166 American Numismatic Association

Selections from the Numismatist - United States Paper Money, Tokens, Medals, and Miscellaneous The Numismatist General Racine, Wis. 1960

G 160 American Numismatic Association

Selections from the Numismatist - Ancient and Medieval Coins The Numismatist General Racine, Wis. 1960

G 240 American Numismatic Society

Dictionary Catalogue of the Library of the American Numismatic Society. Volume 1 A-C
General, Library Catalogue Boston 1962

G 241 American Numismatic Society

Dictionary Catalogue of the Library of the American Numismatic Society. Volume 2 D-Fin
General, Library Catalogue Boston 1962

G 243 American Numismatic Society

Dictionary Catalogue of the Library of the American Numismatic Society. Volume 4 H-M
General, Library Catalogue Boston 1962

G 245 American Numismatic Society

Dictionary Catalogue of the Library of the American Numismatic Society. Volume 6 S-Z
General, Library Catalogue Boston 1962

G 249 American Numismatic Society

Dictionary and Auction Catalogues of the Library of the American Numismatic Society. Third Supplement 1973-77. Vol. 1: Dict. Cat. K-Z; Auct. Cat.
General, Library Catalogue Boston 1978

G 244 American Numismatic Society

Dictionary Catalogue of the Library of the American Numismatic Society. Volume 5 N-R
General, Library Catalogue Boston 1962

G 247 American Numismatic Society

Dictionary and Auction Catalogues of the Library of the American Numismatic Society. Second Supplement 1968-1972
General, Library Catalogue Boston 1973

G 248 American Numismatic Society

Dictionary and Auction Catalogues of the Library of the American Numismatic Society. Third Supplement 1973-77. Vol. 1: Dict. Cat. A-J
General, Library Catalogue Boston 1978

G 246 American Numismatic Society

Auction Catalogue of the Library of the American Numismatic Society
General, Library Catalogue Boston 1962

G 242 American Numismatic Society

Dictionary Catalogue of the Library of the American Numismatic Society. Volume 3 Fio-G
General, Library Catalogue Boston 1962

G 329 Andrews, J P

Coins and Investment: A Consumer's Guide
General, Investment London 1986

G 377 anon.

Negishi Museum. Exhibition catalogue

Negishi 1990
07/06/1994 R
G 413 anon.

The treasure act 1996 a draft code of practice Department of National Heritage
London 1996
05/11/1999 B
G 12 Arbuthnot, C

Tables of Ancient Coins, Weights and Measures, Explained and Exemplified in Several Dissertations
General, Ancient London 1727

G 13 Arbuthnott, J

Tables of the Grecian, Roman and Jewish Measures, Weights and Coin; reduced to the English Standard
Greek, Roman, Jewish, Standards, Weights, Measures London 1764

G 381 Archibald, M.M. (ed.) Cowell, M.R. (ed.)

Metallurgy in Numismatics. Vol. 3 Royal Numismatic Society Special Publication 24
London 1993
07/06/1994 R
G 376 Arrocha, J.M.L.

Las monedas en las islas canarias

Canary Islands 1990
07/06/1994 R
G 14 Ashmolean Museum

Guide to the Greek, Roman, English and Chinese Coins in the Heberden Coin Room
General, Collection Oxford 1948

G 16 Avebury, Lord

A Short History of Coins and Currency (In Two Parts)
General London 1902

G 17 Babelon, E

Les Origines de la Monnaie Considerees au Point de Vue Economique et Historique
General, Origins New York 1970

G 18 Babelon, J

Les Monnaies Racontent L'Histoire
General Fayard 1963

G 19 Babelon, J; Roubier, J (Photographs) Roubier, J (Photographs)

Great Coins and Medals
General London 1959

G 255 Bacharach, J L; Gordus, A A Gordus, A A

Studies on the Fineness of Silver Coins Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, Vol. 11,1968 General, Silver Leiden 1968

G 20 Bachtell, L M

World Dollars, 1477-1877: Pictorial Guide
General, World Dollars Ludowici, Georgia 1977

G 353 Banco Safra

O Museu de Valores do Banco Central do Brasil
General, Collection Sao Paulo 1988

G 256 Banyai, R A

Paper Money and Inflation
General, Paper Money Dovercourt

G 21 Baramki, D

The Coins Exhibited in the Archaeological Museum of the American University of Beirut
General, Collection Beirut 1968

G 22 Bartholomew, J G

A Literary & Historical Atlas of Europe
General, Atlas London

G 346 Bassoli, F

Monete e Medaglie nel Libro Antico dal XV al XIX Secolo Bibliotec. e Biblio. Saggi e Studi Diretti de Francesco Barberi, No.21 General Florence 1985

G 215 Bastien, P; Dumas, F; Huvelin, H; Morrisson, C (Eds.) Dumas, F Huvelin, H Morrisson, C Melanges de Numismatique D'Archeologie et D'Histoire Offerts a Jean Lafaurie
General Paris 1980

G 23 Belloni, G G

Gabinetto Numismatico, Tomo 1
General Milan 1977

G 24 Belloni, G G

Gabinetto Numismatico, Tomo 2
General Milan 1977

G 351 Beltran Martinez, A; Lacarra, J M; Canellas, A Lacarra, J M Canellas, A
Iconografia Numismatica Caesaraugusta 59-60 General Zaragoza 1985

G 271 Beresiner, Y; Narbeth, C Narbeth, C

The Story of Paper Money
General, Paper Money Newton Abbot 1973

G 286 Berghaus, P

Der Archaologe Graphische Bildnisse aus dem Portratarchiv Diepenbroick
General Munster 1983

G 402 Berghaus, P.

Numismatische Literatur 1500-1864. Die Entwicklung der Methoden einer Wissenschaft Wolfenbuttler Forschungen 64
Wiesbaden 1995
18/04/1997 R
G 373 Berghaus, P. (ed.) Albrecht, T. (ed.) Sander-Berke, A. (ed.)
Festschrift fur Peter Berghaus zum 70. Geburtstag
Berghaus, P.; Festschrift Munster 1989
13/03/1991 R
G 338 Berghaus, P; Bracker, J; Jensen, J S; Lagerqvist, L O (Eds.) Bracker, J (Ed.) Jensen, J S (Ed.) Lagerqvist, L O (Ed.) Commentationes Numismaticae 1988: Festgabe fur Gert und Vera Hatz Commentationes Numismaticae, 1988 General Hamburg 1988

G 343 Berghaus, P; Marowsky, K (Eds.) Marowsky, K (Ed.)

Westfalia Numismatica 1988: Festschrift zur Feier des 75jahrigen Bestehens des Vereins der Munzfreunde fur Westfalen Schriftenreihe her Munzfreunde Minden, Heft 13 General, Westfalia Minden 1988

G 25 Berlin, Numismatische Gesellschaft

Festschrift zur Feier des Funfzigjahrigen Bestehens der Numismatischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin
General, Festschrift Berlin 1893

G 27 Berriman, A E

Historical Metrology: A New Analysis of the Archaeological and the Historical Evidence Relating to Weights and Measures
General, Metrology London 1953

G 422 Bertok, K. Torbaggi, M.

Festschrift fur Katalin Biro-Sey u. Istvan Gedai zum 65 Geburtstag Magyar Numizmatikai Tarsulat
Budapest 1999
17/08/2000 R
G 406 Besly, E.

Loose change: a guide to common coins and medals

Cardiff 1997
16/01/1998 R
G 28 Bibliotheque Nationale

Bibliotheque Nationale, Cabinet des Medailles et Antiques, Les Monnaies: Guide du Visiteur
General, Collection Paris 1929

G 290 Billing, A

The Science of Gems, Jewels, Coins, and Medals, Ancient and Mondern
General London 1875

G 29 Bloom, M T

The Man Who Stole Portugal
General London 1966

G 186 Boehringer, E

Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen des Deutschen Numismatikertages in Gottingen, 1951
General Berlin 1959

G 30 Bolin, S

Ur Penningens Historia
General Stockholm 1962

G 415 Bompaire, M. Dumas, F.

Numismatique Medievale L'Atelier du Medieviste
Turnhout 2000
17/08/2000 R
G 31 British Museum

A Guide to the Department of Coins and Medals in the British Museum (4th Ed.)
General, Collection London 1934

G 289 Brook, C N L; Stewart, B H I H; Pollard, J G; Volk, T R (Eds.) Stewart, B H I H (Ed.) Pollard, J G (Ed.) Volk, T R (Ed.) Studies in Numismatic Method Presented to Philip Grierson
General Cambridge 1983

G 345 Brown, L

Coin Collecting
General, Collecting London 1968

G 32 Browne, H

First Lessons in Numismatics for Junior Students of Latin and Greek
General London 1915

G 284 Brunel, C; Blanchet, A; Cain, J; Tourneur, V; et al. Blanchet, A Cain, J Tourneur, V Hommage a M A Dieudonne
General Paris 1939

G 33 Brunetti, L

Ancora Sulla Fase Matematica Della Nummologia
General Trieste 1968

G 34 Brunetti, L

Aspetti Statistici della Metanumismatica
General Rome 1963

G 358 Brunk, G G

World Countermarks on World Coins
General, Countermarks, World, Modern Rockford, Ill 1989

G 375 Brunk, G.

Identifying Coins, Medals and Tokens: late Antiquity to Modern times. A bibliographic survey of useful articles
Identification, Bibliography Nashua 1991
16/10/1991 R
G 414 Brunk, G.G.

A bibliography of the literature on countermarked coins Author @ PO Box 125, Hudson, Iowa 50643
Hudson 1999
13/05/2000 R
G 36 Burgess, F W

Chats on Old Coins
General London 1913

G 197 Caley, E R

Metrological Tables American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs, No. 154 General, Metrology New York 1965

G 196 Caley, E R

Orichalcum and Related Ancient Alloys: Origin, Composition and Manufacture with Special Reference to the Coinage of the Roman Empire American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs, No. 151 General, Alloys New York 1964

G 192 Campbell, W

Greek and Roman Plated Coins American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs, No. 57 Greek, Roman, Plated New York 1933

G 39 Cappelli, R

Manuale di Numismatica
General Milan 1961

G 291 Carcassonne, C (Ed.); Hackens, T (Ed.) Hackens, T (Ed.)

Statistics and Numismatics, Paris, 1979 PACT 5, 1981 General, Statistics

G 37 Carlile, W W

The Evolution of Modern Money
General London 1901

G 40 Carson, R A G

Coins: Ancient, Mediaeval and Modern
General London 1962

G 43 Carson, R A G (Ed.)

Mints, Dies and Currency: Essays Dedicated to the Memory of Albert Baldwin
General, Mints, Dies, Currency London 1971

G 42 Carson, R A G (Ed.)

Mints, Dies and Currency: Essays Dedicated to the Memory of Albert Baldwin
General, Mints, Dies, Currency London 1971

G 220 Carson, R A G (Ed.); Berghaus, P (Ed.); Lowick, N (Ed.) Berghaus, P (Ed.) Lowick, N (Ed.)
A Survey of Numismatic Research, 1972-1977
Survey, General Berne 1979

G 190 Carson, R A G (Ed.); Kraay, C M (Ed.) Kraay, C M (Ed.)

Essays Presented to Humphrey Sutherland: Scripta Nummaria Romana
Roman London 1978

G 337 Carson, R A G; Pagan, H Pagan, H

A History of the Royal Numismatic Society, 1836-1986 / Record of Members and Fellows
General, R N S London 1986

G 332 Carson, R A G; Pagan, H Pagan, H

A History of the Royal Numismatic Society, 1836-1986 / Record of Members and Fellows
General, R N S London 1986

G 44 Casey, J (Ed.); Reece, R (Ed.) Reece, R (Ed.)

Coins and the Archaeologist British Archaeological Reports, No. 4, 1974 General Oxford 1974

G 348 Casey, J; Reece, R Reece, R

Coins and the Archaeologist (2nd Ed.)
General London 1988

G 277 Casson, L; Price, M (Eds.) Price, M (Ed.)

Coins, Culture, and History in the Ancient World - Numismatic and Others Studies in Honor of Bluma L. Trell
General Detroit 1981

G 45 Castelin, K

Sbornik Prispevku k Oslave Jeho Zivotniho Numismatickeho Dila Sestaveny u Prilezitosti Jeho 70. Narozenin

G 315 Cauwenberghe, E van; Irsigler, F Irsigler, F (Ed.)

Minting, Monetary Circulation and Exchange Rates (8th International Economic History Congress, Budapest, 1982) Trierer Historische Forschungen, Band 7 General Trier 1984

G 47 Chamberlain, C C

Numismatics: An ABC of Coins and Coin Collecting Teach Yourself Books General London 1970

G 46 Chamberlain, C C

Collecting Coins
General, Collecting London

G 408 Chamberlain, G.

The Numismatic Society of Nottinghamshire 1948-1998 Numismatic Society of Nottinghamshire
Nottingham 1998
22/03/1999 B
G 296 Chandler Roberts, W

Cantor Lectures on Alloys Used for Coinage
General, Alloys London 1884

G 397 Chown, J.F.

A history of money from AD 800

New York 1994
09/10/1996 R
G 49 Clain-Stefanelli, E E

Select Numismatic Bibliography
General, Bibliography New York 1965

G 48 Clain-Stefanelli, E E

Numismatics - An Ancient Science: A Survey of its History Contributions from the Museum of Hist. and Tech: Paper 32 General Washington, DC 1965

G 313 Clain-Stefanelli, V

History of the National Numismatic Collections Contributions from the Museum of Hist. and Tech: Paper 31 General, Collection Washington, DC

G 51 Clark, G N

Guide to English Commercial Statistics, 1696-1782
General, Statistics London 1938

G 258 Codrington, K de B

The Basis of Coinage Bulletin No. 6 of the Institute of Archaeology General London 1967

G 257 Codrington, K de B

The Origins of Coinage Bulletin No. 4 of the Institute of Archaeology General, Origins London 1964

G 378 Colman, F.

Money talks

07/06/1994 R
G 224 Comencini, M

Coins of the Modern World
General, Modern

G 26 Congress

Atti di Congresso Internazionale di Numismatica, Roma 1961, Vol. 2
General, Congress Rome 1965

G 281 Congress

Medieval and Modern Numismatics Procdgs., 9th Internat. Congress of Numismatists., Berne, 1979, Vol. 2 General, Congress Luxembourg 1982

G 280 Congress

Ancient Numismatics Procdgs., 9th Internat. Congress of Numismatists., Berne, 1979, Vol. 1 General, Congress Luxembourg 1982

G 211 Congress

Proceedings of the 8th International Congress of Numismatics, New York, 1976 - Plates
General, Congress Paris 1976

G 210 Congress

Proceedings of the 8th International Congress of Numismatics, New York, 1976 - Text
General, Congress Paris 1976

G 202 Congress

Proces-Verbaux & Memoires du Congres International de Numismatique, Brussels, 1910
General, Congress Paris 1900

G 209 Congress

Atti di Congresso Internazionale di Numismatica, Roma 1961, Vol. 2
General, Congress Rome 1965

G 208 Congress

Relazioni di Congresso Internazionale di Numismatica, Roma 1961, Vol. 1
General, Congress Rome 1961

G 207 Congress

Actes du Congres International de Numismatique, Paris 1953, Vol. II
General, Congress Paris 1957

G 206 Congress

Rapports du Congres International de Numismatique, Paris 1953, Vol. I
General, Congress Paris 1953

G 205 Congress

Transactions of the International Numismatic Congree Organized and Held in London by the Royal Numismatic Society, 1936
General, Congress London 1938

G 203 Congress

L'Art de la Medaille Contemporaine Congres International de Numismatique, Brussels, 1910 General, Congress Brussels 1910

G 233 Congress

First International Congress for the Study of and the Defence Against Coin Forgery, Paris, 1965 Pub. of the International Assoc. of Pro. Numismatists, No. 2 Coin Forgery, Congress Paris 1965

G 259 Cope, L H; Gilmore, G R Gilmore, G R

Gold, Antimony, Arsenic and Indium in the Copper-Based Roman Imperial Coinage Alloys Universities Research Reactor General, Alloys Cheshire 1975

G 341 Copenhagen National Museum

Den Kongelige Mont- og Medaillesamling, 1781-1981
General, Collection Copenhagen 1981

G 52 Courville, E H (Ed.)

Coins and their Values I: English, Scotch, and Irish Coins and Medals, Foreign and Colonial Coins and Medals, Greek and Roman Coins, and War Medals
General London 1917

G 283 Crawford, M (Ed.)

Sources for Ancient History
General, History Sources London 1983

G 371 Crawford, M H (Ed.); Ligota, C R (Ed.); Trapp, J B (Ed.) Ligota, C R (Ed.) Trapp, J B (Ed.)
Medals and Coins from Bude to Mommsen Warburg Institute Surveys and Texts XXI Symposium, Numismatics, History London 1990
14/11/1990 R
G 304 Crawforth, M A

Weighing Coins: English Folding Gold Balances of the 18th and 19th Centuries
General, Weighing London 1979

G 53 Cresswell, J C M

Collecting Coins and Medals
General, Collecting Christchurch, N Z 1973

G 366 Cribb, J E (Ed.)

Money: from cowrie shells to credit cards
General, British Museum, Exhibition Catalogue London 1986
22/05/1990 R
G 365 Cribb, J E; Cook, B; Carradice, I Cook, B Carradice, I
The Coin Atlas: The World of Coinage from its Origins to the Present Day
General, World London 1990
G 405 Cunz, R.

Numismatik zwischen haushistoriographie u. furstlicher sammellust Numismatische Studien Heft 11
Hamburg 1996
20/11/1997 R
G 426 Cunz, R. (ed.)

Concordia Ditat: 50 Jahre Numismatische Kommision der Lander in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1950-2000 Numismatische Studien 13 Germany Hamburg 2000
14/08/2001 R
G 425 Cunz, R. (ed.)

Concordia Ditat: 50 Jahre Numismatische Kommision der Lander in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1950-2000 Numismatische Studien 13 Germany Hamburg 2000
14/08/2001 R
G 302 Danaher, M A

The Commemorative Coinage of Modern Sports
General, Modern Sports London 1978

G 54 Dannenberg, H

Grundzuge der Munzkunde
General Leipzig 1899

G 396 Davies, G.

A history of money from ancient times to the present day

Cardiff 1994
08/02/1996 R
G 55 Dawkins, J M

Zinc and Spelter: Notes on the Early History of Zinc Chemistry and Industry, No. 29, 1949 General, Zinc Oxford 1950

G 322 Day, J (Ed.)

Etudes D'Histoire Monetaire 12-19 Siecles
General Lille 1984

G 56 Dentzer, J-M; Gauthier, Ph; Hackens, T (Eds.) Gautheir, Ph. (Ed.) Hackens, T (Ed.)
Numismatique Antique Problemes et Methodes Annales de L'Est, Pub. par L'Univ. de Nancy II, Memoire No. 44 General Nancy 1975

G 362 Depeyrot, G

Monnaies du Monde Antique Paris, Les Collections Monetaires 1 Ancient World Paris 1985
07/02/1990 R
G 235 Diderot, - (Ed.); Alembert, - d' (Ed.) Alembert, - d' (Ed.)

Nineteen Plates representing the Utensils used in and the Process of Coining, with Coins of the principal places in Europe Diderot's and d'Alembert's Encyclopedie, Article "Monnoyage" General, Technology

G 321 Dieudonne, A

Manuel des Poids Monetaires
General Paris 1925

G 58 Donisthorpe, W

A System of Measures of Length, Area, Bult, Weight, Value, Force, &c.
General, Measures London 1895

G 218 Doty, R G

Money of the World
General London 1978

G 339 Dreher, E; Kanein, W (Eds.) Kanein, W

Der Gesetzliche Schutz der Munzen und Medaillen
General Munich 1975

G 367 Edwards, J

Catalogue of the Greek and Roman Coins in the Numismatic Collection of Yale College
Catalogue, Yale, Greek, Roman New Haven 1880
22/05/1990 R
G 60 Einzig, P

Primitive Money in its Ethnological, Historical, and Economic Aspects
General London 1949

G 357 Elayi, J; Elayi, A G Elayi, A G

La Monnaie: A Travers les Ages
General Paris 1989

G 424 Errington, E. (Eds.) Bopearachchi, O. (Eds.)

Silk Road Art and Archaeology 6 Journal of the Institute of Silk Road Studies, Kamakura Indo-Scythian, Gandhara, Kushan Kamakura 2000
14/08/2001 R
G 61 Eusebio, L

Compendio de Metrologia Universale e Vocabolario Metrologico
General Bologna 1899

G 234 Exposition Internationale

Exposition Internationale de Numismatique, 1953
General, Catalogue

G 62 Fava, A S; Sachero, L; Viale, V Sachero, L Viale, V
Il Medagliere delle Raccolte Numismatiche Torinesi
General Torino 1964

G 416 Fea, G.

Il fondo libri di numismatica della biblioteca civica "Giovan Battista Adriani" di Cherasco Biblioteca e Museo "G B Adriani"
Cherasco 1998
17/08/2000 R
G 404 Feria, R.

Icomon-Proceedings of the Icomon Meetings held in Stravanger, Norway-1995, Vienna, Austria-1996

Madrid 1996
20/11/1997 R
G 214 Fischer, T (Ed.); Ilisch, P (Ed.) Ilisch, P (Ed.)

Lagom: Festschrift fur Peter Berghaus zum 60. Geburtstag am 20. November 1979
General, Festschrift Munster 1981

G 260 Forrer, L

Sir John Evans, 1823-1908: Biographie et Bibliographie Gazette Numismatique Francaise, 1909 General, Sir John Evans Chalon-Sur-Saone 1909

G 63 Freeman-Grenville, G S P

The Muslim and Christian Calendars Being Tables for the Conversion of Muslim and Christian Dates from the Hijra to the Year AD 2000
General, Calendar London 1963

G 295 Frere, H

Numismatique: Initiation aux Methodes et aux Classements Univ. Cath. de Louvain, Inst. Sup. D'Arch. and Hist. de L'Art, No. 12 General Louvain-La-Neuve 1982

G 292 Frey, A R

Dictionary of Numismatic Names
General, Dictionary

G 65 Friedensburg, F

Die Munze in der Kulturgeschichte
General Berlin 1926

G 64 Friedensburg, F

Die Munze in der Kulturgeschichte
General Berlin 1909

G 66 Fulep, F

The Hungarian National Museum
General, Collection Budapest 1978

G 67 Gabrici, E

Le Role de la Numismatique dans le Mouvement Scientifique Contemporain Congres International de Numisatique, Paris, 1900 General Paris 1900

G 287 Gauthier, N (Ed.)

Histoire et Numismatique en Haute-Normandie Cahier des Annales de Normandie no. 12 A Normandy, History Caen 1980

G 261 Glover, H

Metals and Coins Journal of the Royal Society of Arts, 1973 General London 1973

G 68 Gnecchi, F E

Guida Numismatica Universale, 4th Ed.
General Milan 1903

G 278 Gobl, R

Antike Numismatik, Band 1 Antike Numismatik, Band 1 General Munich 1978

G 279 Gobl, R

Antike Numismatik, Band 2 Antike Numismatik, Band 2 General Munich 1978

G 69 Gobl, R (Dedicated to)

Litterae Numismaticae Vindobonenses Litterae Numismaticae Vindobonenses General Wien 1979

G 432 Gobl, R; Rider, G le; Miles, G C; Walker, J Rider, G le Miles, G C Walker, J Numismatiques Susienne. Monnaies trouvees a Suse de 1946 a 1956. Memoires de la Mission Archeologique en Iran, Tome XXXVII. Susiane. Persia, Susa, Coin-finds Paris 1960
11/09/2001 R
G 70 Goeze, Z

Celeberrimorum Virorum Epistolae de re Numismatica ad M Zachariam Goezium
General, Letters, Eighteenth Century Witemberg 1716

G 262 Gordus, A A

Quantitative Non-Destructive Neutron Activation Analysis of Silver in Coins Archaeometry, Vol. 10, 1967 General, Alloys Ann Arbor, Mich. 1967

G 297 Grierson, P

Dark Age Numismatics: Selected Studies
General, Dark Ages London 1979

G 221 Grierson, P

Bibliographie Numismatique, 2nd Ed. Cercle D'Etudes Numismatiques, Travaux 9 General, Bibliography Brussels 1979

G 191 Grierson, P

Later Medieval Numismatics (11th-16th Centuries): Selected Studies
General, Medieval London 1979

G 73 Grierson, P

General London 1975

G 252 Grierson, P

The Origins of Money Creighton Lectures in History, 1970 General, Origins London 1977

G 74 Grierson, P

General London 1975

G 72 Grierson, P

Numismatics and History Historical Assoc. Publications, General Series: G 19 General London 1951

G 195 Guillard, J

Description des Monnaies Espagnoles et des Monnaies Etrangeres
General Madrid 1852

G 382 Guillaume, O.

Analysis of reasoning in archaeology. The case of GraecoBactrian and Indo-Greek numismatics

Oxford 1990
07/06/1994 R
G 216 Gurt, J M (Ed.); Balaguer, A M (Ed.) Balaguer, A M (Ed.)

Symposium Numismatico de Barcelona, Vol. 1
Spanish Barcelona 1979

G 226 Gurt, J M (Ed.); Balaguer, A M (Ed.) Balaguer, A M (Ed.)

Symposium Numismatico de Barcelona, Vol. 2
Spanish Barcelona 1979

G 75 Hall, E T (Ed.); Metcalf, D M (Ed.) Metcalf, D M (Ed.)

Methods of Chemical and Metallurgical Investigation of Ancient Coinage: A Symposium Held By the RNS, 1970 Royal Numismatic Society, Special Publication No. 8 Ancient, Chemical Analysis London 1972

G 320 Hall, E T (Ed.); Metcalf, D M (Ed.) Metcalf, D M (Ed.)

Methods of Chemical and Metallurgical Investigation of Ancient Coinage: A Symposium Held By the RNS, 1970 Royal Numismatic Society, Special Publication No. 8 Ancient, Chemical Analysis London 1972

G 380 Handa, D. (ed.)

Numismatic Studies Vol. 1

New Dehli 1991
07/06/1994 R
G 76 Harris, J

An Essay upon Money and Coins: Part 1. The Theories of Commerce, Money, and Exchange
General London 1757

G 435 Havernick, W Berghaus, P. (ed.) Hatz, G (Ed.)
Dona Numismatica Dona Numismatica, 1965 German, Festschrifft Hamburg 1965
11/09/2001 B
G 434 Havernick, W Berghaus, P. (ed.) Hatz, G (Ed.)
Dona Numismatica: Walter Havernick, 1965 Dona Numismatica, 1965 German, Festschrifft Hamburg 1965
11/09/2001 R
G 78 Hazlitt, W C

The Coin Collector
General, Collector London 1896

G 401 Hewitt, V. (ed.)

The banker's art. Studies in paper money

London 1995
17/04/1997 R
G 308 Hill, G (Tribute to)

A Tribute to Sir George Hill on His Eightieth Birthday, 1867-1947
General Oxford 1948

G 79 Hill, G F

Grains and Grammes: A Table of Equivalents for the Use of Numismatics
General London 1920

G 85 Hill, G F

Becker the Counterfeiter, Part 2
Roman, Counterfeit London 1925

G 83 Hill, G F

The Development of Arabic Numerals in Europe
General, Arabic Numerals Oxford 1915

G 84 Hill, G F

Becker the Counterfeiter, Part 1

London 1924

G 82 Hill, G F

Coins and Medals Helps for Students of History, No. 36 Greek London 1920

G 81 Hill, G F (Tribute to)

A Tribute to Sir George Hill on His Eightieth Birthday, 1867-1947
Greek Oxford 1948

G 86 Hlinka, J

Vyvoj Penazi a Medaili na Slovensku
General Narodne 1970

G 87 Hlinka, J; Kazimir, S; Kolnikova, E Kazimir, S Kolnikova, E
Peniaze V Nasich Dejinach
General Bratislava 1976

G 288 Hoberman, G

The Art of Coins and Their Photography: An Illustrated Photographic Treatise With an Introduction to Numismatics
General London 1981

G 399 Hoberman, G.

Exposing stamps of another coin

Cape Town 1993
09/10/1996 R
G 88 Hobson, B

Historic Gold Coins of the World, from Croesus to Elizabeth II
General, Gold London 1971

G 275 Hobson, B

Coin Collecting as a Hobby
General, Collecting New York 1982

G 340 Hobson, B

Coins and Coin Collecting
General, Collecting New York 1965

G 89 Hobson, B

Getting Started in Coin Collecting
General, Collecting London 1967

G 350 Hotel de la Monnaie

Collectionneurs et Collections Numismatiques: Monnaies, Medailles et Jetons
General Paris 1968

G 183 Howard-White, F B

Nickel: An Historical Review
General, Nickel London 1963

G 93 Humphreys, H N

The Coin Collector's Manual, Vol. 2 The Coin Collector's Manual, Vol. 2 General, Collecting London 1880

G 92 Humphreys, H N

The Coin Collector's Manual, Vol. 1 The Coin Collector's Manual, Vol. 1 General, Collecting London 1880

G 293 Hunt Collections (N B and W H)

Wealth of the Ancient World: The Nelson Bunker Hunt and William Herbert Hunt Collections
General, Collections Fort Worth 1983

G 251 Iliescu, O (Ed.)

La Numismatique, source de l'histoire de l'art et de l'histoire des idees XVe Congres International des Sciences Historiquers, Bucharest 1980 General, Iconography, Art Bucharest 1981

G 250 Iliescu, O (Ed.)

La Numismatique: Source de L'Histoire de L'Art et de L'Histoire des Idees XV Congres International des Sciences Historiques, Bucarest, 1980 General Bucarest 1981

G 200 Inghold, H (Ed.)

Centennial Publication of the American Numismatic Society
General, ANS New York 1958

G 363 Istituto Italiano di Numismatica; Camilli, L (Ed.); Sorda, S (Ed.) Camilli, L (Ed.) Sorda, S (Ed.)
La Moneta nei Contesti Archeologici: Esempi dagli Scavi di Roma. Atti dell'incontro di Studio, Roma, 1986 Studi e Materiali 2 Coin finds, Excavations, Rome Rome 1989
01/03/1990 R
G 318 Jacob, K

Coins and Christianity
General, Christianity London 1985

G 95 Jacob, K A

Coin Collecting for Beginners
General, Collecting London 1958 3rd Edn.
G 94 Jacob, K A

Coin Collecting for Beginners
General, Collecting Cambridge 1951

G 96 Janovsky, H; Polivka, E Polivka, E

Katablog Knihovny: Numismaticke Spolecnosti Ceskoslovenske v Praze
General Prague 1967

G 276 Jewell, B

Veteran Scales and Balances
General, Scales Tunbridge Wells 1978

G 97 Johnson, R F

Coin Collecting: A Beginner's Guide
General, Collecting London 1968

G 389 Jones, J.R.

A numismatic index to the Journal of Roman Studies 1911-1965

Cambridge 1970
16/02/1996 R
G 391 Jones, J.R.

A numismatic index to the American Journal of Archaeology and Hesperia 1885-1932-1970

Cambridge 1972
16/02/1996 R
G 390 Jones, J.R.

A numismatic index to the Journal of Hellenic Studies 1880-1969

Cambridge 1971
16/02/1996 R
G 361 Jones, M (Ed.)

Fake? The Art of Deception
Fakes London 1990
07/02/1990 R
G 263 Jungfleisch, M

Le Premier "Institut D'Egypte" et la Numismatique Bulletin de L'Institut D'Egypte, Vol. 34, 1951-52 General Cairo 1952

G 264 Jungfleisch, M

Le Probleme des Trouvailles de Monnaies Anciennes Bulletin de L'Institut D'Egypte, Vol. 35, 1952-1953 General Cairo 1953

G 98 Kaberry, C J

The Collector's Handbook
General London 1951

G 307 Keary, C F

The Morphology of Coins
General Chicago 1952

G 431 Kilger, C.

Pfennigsmarkte und Wahrungslandschaften: Monetarisierung im Sachsisch-Slawischen Grenzland ca. 965-1120 Commentationes de Nummis Saeculorum IX-XI Germany, Poland, Scandinavia, Finds/Hoards Stockholm 2000
14/08/2001 R
G 306 Kisch, B

Scales and Weights: A Historical Outline
General, Scales, Weights London 1966

G 427 Kisiov, C. Prokopov, I. Dotchev, C.
Numismatic Riches of Archaeological Museum - Plovdiv
Romania, Plovdiv, Collections Sophia 1998
14/08/2001 R
G 99 Kobne, B

Das Munzwefen der Stadt Berlin
General, Collection Berlin 1837

G 364 Kongelige Nordiske Oldskriftselskab

Christian Jurgensen Thomsen 1788 - 29 December - 1988
Thomsen, Scandinavia, Denmark Copenhagen 1988
18/05/1990 R
G 100 Krasnodebski, J J

International Numismatic Directory 1973
General, Directory London 1973

G 300 Krause, C L; Mishler, C Mishler, C

Standard Catalogue of World Coins 1985
General, Catalogue, World Iola, Wisc. 1985

G 398 Krause, C.L. Mishler, C.

Standard catalogue of world coins. World coin listings by date and mint 1601-1700

Iola 1996
28/05/1996 R
G 398 Krause, C.L. Mishler, C.

1997 standard catalogue of world coins

Iola 1997
09/10/1996 R
G 403 Krause, C.L. Mishler, C.

Standard catalogue of world coins. 18th century edition 1701-1800

Wisconsin 1993
06/10/1997 R
G 384 Kroh, D.J.

Ancient coin reference reviews

Ormond Beach 1993
13/07/1994 R
G 101 Kroha, T

Munzen Sammeln Bibliothek fur Kunst- U. Antiquitatenfreunde, Band 13 General Braunschweig 1961

G 330 Kuczynski, S K; Suchodolski, S (Eds.) Suchodolski, S (Ed.)

Nummus et Historia
General Warsaw 1985

G 370 Lagerqvist, L O

Fer. Festskrift till Lars O Lagerqvist Numismatiska Meddelanden XXXVII Festschrift, Lagerqvist, Scandinavia Stockholm 1989
14/11/1990 R
G 285 Lagerqvist, L O; Nathorst-Boos, E Nathorst-Boos, E

Mynt Och Medaljer Och Annan Numismatik
Scandinavian Stockholm 1960

G 103 Laing, L R

Coins and Archaeology
General London 1969

G 105 Lane-Poole, S (Ed.)

Coins and Medals: Their Place in History and Art
General London 1892

G 433 Le Rider, G

Suse Sous les Seleucides et les Parthes: Les Trouvailles Monetaires et L'Histoire de la Ville Memoires de la Mission Archeologique en Iran, Tome 38 Greek, Seleucides Paris 1965
11/09/2001 R
G 237 Leclercqz, F M

Revue du Cabinet de Medailles
General Brussels 1838

G 106 Leigh, E

A Diatribe of Mony or Coyn (Reprint)
General London 1971

G 394 Leigh, E.

A diatribe of mony or coyn

London 1971
28/05/1996 R
G 107 Leman, P (Ed.)

Hommage a Jean Gricourt Revue du Nord, Vol. 60, 1978 General Lille 1978

G 111 Linecar, H W A

Beginner's Guide to Coin Collecting
General London 1966

G 110 Linecar, H W A

General London 1955

G 108 Linecar, H W A

General London 1955

G 188 Lipsius, J G; Leitzmann, J Leitzmann, J

A Bibliography of Numismatic Books Printed Before 1800
General, Bibliography Colchester 1977

G 387 Lobel, R. Davidson, M. Hailstone, A. Calligas, E. Coincraft's standard catalogue of English and UK coins 1066 to date

London 1995
17/11/1995 R
G 112 Loehr, A

Numismatik und Geldgeschichte Fuhrer Burch Die Kunsthistorischen Sammlungen in Wien, 30. Heft General Wien 1944

G 133 L'Orange, H P

Apotheosis in Ancient Portraiture Instit. for Sammenlignende Kulturforskning, Serie B: Skrifter 44 General Oslo 1947

G 113 Macdonald, G

The Evolution of Coinage
General Cambridge 1916

G 265 MacDowall, D W

Numismatic Evidence for the Date of Kaniska Oriental Monograph Series, Vol. 4 (Austrailian Nat. Univ.) General, Kaniska Leiden 1968

G 114 Mallinson, A

Quinquagesimo Anno
General Oxford 1974

G 372 Mallis, A G

Proposed Standard Designation for Coin Weights. Volume I. The coin weights for the gold coinage of England, France, Spain, Portugal
Coin weights, England, France, Spain, Portugal U.S.A. 1990 Revised 13/02/1991 B
G 374 Mallis, A G

Proposed Standard Designation for Coin Weights. Volume II.
Coin weights, England, France, Spain, Portugal Wibraham 1991
07/06/1994 B
G 352 Malmer, B

Hikuin 11
General Stockholm 1985

G 314 Malmer, B

Hikuin 11
General Stockholm 1985

G 383 Manville, H.E.

Numismatic guide to British and Irish periodicals 1731-1991 Encyclopaedia of British Numismatics Vol. II pt. 1
London 1993
30/06/1994 R
G 328 Margolis, R; Voegtli, H (Eds.) Voegtli, H (Ed.)

Numismatics: Witness to History IAPN Publication No. 8, 1986 General Wetteren 1986

G 115 Maria, F F; Lajos, H Lajos, H

Bibliography of Hungarian Numismatics
General, Bibliography Budapest 1977

G 410 Marques, M.G.

A Moeda Peninsular Na Idade Das Trevas Instituto de Sintra, Sintra
Sintra 1998
22/03/1999 R
G 436 Marques, M.G.

Homenagem a Mario Gomes Marques (Festschrifft) Instituto de Sintra Portugal, Britain - continental, Finds/hoards (Denmark), Visigothic Sintra 2000
11/09/2001 R
G 116 Masters, R V; Feinfeld, F Reinfeld, F

Coin Collecting: An Instructive Historical Introduction to Coins and Currency
General, Collecting New York 1964

G 323 Mateu Y Llopis, F

Titula de Felipe Mateu y Llopis
General Barcelona 1984

G 310 Mateu Y Llopis, F

Los Atributos de la Realeza en los Tremises Godos y las Categorias Diplomaticas Coetaneas Anales Tolendanos, 3 (1971) 139-158 General Toledo 1971

G 117 Mateu Y Llopis, F

Bibliographia de Felipe Mateu y Llopis
General, Bibliography Barcelona 1972

G 118 Mayer, L A

A Bibliography of Jewish Numismatics
Jewish Jerusalem 1966

G 311 Mayhew, N J

A Tumbrel at the Ashmolean Museum The Antiquaries Journal, Vol. 45, Part 2 General, Collection Oxford 1975

G 430 McCammon, A.

Namely…A Do-It-Yourself History of the World

London 2000
14/08/2001 R
G 418 McCammon, A.

Namely….A Do-It-Yourself History of the World Baldwin's
London 2000
17/08/2000 R
G 417 McCammon, A.

Namely….A Do-It-Yourself History of the World Baldwin's
London 2000
17/08/2000 B
G 385 McFadden, R.R. Grost, J. Marr, D.F.
The numismatic aspects of leprosy. Money, medals, and miscellanea

USA 1993
27/06/1995 R
G 219 Metcalf, D M (Ed.); Oddy, W A (Ed.) Oddy, W A (Ed.)

Metallurgy in Numismatics, Vol. 1 Royal Numismatic Society, Special Publication No. 13 Metallurgy London 1980

G 212 Metcalf, D M (Ed.); Oddy, W A (Ed.) Oddy, W A (Ed.)

Metallurgy in Numismatics, Vol. 1 Royal Numismatic Society, Special Publication No. 13 Metallurgy London 1980

G 119 Metcalf, D M; Merrick, J M; Hamblin, L K Merrick, J M Hamblin, L K
Studies in the Composition of Early Medieval Coins Minerva Numismatic Handbooks No. 3 General, Medieval Newcastle 1968

G 121 Mildenberg, L

Munzausstellung: Zum 200 Jahrigen Bestehen der Bank
General Zurich 1955

G 274 Miller, M

Munzen des Altertums Bibliothek fur Kunst- und Antiquitatenfreunde, Band 43 General Braunschweig 1963

G 123 Milne, J G; Sutherland, C H V; Thompson, J D A Sutherland, C H V Thompson, J D A
Coin Collecting
General, Collecting London 1950

G 124 Mionnet, T E; Dufour, A H Dufour, A H

Atlas de Geographie Numismatique, Pour Servir a la Description des Medailles Antiques
General, Atlas Paris 1838

G 125 Mirone, S

General Milan 1930

G 388 Moesta, H. Franke, P.R.

Antike Metallurgie u. Munzpragung. Ein Beitrag zur Technikgeschichte

Basel 1995
15/02/1996 R
G 294 Moorhead, T S N

The Lyman Cotten Collection of Ancient and Mediaeval Coins
General, Collection Chapel Hill, N C 1984

G 227 Morkholm, O (Ed.)

A Survey of Numismatic Research, 1960-65, Vol. 1: Ancient Numismatics
Survey, Ancient Copenhagen 1967

G 228 Morkholm, O (Ed.); Miles, G C (Ed.) Miles, G C (Ed.)

A Survey of Numismatic Research, 1960-65, Vol. 2: Medieval and Oriental Numismatics
Survey, Medieval, Oriental Copenhagen 1967

G 386 Morrison, C.

La numismatique

Paris 1992
20/09/1995 R
G 126 Mosher, S

The Story of Money, as Told by the Knox Collection Bulletin of the Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences, Vol. 17, 1936 General Buffalo 1936

G 193 Mosser, S McA

The Endicott Gift of Greek and Roman Coins, Including the "Catacombs" Hoard American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs No.97 Greek, Roman, Endicott New York 1941

G 393 Museo Casa de la Moneda

VIII congreso nacional de numismatica, Aviles, 1-4 Abril 1992. Memoria

Madrid 1994
28/05/1996 R
G 120 Museo Castillo de Chapultepec

Guia de la Exhibicion de Monedas y Medallas
General, Collection Mexico 1950

G 127 Narbeth, C

How to Collect Paper Money
General, Paper Money London 1971

G 327 Narbeth, C

Collecting Paper Money
General, Paper Money London 1986

G 128 Nascia, G

Appunti di Numismatica: Editi per il Ventennale dell'Ars et Nummus
General Saronno 1971

G 301 Naster, P

Scripta Nummaria: Contributions a la Methodologie Numismatique Numismatica Lovaniensia 6 General Louvain-La-Neuve 1983

G 230 Naster, P (Ed.); Colbert de Beaulieu, J-B (Ed.); Fagerlie, J M (Ed.) Colbert de Beaulieu, J-B (Ed.) Fagerlie, J M (Ed.)
A Survey of Numismatic Research, 1966-71, Vol. 1: Ancient Numismatics
Survey, Ancient New York 1973

G 336 Needleman, S B (Ed.)

Perspectives in Numismatics: Studies Presented to the Chicago Coin Club
General Chicago 1986

G 232 Nemeskal, L (Ed.); Clain-Stefanelli, E (Ed.) Clain-Stefanelli, E (Ed.)

A Survey of Numismatic Research, 1966-71, Vol. 3: Modern Numismatics Including Medals
Survey, Modern, Medals New York 1973

G 194 Noe, S P

Coin Hoards American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs, No. 1 General, Hoards New York 1920

G 129 Nohejlova-Pratova, E

Zaklady Numismatiky
General Praha 1975

G 130 Nop, V

Soupis Numismaticke Literatury v Kromerizske Zamecke Knihovne Numismatica Moravica 4 General Brno 1974

G 347 Oddy, W A (Ed.)

Metallurgy in Numismatics, Vol. 2 Royal Numismatic Society, Special Publication No. 19 Metallurgy London 1988

G 131 Oikonomos, G P

Jean N. Svoronos: Sa Vie et Son Oeuvre (1863-1922) Journal International D'Archeologie Numismatique 21, 1926 General

G 132 Ondrouch, V

Nalezy Keltskych, Antickych a Byzantskych Minci Na Slovensku
General Bratislava 1964

G 134 Patrick, B

Exploring Coins
General Feltham 1968

G 412 Pavolini, C.

Caput Africae II Soprintendenza Archeologica di Roma
Rome 1997
05/11/1999 R
G 360 Pembroke & Montgomery, Thomas, Earl of

Numismata Antiqua in tres partes divisa
General, Antiquity London 1746

G 428 Penn, R.G.

Medicine on Ancient Greek and Roman Coins Aspects of Ancient Classical Coins Greek, Roman, Medicine London 1994
14/08/2001 R
G 409 Peter, U. (ed.)

Stepahnos Numismatikos: Edith Schonert-Geiss zum 65 Akademie Verlag GmbH, Berlin
Berlin 1998
22/03/1999 R
G 135 Pond, S

History of the Boston Numismatic Society The Numismatist, July, 1935 General

G 136 Porritt, A

Matthew Young and his Numismatic Correspondents a Century and a Half Ago: With a Glimpse at the First London Numismatic Society Minerva Numismatic Handbooks, No. 1 General Newcastle 1967

G 138 Porteous, J

Coins: Pleasures and Treasures
General London 1964

G 137 Porteous, J

Coins in History: A Survey of Coinage from the Reform of Diocletian to the Latin Monetary Union
General London 1969

G 140 Potin, V M (Ed.)

The Past of Our Country in Commemorative Numismatics - A Collection of Articles (In Russian)
General, Russian

G 379 Powell, J.M. (ed.)

Medieval studies. An introduction

New York 1992 2nd 07/06/1994 R
G 333 Price, M (Ed.); Besly, E (Ed.); Macdowall, D (Ed.); Jones, M (Ed.); Oddy, A (Ed.) Besly, E (Ed.) Macdowall, D (Ed.) Jones, M (Ed.) A Survey of Numismatic Research, 1978-81, Vol. 1: Ancient, Medieval and Modern Numismatics
Survey, General London 1986

G 334 Price, M (Ed.); Besly, E (Ed.); Macdowall, D (Ed.); Jones, M (Ed.); Oddy, A (Ed.) Besly, E (Ed.) Macdowall, D (Ed.) Jones, M (Ed.) A Survey of Numismatic Research, 1978-81, Vol. 2: Oriental Numismatics, Medals and Scientific Techniques
Survey, General London 1986

G 270 Price, M J; Trell, B L Trell, B L

Coins and Their Cities: Architecture on the Ancient Coins of Greece, Rome, and Palestine
Greek London 1977

G 303 Pullan, J M

History of the Abacus
General, Abacus London 1968

G 317 Purvey, F

Collecting Coins
General, Collecting London 1985

G 299 Quaegebeur, J (Ed.)

Studia Paulo Naster Oblata II. Orientalia Antiqua Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 13 General Leuven 1982

G 142 Quiggin, A H

The Story of Money
General London 1956

G 141 Quiggin, A H

A Survey of Primitive Money: The Beginnings of Currency
General London 1949

G 429 Ramage, A. Craddock, P.

King Croesus' Gold: Excavation at Sardis and the History of Gold Refining
Sardis London 2000
14/08/2001 R
G 229 Rasmusson, N L (Ed.); Lagerqvist, L O (Ed.); Svarstad, C (Ed.) Lagerqvist, L O (Ed.) Svarstad, S O (Ed.)
A Survey of Numismatic Research 1960-65, Vol. 3: Modern Numismatics Including Medals
Survey, Modern, Medals Copenhagen 1967

G 144 Rawlings, G B

Coins and How to Know Them
General London 1908

G 145 Reinfeld, F

Munzkatalog der Bekanntesten Munzen von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart
General Munich 1965

G 146 Reinfeld, F

Treasury of the World's Coins
General New York 1955

G 148 Reinfeld, F

Der Munzkenner
General Stuttgart 1966

G 189 Reinfeld, F; Hobson, B Hobson, B

Catalogue of the World's Most Popular Coins
General, Catalogue New York 1979 10th Edn.
G 147 Rentzmann, W

Numismatisches Legenden-Lexicon des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit
General, Lexicon Berlin 1965

G 253 Rentzmann, W

Numismatisches Wappen-Lexicon
General, Lexicon Berlin 1965

G 149 Ridgeway, W

The Origin of Metallic Currency and Weight Standards
General Cambridge 1892

G 150 Rink, E G

De Veteris Numismatis Potentia et Qualitate Lucubratio, sive Cognitio Totius Rei Nummariae
General Leipzig 1701

G 335 Room, A

Dictionary of Coin Names
General, Dictionary London 1987

G 411 Rowe, D.

The real meaning of money HarperCollins
London 1998
22/03/1999 R
G 158 Saulcy, F de; Barthelemy, A de; Hucher, E Barthelemy, A de Hucher, E
Melanges de Numismatique. Tome Troisieme Melanges de Numismatique General Le Mans 1882

G 156 Saulcy, F de; Barthelemy, A de; Hucher, E Barthelemy, A de Hucher, E
Melanges de Numismatique. Tome Premier, Annee 1874-1875 Melanges de Numismatique General Le Mans 1875

G 157 Saulcy, F de; Barthelemy, A de; Hucher, E Barthelemy, A de Hucher, E
Melanges de Numismatique. Tome Deuxieme Melanges de Numismatique General Le Mans 1875

G 152 Saussaye, L de la

Melanges de Numismatique Revue Numismatique, 25 exemples General Blois 1841

G 298 Scheers, S (Ed.)

Studia Paulo Naster Oblata I. Numismatica Antiqua Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 12 General Leuven 1982

G 187 Schmid, G V

Clavis Numismatica ober Encyklopadifches Handbuch
General Leipzig 1840

G 331 Schneewind, W (Ed.)

Numismatic Essays by the Members of the South African Numismatic Society
General Cape Town 1986

G 254 Schon, G

World Coin Catalogue: Twentieth Century
General, Catalogue London 1978 3rd Edn.
G 342 Schon, G

World Coin Catalogue: Twentieth Century
General, Catalogue London 1987 6th Edn.
G 407 Schultz, H.

Antike Munzen: Bildheft zur ausstellung des Munzkabinetts in der Antikensammlung im Pergamonmuseum

Berlin 1997
18/02/1998 R
G 316 Sejbal, J

Die Numismatische Abteilung des Mahrischen Museums in Brno Studia Numismatica et Medailistica, II General, Collection Brno 1979

G 222 Seling, H

Keysers Kunst-Und Antiquitatenbuch, Band II
General Munich 1959

G 153 Sey, K B; Gedai, I Gedai, I

Coins and Medals
General Budapest 1973

G 305 Sheppard, T; Musham, J F Musham, J F

Money Scales and Weights Numismatic Circular, 1920-1923 General, Scales, Weights London 1975

G 154 Sigler, P O

Numismatic Bibliography
General Dearborn, Mich. 1951

G 272 Smith, W

A Classical Dictionary of Biography, Mythology, and Geography
General, Dictionary London 1863

G 236 Societe Royale de Numismatique de Belgique

Exposition Numismatique, Bruxelles Bibliotheque Albert I, 30 Avril - 29 Mai 1966
General, Expostion Brussels 1966

G 167 Stride, H G

Nickel for Coinage
General London 1964

G 169 Strong, R G

Portraits of Queen Elizabeth I
British, Elizabeth I Oxford 1963

G 168 Strong, T B (Ed.)

Lectures on the Method of Science
General Oxford 1906

G 423 Suchodolski, S.

Early Middle Ages Survey of Numismatic Research 1990-1995 IAPN Special Publication 13
Berlin 1997
17/08/2000 R
G 419 Suchodolski, S.

Absence of mind or magic? A few remarks on the so-called small or single coin finds Quaderni ticinesi di numismatica e antichita classiche Vol XXV
Lugano 1996
17/08/2000 R
G 420 Suchodolski, S.

La Moneta Storia d'Europa, III Il Medioevo
Turin 1995
17/08/2000 R
G 421 Suchodolski, S.

Coin finds & archaeological contexts a tentative classification Theory and Practice of Archaeological Research Vol III
Warsaw 1998
17/08/2000 R
G 171 Suetens, I

Bibliographie Numismatique, Supplement: Ordres et Decorations II Cercle D'Etudes Numismatiques, Travaux 8 Orders, Decorations Brussels 1977

G 172 Sutherland, C H V

Joseph Grafton Milne

G 173 Sutherland, C H V

Art in Coinage. The Aesthetics of Money from Greece to the Present Day
Art, Portraiture, Decoration London 1955

G 266 Sutherland, C H V

Ancient Numismatics: A Brief Introduction
General New York 1958

G 267 Thompson, F C; Chatterjee, A K Chatterjee, A K

The Age-Embrittlement of Silver Coins Studies in Conservation, Vol. 1, No. 3, 1954 General, Conservation

G 238 Thomsens, C J

Description des Monnaies du Moyen-Age, Tome 1 Catalogue de la Collection de Monnaies de Feu C J Thomsen, Part 2 General, Catalogue Copenhagen 1873

G 239 Thomsens, C J

Nyere Monter: Fra Danmark, Norge, Sverrig, Slesvig og Holsteen, Part 3 Catalogue de la Collection de Monnaies de Feu C J Thomsen, Part 3 General, Catalogue Copenhagen 1871

G 175 Tourneur, V

Initiation a la Numismatique, 6 Serie, No. 64
General, Origins Brussels 1945

G 309 Turner, E G

Derek Fortrose Allen, 1910-1975 Proceedings of the British Academy, London, Vol. 62, 1976 General London 1976

G 312 Vermeule, C

Minting Greek and Roman Coins Archaeology, Vol. 10, No. 2, 1957 General, Minting

G 368 Vismara, N; Martini, R Martini, R

Le monete del Museo Civico di Legnano (Guida all'esposizione)
General, Collection, Greek, Roman, Medieval, Modern, Legnano Milan 1988
22/05/1990 R
G 177 Vollenweider, M-L

Die Portratgemmen der Romischen Republik - Text
General Mainz 1974

G 176 Vollenweider, M-L

Die Steinschneidekunst und Ihre Kunstler in Spatrepublikanischer und Augusteischer Zeit
General Baden-Baden 1966

G 178 Vollenweider, M-L

Die Portratgemmen der Romischen Republik - Catalogue and Plates
General Mainz 1972

G 223 Waage, D B

Antioch on the Orontes IV, Part Two Greek, Roman, Buzantine and Crusaders' Coins Publications of the Committee for the Excavation of Antioch Antioch Oxford 1952

G 180 Warren, C

The Early Weights and Measures of Mankind
General London 1913

G 181 Weber, F P

Aspects of Death and Correlated Aspects of Life in Art, Epigram, and Poetry
General London 1918 3rd Edn.
G 182 Weil, A; Perriere, P de la Perriere, P de la

La Numismatique: Valeur d'Art et de Placement
General Paris 1973

G 184 Willers, H

Numismatische Kleinigkeiten Numismatischen Zeitschrift 31. Band, 1899, 2. Semester General Wien 1900

G 355 Wilson, D M (Ed.)

The Collections of the British Museum
General, Collections London 1989

G 324 Woloch, M (Ed.)

Ancient Bronze Coins in the McGill University Collection The McGill University Collection of Greek and Roman Coins, Vol. 3 General, Collection Amsterdam 1984

G 185 Wright, C T H

Subject-Index of the London Library St. James's Square, London
General, Index London 1909

G 217 Yeoman, R S

Current Coins of the World
General, Catalogue, World Racine, Wisc. 1974 6th Edn.
G 344 Yeoman, R S

A Catalog of Modern World Coins, 1850-1964
General, Catalogue, Modern Racine, Wisc. 1978 12th Edn.
G 231 Yvon, J (Ed.); Brown, H W Mitchell (Ed.) Brown, H W Mitchell (Ed.)

Medieval and Oriental Numismatics A Survey of Numismatic Research, 1966-1971 - Vol. 2 Survey, Medieval, Oriental New York 1973

G 400 Zimmerman, W.J.

The coin collectors fact book

New York 1974
09/10/1996 R