Section H: Medals


Section 1 Number Authors Author 2 Author 3 Author 4 Title Series/source Keywords Place Pub#date Edition Acquired Society
H 146 Akerman, J Y

Catalogue D'Une Partie de la Collection de Medailles du Chevalier de Horta
Medals, Collection London 1839

H 12 American Numismatic Society

Catalogue of the International Exhibition of Contemporary Medals
Medals, Contemporary, Catalogue New York 1911

H 205 anon.

Die Kunstmedaille in Deutschland 1993-1995 mit nachtragen seit 1988 Deutsche Gesellschaft fur medaillenkunst: Staatliche Museen zu Berlin Munzkabinett
Berlin 1996
18/11/1996 B
H 208 anon.

Die kunstmedaillen in Deutschland 1993-1995, mit nachtragen seit 1988 Staatlichen Museen, Berlin
Berlin 1996
06/10/1997 R
H 16 Armand, A

Les Medailleurs Italiens des Quinzieme et Seizieme Siecles, Vol. 1
Medals, Italian Bologna 1966

H 18 Armand, A

Les Medailleurs Italiens des Quinzieme et Seizieme Siecles, Vol. 3
Medals, Italian Bologna 1966

H 17 Armand, A

Les Medailleurs Italiens des Quinzieme et Seizieme Siecles, Vol. 2
Medals, Italian Bologna 1966

H 15 Armand, A

Les Medailleurs Italiens des Quinzieme et Seizieme Siecles
Medals, Italian Paris 1879

H 19 Arneth, J

Catalog der Kaiserlich-Koniglichen Medaillen-Stampel-Sammlung
Medals, Catalogue Wien 1839

H 20 Artuk, I; Artuk, C Artuk, C

Osmanli Nisanlari (The Ottoman Orders)
Medals, Ottoman Istanbul 1967

H 188 Attwood, P.

Acquisitions of Medals (1983-1987) British Museum Occaisonal Paper No.78 British Museum, Dept. of Coins and Medals, Medals London 1991
16/10/1991 R
H 111 Babelon, J; Roubier, J Roubier, J

Portraits en Medaille Encyclopedie Alpina Illustree Medals, General, Portraiture Paris 1946

H 21 Barnard, F P

Satirical and Controversial Medals of the Reformation: The Biceps or Double-Headed Series
Medals, Reformation Oxford 1927

H 152 Bartolotti, F

La Medaglia Annuale dei Romani Pontifice da Paolo V a Paolo VI 1605-1967
Medals, Papal Rimini 1967

H 180 Baxter, B A

The Beaux-Arts Medal in America
Medals, American, Beaux-Arts New York 1988

H 14 Belden, B L

Indian Peace Medals Issued in the United States
Medals, American, Indian New York 1927

H 23 Bernhart, M

Medaillen und Plaketten, Band I
Medals Braunschweig 1966

H 24 Betts, B

A Descriptive List of the Medals Relating to John Law and the Mississippi System
Medals, John Law

H 26 Bildt, Baron de

Les Medailles Romaines de Christine de Suede
Medals, Roman, Collection Rome 1908

H 153 Bildt, Baron de

Les Medailles Romaines de Christine de Suede
Medals, Roman, Collection Rome 1908

H 27 Bingen, J

Les Roettiers: Graveurs en Medaille des Pays-Bas Meridionaux
Medals, Roettiers Paris 1952

H 215 Boddington, J.

A Conquered Sea Private Publication
NA 1990
05/11/1999 R
H 112 Bojanowski, U von; Ruland, G Ruland, G

Hundert und Vierzig Jahre Weimarischer Geschichte in Medaillen und Medaillons 1756-1896
Medals, Germany, Weimar Weimar 1898

H 29 Bolzenthal, H

Skizzen zur Kunstgeschichte der Modernen Medaillen - Arbeit (1429-1840)
Medals, Arbeit Berlin 1840

H 200 Borner, L.

Von Pisano bis Selvi. Vierzig Meisterwerke der Italienischen Madaillenkunst der Renaissance und des Barock

Berlin 1995
15/02/1996 R
H 197 Brown, L.

British Historical Medals 1760-1960. Vol. 3. The accession of Edward VII to 1960

London 1995
17/11/1995 R
H 217 Carter, T.

Medals of theBritish Army Groombridge & Sons
London 1861
08/11/1999 R
H 32 Castren, K

Les Ordres Nationaux de la Finlande
Medals, Finish Helsinki 1975

H 33 Cavalcanti, de

Catalogo das Medalhas Brazileiras e das Estrangeiras Referentes ao Brazil
Medals, Brazil

H 207 Clarke, J.D.

Gallantry medals and awards of the world

Sparkford 1993
06/10/1997 R
H 34 Cole, H N

Coronation and Commemorative Medals, 1887-1953
Medals, British, Royal Aldershot 1953

H 35 Dehaye, P

Le Bastiaire des Monnaies des Sceaux et des Medailles
Medals, French Paris 1974

H 113 Delaroche, P; Dupont, H; Lenormant, C Dupont, H Lenormant, C
Tresor de Numismatique et de Glyptique, ou Recueil General des Medailles, Monnaies, Pierres Gravees, Bas-Reliefs, etc., tant anciens que modernes
Medals, French, Sceaux Paris 1834

H 134 Delaroche, P; Dupont, H; Lenormant, C Dupont, H Lenormant, C
Tresor de Numismatique. Medailles de la Revolution Francaise, depuis la Convocation des Etats-Generaux jusqu'a la Proclamation du Consolat a Vie
Medals, French Revolution Paris 1829

H 36 Demole, E

Description des Medailles Concernant Jean Calvin
Medals, Jean Calvin Lausanne 1909

H 37 Dimacopoulos, G D

Greek Orders and Medals
Medals, Greek, Military Athens 1961

H 118 Dirks, J

Atlas der Nederlandshe of op Nederland en Nederlanders betrekking hebbende Penningen, geslagen tusschen November 1813 en November 1863. 5e Stuk
Medals, Netherlands Haarlem 1893

H 114 Dirks, J

Atlas der Nederlandshe of op Nederland en Nederlanders betrekking hebbende Penningen, geslagen tusschen November 1813 en November 1863. 1e Stuk
Medals, Netherlands Haarlem 1892

H 115 Dirks, J

Atlas der Nederlandshe of op Nederland en Nederlanders betrekking hebbende Penningen, geslagen tusschen November 1813 en November 1863. 2e Stuk
Medals, Netherlands Haarlem 1892

H 116 Dirks, J

Atlas der Nederlandshe of op Nederland en Nederlanders betrekking hebbende Penningen, geslagen tusschen November 1813 en November 1863. 3e Stuk
Medals, Netherlands Haarlem 1893

H 117 Dirks, J

Atlas der Nederlandshe of op Nederland en Nederlanders betrekking hebbende Penningen, geslagen tusschen November 1813 en November 1863. 4e Stuk
Medals, Netherlands Haarlem 1893

H 161 Dolley, M

A Prize-Medal in Gold Awarded to Richard Brinsley Sheridan's Cousin
Medals, Sheridan

H 38 Dorling, H T

Ribbons and Medals
Medals, British London 1916

H 209 Drager, U.

Deutsche Kunstmedaillen des 20. Jhr. Aus der Sammlung des Landmunzkabinetts Sachsen-Anhalt Die Kunstmedaillen in Deutschland 5
Halle 1996
06/10/1997 R
H 142 Durand, A

Description des Medailles de la Revolution de 1848 dans la Collection de A Durand
Medals, 1848, Collection

H 148 Edmundson, J

Collecting Modern Commemorative Medals
Medals, Modern, Commemorative London 1972

H 119 Edwards, E

The Napoleon Medals. A Complete Series of the Medals struck in France, Italy, Great Britain and Germany, 1804-1815
Medals, Napoleonic London 1837

H 120 Eidlitz, R J

Medals and Medallions relating to Architects
Medals, Portraiture, Collection, Architects New York 1927

H 185 Eimer, C

A Introduction to Commemorative Medals
Medals London 1989

H 194 Eimer, C.

Medallic portraits of the Duke of Wellington

London 1994
04/01/1995 R
H 221 Eimer, C.

The Pingo family and medal making in 18th-century Britain British Art Medal Trust
London 1998
08/11/1999 B
H 211 Eimer, C.

The Pingo family and medal making in 18th-century Britain

London 1998
05/01/1999 R
H 40 Engstrom, J E

The Medallic Portraits of Sir Winston Churchill
British, Medals, Churchill London 1972

H 41 Fabriczy, C V; Hamilton, G W (trans.) Hamilton, G W (Translated)

Italian Medals
Medals, Italian London 1904

H 169 Fearon, D

Victorian Souvenir Medals
Medals, British, Victorian Aylesbury 1986

H 157 Felder, P

Medailleur Johann Carl Hedlinger 1691-1771, Leben und Werk
Medals, Hedlinger Salzburg 1978

H 222 Fernando, J.

Apocalipsis Museo Casa de la Moneda
Madrid 1998
08/11/1999 R
H 42 Ferrari, J N; Conde, J M G; Caballero, H A S Conde, J M G Caballero, H A S
La Revolucion de Mayo en la Medalla
Medals, Argentina Buenos Aires 1960

H 220 Field, M. Millett, T.

Convict love tokens: the leaden hearts the convicts left behind Wakefield Press
Kent Town 1998
08/11/1999 B
H 136 Fleurimont, G R

Medailles du Regne de Louis XV
Medals, France

H 43 Forrer, L

Benedetto Pistrucci: Italian Medallist & Gem-Engraver, 1784-1855 Biographical Dictionary of Medallists, &c. Italian, Medallist London 1906

H 171 Forrer, L; Martin, J S Martin, J S

Biographical Dictionary of Medallists, Index
Medallists London 1987

H 172 Forrer, L; Martin, J S Martin, J S

Biographical Dictionary of Medallists, Index
Medallists London 1987

H 151 Forschner, G

Goethe in der Medaillenkunst: eine Ausstellung der bestande des Munzkabinetts Kleine Schriften des Historischen Museums Frankfurt a. M., Band 16 Medals, Goethe, Collection, Portraiture Frankfurt 1983

H 179 Forschner, G

Papstgeschichte auf Medaillen; hIstorIae o. saCrVM DeCVs. Eine Ausstellung aus den Bestanden des Munzkabinetts Kleine Schriften des Historischen Museums Frankfurt a. M., Band 11 Medals, Popes, Collection Frankfurt 1978

H 178 Forschner, G

Kleinkunst in Silber. Schraubtaler und Schraub-Medaillen: eine Ausstellung des Munzkabinetts Kleine Schriften des Historischen Museums Frankfurt a. M., Band 10 Medals, Portraiture, Miniatures, Collection Frankfurt 1978

H 189 Forschner, G.

Frankfurter kronungs-medaillen aus dem Bestanden Munzkabinetts

Frankfurt 1992
08/06/1994 R
H 45 Freeman, S E

Medals Relating to Medicine and Allied Sciences in the Numismatic Collection of the Johns Hopkins University: A Catalogue
Medals, Medicine, Catalogue Baltimore 1964

H 140 Friedenberg, D M

Jewish Minters and Medallists
Medals, Medallists, Jews Philadelphia 1976

H 46 Friedenberg, D M

Great Jewish Portraits in Metal. Selected Plaques and Medals from the Samuel Friedenberg Collection of the Jewish Museum
Medals, Plaques, Portraiture, Jews Philadelphia 1963

H 47 Friedlaender, J

Die Italianischen Schaumunzen des Jahrhunderts 1430-1530. Ein Beitrag zur Kunstgeschichte.
Medals, Italian, Collection Berlin 1882

H 48 Gans, E (Intro. & Comments); Knight, M (Trans.) Knight, M (Trans.)

Goethe's Italian Medals. First re-publication of an Essay in the Jenaische Allgemeine Literatur-Zeitung, 1810, by J W Goethe and Heinrich Meyer
Medals, Italian, Goethe, Meyer San Diego 1969

H 1 Gillingham, H E

French Orders and Decorations American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs no. 11 Medals, French Orders, Decorations New York 1922

H 7 Gillingham, H E

Mexican Decorations of Honour American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs no. 89 Medals, Mexican, Honour New York 1940

H 6 Gillingham, H E

Ephemeral Decorations American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs no. 66 Medals, Ephemeral New York 1935

H 5 Gillingham, H E

South American Decorations and War Medals American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs no. 56 Medals, South American, Military New York 1932

H 4 Gillingham, H E

Notes on the Decorations and Medals of the French Colonies and Protectorates American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs no. 36 Medals, French, Military New York 1928

H 2 Gillingham, H E

Italian Orders of Chivalry and Medals of Honour American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs no. 20 Medals, Italian, Military New York 1923

H 177 Gillingham, H E

Spanish Orders of Chivalry and Decorations of Honour American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs no. 31 Medals, Spanish, Military New York 1926

H 49 Goldscheider, L

Unknown Renaissance Portraits. Medals of Famous Men and Women of the XV and XVI Centuries
Medals, Portraiture, Renaissance London 1952

H 228 Gordon, L.L.

British Battles and Medals Spink and Sons Medals, British London 1971

H 50 Grotemeyer, P

Da Ich het die Gestalt. Deutsche Bildnismedaillen des 16. jahrhunderts. Bibliotek des Germanischen National-Museums Nurnberg, Band 7 Medals, Portraiture, German Munich 1957

H 51 Guioth, L

Description des Medailles Frappees depuis le Commencement de la Revolution Belge de 1830, jusq'aujourd'hui
Medals, Belgium

H 224 Habich, G.

Die Deutschen Schaumunzen des XVI. Jhr. Band III-IV Buckland Dix & Wood
London 1994
17/11/1999 R
H 223 Habich, G.

Die Deutschen Schaumunzen des XVI. Jhr. Band I-II Buckland Dix & Wood
London 1994
17/11/1999 R
H 135 Hamburger, L

Sammlung +Geheimrat Hermann Vogel, Chemnitz. 1. Abteilung: Kunstmedaillen
Medals, Sale Catalogue, Collection Frankfurt 1924

H 8 Hazelton, A W

The Russian Imperial Orders American Numismatic Society Notes and Monographs, No. 51 Medals, Russian, Military New York 1932

H 52 Heeckeren van Brandsenburg, F I van

Beschryving en Afbeeldingen van Nederlandsche Gedenk-Penningen, welke sedert 1815, tot 1838, aan 's Ryks Munt te Utrecht.
Medals, Utrecht Utrecht

H 213 Heidemann, M.

Medaillenkunst in Deutschland von 1895 bis 1914

Berlin 1998
05/11/1999 R
H 155 Hieronymussen, P

Orders, Medals and Decorations of Britain and Europe
Medals, European, Military London 1967

H 53 Hildebrand, E

Minnespenningar ofver Enskilda Svenska Man och Qvinnor
Medals, Sweden Stockholm 1860

H 121 Hildebrand, E

Swenska Sigiller fran Medeltiden
Medals, Sweden, Seals Stockholm 1867

H 54 Hill, G F

Select Italian Medals of the Renaissance in the British Museum
Medals, Renaissance London 1915

H 123 Hill, G F

A Corpus of Italian Medals of the Renaissance before Cellini: Plates
Medals, Italian, Renaissance, Corpus London 1930

H 122 Hill, G F

A Corpus of Italian Medals of the Renaissance before Cellini: Text
Medals, Italian, Renaissance, Corpus London 1930

H 58 Hill, G F

A Guide to the Exhibition of Medals of the Renaissance in the British Museum
Medals, Renaissance London 1923

H 59 Hill, G F

The Medallic Portraits of Christ. The False Shekels. The Thirty Pieces of Silver
Medals, Portraiture, Christ Oxford 1920

H 60 Hill, G F

On Medals
Medals London 1917

H 55 Hill, G F

Medals of the Renaissance
Medals, Renaissance Oxford 1920

H 56 Hill, G F; Pollard, G (rev.) Pollard, G (rev.)

Renaissance Medals: From the Samuel H. Kress Collection at the National Gallery of Art
Medals, Renaissance London 1967 Rev. Edn.
H 57 Hill, G F; Pollard, G (rev.) Pollard, G (rev.)

Medals of the Renaissance
Medals, Renaissance London 1978 Rev. Edn.
H 125 Hirsch, J

Kunstmedaillen und Plaketten des XV. bis XVII. Jahrhunderts Sammlung Arthur Lobbecke, Braunschweig, No. XXIII Medals, Plaques, Sale Catalogue, Collection, Renaissance Munich 1908

H 167 Hlinka, J

Medailerstvo Na Slovensku of 16. po Zaciatok 20. Storocia
Medals Bratislava 1976

H 183 Holzmair, E

Medicina in Nummis: Katalog der Sammlung Dr. Josef Brettauer Numismatischen Kommission, Band 22 Medals, Medicine Wien 1989

H 61 Hondt, A de

Catalogus van een zeer uytmuntend en wel bewaard Cabinet bestaande uyt eene weergalooze menigte van Zilvere Medailles...verzameld door A. Schoemaker
Medals, Low Countries, Sale Catalogue The Hague 1720

H 9 Hume, E E

The Medals of the United States Army Medical Department and Medals Honoring Army Medical Officers Numismatic Notes and Monographs, No. 98 Medals, American, Military, Medical New York 1942

H 124 Huszar, L; Procopius, B von Procopius, B von

Medaillen- und Plakettenkunst in Ungarn
Medals, Plaques, Hungary Budapest 1932

H 62 Huszar, L; Varannai, G Varannai, G

Medicina in Nummis: Hungarian Coins and Medals Related to Medicine
Medals, Hungarian, Medicine Budapest 1977

H 159 Istituto Poligrafico E Zecca Dello Stato

L'Arte Della Medaglia e Della Moneta Nelle Opere Della Zecca di Stato Dal 1846
Medals, Coins Rome 1980

H 63 Iversen, J

Medaillen auf Die Thaten Peter des Grossen
Medals Leningrad 1872

H 64 Jacquiot, J

Medailles et Jetons de Louis XIV D'Apres le Manuscrit de Londres, Vol. 1-2
Medals, French Paris 1968

H 65 Jacquiot, J

Medailles et Jetons de Louis XIV D'Apres le Manuscrit de Londres, Vol. 3-4
Medals, French Paris 1968

H 13 Joan of Arc Statue Committee

Joan of Arc: Loan Exhibition Catalogue
Medals, Joan of Arc New York 1913

H 66 Jobert

Einleitung zur Medaillen
Medals Leipzig 1718

H 67 Johnson, S C

The Medals of Our Fighting Men
Medals, British, Military London

H 203 Johnson, S.C.

The medal collector. A guide to naval, military, airforce and civil awards

London 1921
09/10/1996 R
H 156 Jones, M

A Catalogue of the French Medals in the British Museum, Vol. 1: AD 1402-1610
Medals, French London 1982

H 181 Jones, M

A Catalogue of the French Medals in the British Museum, Vol. 2: AD 1600-1672
Medals, French London 1988

H 69 Jones, M

The Art of the Medal
Medals London 1979

H 70 Jonge, J C de

Notice sur le Cabinet des Medailles et des Pierres Gravees de Sa Majeste le Roi des Pays-Bas
Medals, Collection The Hague 1823

H 154 Julian, R W; Harris, N N (Ed.) Harris, N N (Ed.)

Medals of the United States Mint: The First Century, 1792-1892
Medals, United States El Cajon, CA 1977

H 190 Junge, E.

The Seaby coin encyclodaepia Seaby
London 1992 Revised 08/06/1994 B
H 71 Katz, V

Die Erzgebirgische Pragemedaille des XVI. Jahrhunderts
Medals Praha 1932

H 31 Keary, C F

A Guide to the Italian Medals Exhibited in the King's Library
Medals, Italian, Collection London 1881

H 30 Keary, C F

A Guide to the Italian Medals Exhibited in the King's Library
Medals, Italian, Collection London 1881

H 72 Keysall, J

An Essay on the Usefulness of Medals, Particularly Those of Antiquity

H 73 Kryuchikov, M I

Soviet Commemorative Medallions, 1917-1967
Medals, Soviet Leningrad 1968

H 160 Lagerqvist, L O

Medaljer Utgivna av Svenska Numismatiska Foreningen, 1873-1977
Medals Stockholm 1977

H 216 Lagerqvist, L.O.

Gunvor Svensson Lundkvist medaljen skulptur I miniatyr Kungliga Myntkabinettet
Stockholm 1999
05/11/1999 R
H 147 Lavanchy, C

Les Medailles du Canton de Vaud
Medals, Vaud Lausanne 1975

H 145 Leszers, F C

Besondere Munzen, welche so wohl aufGelehrte Gesellschaften
Medals, Germany Leipzig 1739

H 162 Lindgren, T

Birgittamedaljer: Medals of St. Bridget of Sweden
Medals, St. Bridget Credo 1961

H 199 Linecar, H.W.A.

The commemorative medal. Its appreciation and collection

Vancouver 1974
17/11/1995 R
H 126 Loon, G van

Histoire Metallique des XVII Provences des Pays-Bas, depuis l'Abdication de Charles-Quint, jusq'a la Paix de Bade en MDCCVI. Tome Premier
Medals, Netherlands, Luxembourg The Hague 1732

H 130 Loon, G van

Histoire Metallique des XVII Provences des Pays-Bas, depuis l'Abdication de Charles-Quint, jusq'a la Paix de Bade en MDCCVI. Tome Cinquieme
Medals, Netherlands, Luxembourg The Hague 1737

H 129 Loon, G van

Histoire Metallique des XVII Provences des Pays-Bas, depuis l'Abdication de Charles-Quint, jusq'a la Paix de Bade en MDCCVI. Tome Quatrieme
Medals, Netherlands, Luxembourg The Hague 1736

H 127 Loon, G van

Histoire Metallique des XVII Provences des Pays-Bas, depuis l'Abdication de Charles-Quint, jusq'a la Paix de Bade en MDCCVI. Tome Second
Medals, Netherlands, Luxembourg The Hague 1732

H 131 Loon, G van

Beschryving der Nederlandsche Historipenningen. Overdracht der Heerschappye van Keyzer Karel den Vyfden op Koning Philips Zynen Zoon
Medals, Netherlands The Hague 1726

H 128 Loon, G van

Histoire Metallique des XVII Provences des Pays-Bas, depuis l'Abdication de Charles-Quint, jusq'a la Paix de Bade en MDCCVI. Tome Troisieme
Medals, Netherlands, Luxembourg The Hague 1732

H 210 Marsh, M.A.

Benedetto Pistrucci Principle Engraver and chief medallist of the Royal Mint 1783-1855

Cambridge 1996
20/11/1997 B
H 75 Muzeum Sztuki Medalierskiej

Sztuka Medalierska W Polsce Ludowej, 1945-1965
Medals, Polish Warsaw

H 132 Napione, G G

Storia Metallica della Real Casa di Savoia
Medals, Savoy, Sardinia Turin 1828

H 191 Nathorst-Boos, E. Wisehn, I.

Numismatiska forskare och myntsamlare I Sverige fram till 1830-talet

Stockholm 1987
08/06/1994 R
H 10 Noe, S P

The Medallic Work of A A Weinman American Numismatic Society, Notes and Monographs, No. 7 Medals, Weinman New York 1921

H 77 Nohejlova-Pratova, E

Katalog Vystavni Sbirky Medaili
Medals, Catalogue Praha 1963

H 76 Nohejlova-Pratova, E

Ceska a Slovenska Medaile, 1508-1968

H 78 Norris, A S; Weber, I Weber, I

Medals and Plaquettes from the Molinari Collection at Bowdoin College
Medals, Collection Brunswick, Maine 1976

H 80 Ossbahr, C A

Mynt Och Medaljer: Slagna For Frammande Makter I Anledning Av Krig Mot Sverige
Medals Uppsala 1927

H 81 Pagani, A

I Bersaglieri Nelle Merdaglie, 1836-1936
Medals Milan 1937

H 82 Patrignani, A

Le Medaglie di Gregorio XVI, 1831-1846
Medals, Gregorio Rome 1929

H 83 Patrignani, A

Le Medaglie di Pio VII, 1800-1825
Medals, Papal Pescara 1930

H 201 Perko-Greiffenbuhl, W.

Medaillen, Plaketten, Abzeichen und Marken der Stadt Baden bei Wien 1714-1995

Vienna 1995
28/05/1996 R
H 204 Perko-Greiffenbuhl, W.

Medaillen, Plaketten, Abzeichen und Marken der Stadt Baden bei Wien 1714-1995

Vienna 1995
11/11/1996 R
H 133 Pick, B

Luther-Medaillen [cutting from unidentified journal] Medals, Luther

H 139 Pinches, J H

The Family of Pinches: The Medallists, Their Shropshire Forebears Back to c.1490, and Some Collateral Families
Medals, British London 1981

H 79 Polivier, W

Iconographie Metallique du General Lafayette
Medals, Lafayette Paris 1933

H 176 Pospisil, R; Dokoncil, K T; Burian, V Dokoncil, K T Burian, V
Katalog Streleckych Medaili, Minci, Plaket a Odznaku ze Sbirek Krajskeho Vlastivedneho Muzea v Olomouci
Medals Olomouc 1979

H 84 Poulsom, N W

The White Ribbon: A Medallic Record of British Polar Expeditions
Medals, British, White Ribbon London 1968

H 173 Puddester, R P

Catalogue of British India Historical Medals, Including Temperance, Shooting and Sporting Medals, Badges and Miscellaneous Items
Medals, British, Indian Glastonbury 1987

H 165 Pulec, V

Ceskoslovenska Statni Vyznamenani, Statni Cestna Uznani a Ceny
Medals, Checkoslovakia Praha 1980

H 85 Purves, A A

Collecting Medals and Decorations
Medals, Decorations London 1968

H 86 Pyke, E J

A Biographical Dictionary of Wax Modellers
Wax Modellers Oxford 1973

H 163 Rasmusson, N L

Queen Christina of Sweden: Documents and Studies Analecta Reginensia 1 Medals, Swedish Stockholm 1966

H 214 Reynaud, G.E.

Histoire du Cabinet des Medailles de Marseille Archives de la ville de Marseille

05/11/1999 R
H 74 Riechmann & co

Sammlung Arthur Lobbecke. Kunstmedaillen und Plaketten des XV.-XVII. Jahrhunderts
Medals, Renaissance, Collection, Sale Catalogue Halle 1925

H 87 Rinaldi, A

Catalogo delle Medaglie Papali Annuali da Pio VII a Paolo VI
Medals, Papal Verona 1967

H 88 Roest, T M

Catalogue du Cabinet Numismatique de la Fondation Teyler a Harlem
Medals, Catalogue Harlem 1889

H 89 Rosati, F P

Medaglie e Placchette Italiane dal Rinacsciment al XVIII Secolo
Medals, Italian Rome 1968

H 90 Royal Society of Arts

Exhibition of European Medals, 1930-1955
Medals, European, Modern London 1955

H 91 Rubenkonig, J

Catalogus van Penningen en Munten
Low Countries, Medals

H 92 Salton Collection

The Salton Collection of Renaissance and Baroque Medals and Plaquettes
Medals, Renaissance, Baroque, Collection Brunswick, Maine 1965

H 192 Santa Barbara, A. de Oliveira, F.P.

Historical da medalha comemoratia religiosa

Fatima 1975
08/06/1994 R
H 93 Santa Barbara, A; Pereira de Oliveira, F Pereira de Oliveira, F

Historial da Medalha Comemorativa Religiosa
Medals, Religious Fatima 1975

H 94 Saragossa

Exposicion de Medallas del Siglo XX
Medals, Spanish Madrid 1955

H 95 Simonis, J

L'Art du Medailleur en Belgique
Medals, Belgium Brussels 1900

H 226 Smolderen, L.

Jacques Jonghelinck: Sculpteur, medailleur et graveur de sceaux (1530-1606) Numismatica Lovaniensia 15 Medals, Renaissance Louvain-la-Neuve 1996
04/09/2001 R
H 96 Snowden, J R

A Description of the Medals of Washington
Medals, Washington Philadelphia 1861

H 175 Stahl, A (Ed.)

The Medal in America: Coinage of the Americas Conference at the American Numismatic Society
Medals, American New York 1988

H 99 Stchukina, E S

Russian Medallic Art in the 18th Century (In Russian)
Medals, Russian Leningrad 1962

H 186 Stefanelli, L P B

Roma, Museo della Zeccha. I modelli in cera di Benedetto Pistrucci, Volume I Bollettino di Numismatica, Monografia I, II, 1 Medals, Pistrucci, Wax Models, Catalogue Rome 1989
13/02/1991 R
H 187 Stefanelli, L P B

Roma, Museo della Zeccha. I modelli in cera di Benedetto Pistrucci, Volume II Bollettino di Numismatica, Monografia I, II, 2 Medals, Pistrucci, Wax Models, Catalogue Rome 1989
13/02/1991 R
H 219 Steguweit, W.

Das Munzkabinett und die Forderung der Medaillenkunst Kunstlerbriefe 1900-14: Medaillenedition Das Kabinett 5
Berlin 1998
08/11/1999 R
H 218 Steguweit, W.

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